Turntables - Hiss

Is this thread intended to sell the turntable or the hiss? Or is it for the aquisition of both? It certainly has taken on the dynamics of a mellodrama the like of which required the participation of the audience who would hiss & boo at the villain on cue.
A firm grasp on a thesaurus does not a clear message make.
I note that the gentleperson is giving the hiss, in the form of a protracted hissyfit, away free with every reading and has failed, despite several attempts but we denizens of ditch water, to grasp that his post makes sense neither in it use of the vernacular or its placement within this forum.
Tomacco, please type thesuarus and the chaser into a youtube search & watch the resulting flv for elucidation, clarification and amusement.
Your username prompts me to assume you have a sense of humour, but I'm certain you know what 'Onest Abe said about that!
Maybe it was red email?
....stupid AND arrogant - killer combo.....:D
My Spidy senses were tingling, so after a long earned sojourn, I return to find more dissidence amongst the ignoramuses. While you are a great source of amusement, you don't know when to quit, and you are starting to irritate me. Rather than talk about electronics, you delinquents seem to derive more pleasure by attempting invective and vitriol. But you are ill-equipped for that type of confrontation - intellectually, you are amoebas.

Now to deal with whyseye: Greetings and salutations my bellacose bumpkin bonehead. I see that you have been secunded by your other merry compatriots. But you just don't quite have it right. You are STUPID, while I'm only ARROGANT when the need arises. I do have an arsenal of intellectual fire power to decimate you so that you'll crawl to your Mommy for comfort.

Now why don't you and the other Neanderthals crawl back into your caves and play with your video games, while the adults (and I can see most of you don't fit into this category), talk about analogue electronics.

Or the other option is to shut your gobs, listen to the advice, and walk away as content people, a LITTLE less stupid than you were before.

In the future, you're going to have to earn this advise by demonstrating to me that you are progressing in your intellectual and social skills.
1. Firstly, the only reason I 'talked down' to those 'folks', and I use the term loosely, is because they are ignorant and arrogant.2. ....

Now to deal with whyseye: Greetings and salutations my bellacose bumpkin bonehead. I see that you have been secunded by your other merry compatriots. But you just don't quite have it right. You are STUPID, while I'm only ARROGANT when the need arises. I do have an arsenal of intellectual fire power to decimate you so that you'll crawl to your Mommy for comfort.


...oh silly me....I misquoted you.....:rolleyes:

Thank goodness you're here to show me what's correct... :D
eric, i appreciate the sage advice from someone who has obviously mastered both the english language and the art of interpersonal communication.

incidentally, a tip in return-- speaking of illiteracy... perhaps you should consider consolidating your three threads in this for sale section, namely "Turntables - Hiss", "Pioneer RT-909" and "Tape Thickness" into one for sale thread. that way people here could more easily track which items were available for sale and which had already been sold. you will probably find that this is fairly common convention on these kinds of message boards. it will also help anyone who wishes to post for sale ads for "Turntables - Hiss", "Pioneer RT-909" and/or "Tape Thickness" to determine pricing and to establish fair market value for "Turntables - Hiss", "Pioneer RT-909" and/or "Tape Thickness"

:p :D

kojdogg: I appreciate your gratitude; it demonstrates that you are progressing socially. This world is indeed in need of kind words. My thanks to you.

Now let's address your reciprocation - a gift for a gift as it were. If I lose you anywhere along this little journey, I'll gladly post some clarification.

Firstly, I'm not selling anything; it's most peculiar you were unable to distinquish the difference between a question, and someone selling something. A perception problem of sorts?

Secondly, what I'm talking about falls into the category of analogue electronics. Turntables are not related to reel-to-reels (R2Rs), or as they are sometimes known - open reel recorders. And tape is the medium used by R2R's. So what we have here are three distinct questions, or areas of inquiry; two of which are related, and one that is disjunct.

I do apologise for the confusion. At the time I wrote those posts, I wasn't cognisant of your limited perception.
What the hell? How did this thread get blown so out of proportion?

Well that's a pretty easy one. What you have is a group of ignorant adolescences, who are struggling for the alpha position in the group by attempting to ridicule posters. The one perceived having spewed the most vitriol receives the alpha position, while the others receive progressively lower positions in the "pecking order".

The problem here is that none of them have the mental capacity to be the leader. They were born into servitude, but cannot readily accept that - they are still covertly fighting amongst themselves when they should be searching for a Messiah.

God bless the ignorant!
Ha-Ha................touche' Doctor Koj

You seem to be less perceptive than koj if that's possible. Well I suppose it is possible; afterall, you agreed with his post. But did you understand what he wrote?

Sheesh, another one for remedial classes.
kojdogg: I appreciate your gratitude; it demonstrates that you are progressing socially. This world is indeed in need of kind words. My thanks to you.

Now let's address your reciprocation - a gift for a gift as it were. If I lose you anywhere along this little journey, I'll gladly post some clarification.

Firstly, I'm not selling anything; it's most peculiar you were unable to distinquish the difference between a question, and someone selling something. A perception problem of sorts?

Secondly, what I'm talking about falls into the category of analogue electronics. Turntables are not related to reel-to-reels (R2Rs), or as they are sometimes known - open reel recorders. And tape is the medium used by R2R's. So what we have here are three distinct questions, or areas of inquiry; two of which are related, and one that is disjunct.

I do apologise for the confusion. At the time I wrote those posts, I wasn't cognisant of your limited perception.

wow... chicks must really dig you
...oh silly me....I misquoted you.....:rolleyes:

Thank goodness you're here to show me what's correct... :D

Face the facts. Like most of your ilk, you posted a stupid remark, and you think you're going to gain respect by writing like a little school girl? Everyone is laughing behind your back.
Secondly, what I'm talking about falls into the category of analogue electronics. Turntables are not related to reel-to-reels (R2Rs), or as they are sometimes known - open reel recorders. And tape is the medium used by R2R's. So what we have here are three distinct questions, or areas of inquiry; two of which are related, and one that is disjunct.

I do apologise for the confusion. At the time I wrote those posts, I wasn't cognisant of your limited perception.

no we get it man, we were trying to tell you that you posted three threads about analog gear :o in the wrong forum-- this is the for sale forum.

your story has become tiresome. now's the time on sprockets when we dance :D
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no we get it man, we were trying to tell you that you posted three threads about analog gear :o in the wrong forum-- this is the for sale forum.

your story has become tiresome. now's the time on sprockets when we dance :D

kojdogg: I plead ignorance, and am taking the 5th - I'm NOT selling ANYTHING! If you would have initially said that I was in the wrong Forum, all of this silly confrontation wouldn't have happened! Is this how you treat people who make honest mistakes?

Later man - much later
kojdogg: I plead ignorance, and am taking the 5th - I'm NOT selling ANYTHING! If you would have initially said that I was in the wrong Forum, all of this silly confrontation wouldn't have happened! Is this how you treat people who make honest mistakes?

Later man - much later

tomacco-- the second post in this thread tells you that you posted in the wrong forum:

fwiw, you picked a username that references one of the better simpsons episodes in recent years and i have to give you props for that :)
Face the facts. Like most of your ilk, you posted a stupid remark, and you think you're going to gain respect by writing like a little school girl? Everyone is laughing behind your back.

I'm not, because secretly I am hoping to ask whys to the prom. Unfortunately, I am too shy, so she'll probably grow impatient waiting for me to ask, and she'll go with a gay guy who is a good dancer, just like my girlfriend did the first time I was in high school :(
i dunno man... i wouldn't count yourself out-- she has a thing for microphones :p :D

Yeah, well, she already has 'em. Plus, one of my life goals is to never go to California. Lately that has been updated to never leaving the island, but I fail at that a few times a year :(

Also, there's the married with five kids issue. :o

I think society would be more interesting if divorce were prohibited, but at age 40 everybody had to split up and go through high school again. :eek:

No, that would actually be horrible, but it would make for good reality TV :D
I think society would be more interesting if divorce were prohibited, but at age 40 everybody had to split up and go through high school again. :eek:

No, that would actually be horrible, but it would make for good reality TV :D

just have a stereotypical american mid life crisis-- it's kind of the same, but w/o the lame "learning" or skin problems and you can have whatever car you want.