Turntables - Hiss


New member
Hello All:

1. Unfortunately, 22 yrs ago. I sold my collection of 200 albums.

2. Which moderately-priced turntable is recommended (I'm doing my own research, but would appreciate more intelligent opinions).

3. Every album I ever owned, had hiss, which could only be overcome with increasing the volume (B&O turntable w/ a Shure and Ortofon? cartridge).

Eric G.
yeah i noticed this too :)
must be a misaligned head or an uncalibrated flux capacitor or something :p :D

If you must know, I shun being overt, but you forced the issue. I sent the E-mail a few times for those of you who are slow of wit. Nothing like a couple of readings to help those petite of mind to absorb.

I have it on good authority that remedial classes are either free or subsidized. Do yourself a favour, and grasp the opportunity.

Now go back to your video games, where the cerebellum is not required.

Best Regards
Your Guardian
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If you must know, I shun being overt, but you forced the issue. I sent the E-mail a few times for those of you who are slow of wit. Nothing like a couple of readings to help those petite of mind to absorb.

I have it on good authority that redemial classes are either free or subsidized. Do yourself a favour, and grasp the opportunity.

Now go back to your video games, where the cerebellum is not required.

Best Regards
Your Guardian

how much are you asking for your crappy thesaurus dude?
he also did not correctly spell "remedial"... I suggest that if you want to talk down to folks about their smarts, that you make sure to spell everything correctly..
he also did not correctly spell "remedial"... I suggest that if you want to talk down to folks about their smarts, that you make sure to spell everything correctly..

1. Firstly, the only reason I 'talked down' to those 'folks', and I use the term loosely, is because they are ignorant and arrogant.
2. I believe that you are also a candidate for the rest of that mentally challenged group that you choose to defend.

From the Merriam Webster dictionary:

Main Entry:
1: intended as a remedy
2: concerned with the correction of faulty study habits and the raising of a pupil's general competence <remedial reading courses>; also : receiving or requiring remedial instruction <remedial students>
— re·me·di·al·ly \-ə-lē\ adverb

Anymore comments from you geniuses, or do you intend on regrouping to come up with some more inane loud-mouth vitriol.

I thought the purpose of this Forum was for the mutual exchange of information. Apparently, your showing so far is that of a few adolescenct teenagers, who may have matriculated from high school so that the educators could get you out.

You want to give it a new start? I don't mind humour, but invective is for Neanderthals. Your choice.

Eric G.

P.S. The spelling-bee champion will find that words like 'humour' may also be spelled as 'humor'.


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1. Firstly, the only reason I 'talked down' to those 'folks', and I use the term loosely, is because they are ignorant and arrogant.
2. I believe that you are also a candidate for the rest of that mentally challenged group that you choose to defend.

From the Merriam Webster dictionary:

Main Entry:
1: intended as a remedy
2: concerned with the correction of faulty study habits and the raising of a pupil's general competence <remedial reading courses>; also : receiving or requiring remedial instruction <remedial students>
— re·me·di·al·ly \-ə-lē\ adverb

Anymore comments from you geniuses, or do you intend on regrouping to come up with some more inane loud-mouth vitriol.

I thought the purpose of this Forum was for the mutual exchange of information. Apparently, your showing so far is that of a few adolescenct teenagers, who may have matriculated from high school so that the educators could get you out.

You want to give it a new start? I don't mind humour, but invective is for Neanderthals. Your choice.

Eric G.

P.S. The spelling-bee champion will find that words like 'humour' may also be spelled as 'humor'.

welcome to the forum.........:confused:
glad to have you here.........:eek:
feel free to to use the search button...........:cool:
plenty of good info on the forums................;)

and the word of the day......

kojdogg: "how much are you asking for your crappy thesaurus dude?"

tomacco: Well my illiterate friend, a good thesaurus would benefit you immensely, and I for one, am enthused that you're taking steps to improve your unfulfilled education. May I also suggest 'Fowlers Modern English Usage' to supplement your new-found studies.

Best Regards
Eric G.
eric, i appreciate the sage advice from someone who has obviously mastered both the english language and the art of interpersonal communication.

incidentally, a tip in return-- speaking of illiteracy... perhaps you should consider consolidating your three threads in this for sale section, namely "Turntables - Hiss", "Pioneer RT-909" and "Tape Thickness" into one for sale thread. that way people here could more easily track which items were available for sale and which had already been sold. you will probably find that this is fairly common convention on these kinds of message boards. it will also help anyone who wishes to post for sale ads for "Turntables - Hiss", "Pioneer RT-909" and/or "Tape Thickness" to determine pricing and to establish fair market value for "Turntables - Hiss", "Pioneer RT-909" and/or "Tape Thickness"

:p :D
eric, i appreciate the sage advice from someone who has obviously mastered both the english language and the art of interpersonal communication.
incidentally, a tip in return-- speaking of illiteracy... perhaps you should consider consolidating your three threads in this for sale section, namely "Turntables - Hiss", "Pioneer RT-909" and "Tape Thickness" into one for sale thread. that way people here could more easily track which items were available for sale and which had already been sold. you will probably find that this is fairly common convention on these kinds of message boards. it will also help anyone who wishes to post for sale ads for "Turntables - Hiss", "Pioneer RT-909" and/or "Tape Thickness" to determine pricing and to establish fair market value for "Turntables - Hiss", "Pioneer RT-909" and/or "Tape Thickness"

:p :D

Ha-Ha................touche' Doctor Koj
Hello All:

1. Unfortunately, 22 yrs ago. I sold my collection of 200 albums.

2. Which moderately-priced turntable is recommended (I'm doing my own research, but would appreciate more intelligent opinions).

3. Every album I ever owned, had hiss, which could only be overcome with increasing the volume (B&O turntable w/ a Shure and Ortofon? cartridge).

Eric G.

I've tried to take this seriously.... Despite the obvious wrong forum issue, and charming approach by the OP, I'm trying to understand, but am left with only questions....

1. Then why do you need a turntable?

2. Recommended to do what?

3. If all albums have hiss, what are you asking?
I've tried to take this seriously.... Despite the obvious wrong forum issue, and charming approach by the OP, I'm trying to understand, but am left with only questions....

1. Then why do you need a turntable?

2. Recommended to do what?

3. If all albums have hiss, what are you asking?

#1 Very good point Whys-with no albums a turntable is totally unneeded-I totally agree!

#2 See question #1

#3 The problem is not with the albums, it sounds as if you're turntable is not properly grounded-that will cause the hiss problem you encountered. There should be a ground lead from the turntable that should be grounded to the chassis of the stereo amplifier.