Turntables - Hiss

just have a stereotypical american mid life crisis-- it's kind of the same, but w/o the lame "learning" or skin problems and you can have whatever car you want.

Waaaay ahead of you. At age 30 I quit my job to become a farmer. That didn't go so well, so I got another job. To placate myself, I bought my dream car, a Mini Cooper. OK, that wasn't really my dream car, but it's cheap and fun and now it's a woody. Then I quit that job at 34 to become a beach bum. :cool:

However, I still suffer from psoriasis :( Fortunately, I remain completely unconcerned with my personal appearance and hygiene. :o
kojdogg: I plead ignorance, and am taking the 5th - I'm NOT selling ANYTHING! If you would have initially said that I was in the wrong Forum, all of this silly confrontation wouldn't have happened! Is this how you treat people who make honest mistakes?

Later man - much later

This has been pretty amusing to say the least... :rolleyes:

Tomacco posts in the wrong forum, an attempt is made to inform him of that and he goes on some sort of epileptic cyber defensive which consists mainly of 'I'm-better-than-all-of-you-because-I-said-so' diatribes. :D

Since he went on the defensive pretty much immediately, it's obvious that he spends his online time trying to figure out the best ways to elevate his mating status among the herd in computer forums... The amount of energy he wastes trying to convince everyone of his 'obvious' mental superiority :rolleyes: indicates that this is something very important to him.

I think we all have learned a valuable lesson from all of this...

Trolls DO travel in herds...

I'm not, because secretly I am hoping to ask whys to the prom. Unfortunately, I am too shy, so she'll probably grow impatient waiting for me to ask, and she'll go with a gay guy who is a good dancer, just like my girlfriend did the first time I was in high school :(

LOL - I knew that being female in this military academy would offer some advantages...:D

....and for the record, it wasn't prom - it was American Bandstand....:o

...but if it weren't for the wife and kids....and that whole Southern East Coast thing... :rolleyes:
This thread is useless with pics :D

Which ones were you guys? :confused:

Whyseye and Mshilarious prom night

