the way it is

Oh no, I'm giving it to you free. I don't deserve it. I'm taking up gay porno and stamp collecting. You've just put me that far down. I can't even come up with a wity come back. Game over dude. You win. I live at 647 Castle Cliff in Ballwin, Missouri. Come on over and pick it up. Does any body have any stamps with guys kissing on 'em?
Careful Track, I'm pretty close to you. I might have to stop by for a couple of mics.

Maybe he'll have a refreshing sip of what was offered in my post.
I don't care how talented or knowledgable he is. He's still a piece of shit. Go to another site please sweetnuts.
Hey not-so-sweetnuts...... the words of Frank Zappa,

"...bite it, Marie........."

In the words of Bruce Valeriani,

"...why don't you get the fuck outta here if you have nothing of value to contribute? There are plenty of pros here who encourage the sharing of information to HELP novices. What this site DOESN'T NEED is some little piss-ant with no credibility and a bad attitude.."
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i hear a lot of what you are saying.

i also have a lot of the gear you mentioned. I'm not trying to take your business for now - well, I'll say I'm not trying to take pipeline's business...becuase you may be full of shit, hard to say at this point.

But, that's why I am here, and that's why I buy mid level gear... to pick the brains of people like pipeline, so that eventually I can hang with him.

and whats so bad about indie rock?
So tell me fuck stick, er nub dick, er what's yer name, what's your credentials? What have you done that's professional? National release? Let's hear something. I know who walks the walk and who talks the talk around here. So far you have all the credibility of DJ'Finjaz.
>A bullshit attitude like yours is useless and very unwelcome."

Hey nubby. You were warned not to feed the bears. Oh well.

And your sad sack attitude sounds drenched in:

1) Fear. That some low-budget H/R studio will create a recording that will make your stuff sound like yesterday's news.
Ouch, that's gotta hurt.

and plenty of

2) Anger. About that same thing that makes you fearful.

Get over it. Homerecording is a FUN hobby that's about creativity as well as proficiency, not just the selection and use of the best equipment available.

Oh. And by the way. re: your comment about requiring credentials to operate a recording device.

This is H/

Badges? We don't need no steenking badges.
I dont want to be defending sweetnutz or his "mogami microphones" but some of you guys are kinda off

"in regards to cutting into your business, you've got to be shitting me. A discerning musician knows the difference between home recording engineer and a "real" studio."

this just is NOT true. Just like any other business, people assume if its OPEN, has a name, charges money, etc...than it IS legit. Thats all there is to it, next is price. For 80% or so of the business it IS like that

there ARE worthless hacks cutting in on business

I LOVE you guys recording at home. I think its a two way street, I think it is a good healthy thing.

I DONT think that an engineer should just be able to go and charge tho. There really should be some sort of certification, and you wouldnt be able to pass it just by going to Full Sail either. Its just not fair that someone has to EAT SHIT and give up any hope of a normal life, in order to learn the skills that he is to pass on to the next generation, just to have some asswipe with a GC Studio in a Box undercharge him.

If this keeps up I promise there will no longer be a knowledge flow, as noone will be able to live long enough to learn while starving

its a rough issue, and has really been a problem since the ADATS came out
I spent years using all the great high end gear. I have years on SSL, Neumann, Neve, plate reverbs (chambers never did much for me), and more 480Ls than I can count. I have used UA and RCA and old DBX. I know the sound of all that stuff, and I quit using it. I just got sick of the music I had to work on in order for the studio to make money using stuff which costs that much money. I was good at what I was doing, the musicians were world class, and the gear was top notch. I wouldn't go back to that world for anything. Everything we did was for some bullshit corporate bottom line.

I now own a VS-2480, a handful of mics, and my Mackie HR824s, which sound so much better than the NS-10s I used for years, and the Mackies don't give me headaches. Mixing with HR824s is fun, and when I take breaks it is to let my ears rest, and not to down a handful of Advil. I work with bands that make music I like, and I have fun recording. The best part is I actually get to like music again.

Gear exists as a means to an end. If it works, it is great. The sounds I get now are as good as anything I ever got in the past, it just takes a little more time. Then again, my studios rate is less than a quarter of the places I used to work, so my clients can afford to take a little more time.

And I never have a bad day at the studio. Everyday is fun. Can you say that?


"Cowards can never be moral."
M.K. Gandhi
I assume that most people in here, really arent too concerned with being all things to all people, they are mostly worried about making something that puts them in the best light.

Dont let some numnutz come in here and scare you off of gear that you know and love. If it sounds good to you, and it it works in a way that helps you out, then that is all that really matters. In my job I DO have to put up a little air of snootiness or something like that, but not much cuz I hate snobs. In my case I DO have to be all things to all comers, so I DO have to own lots of gear that has a name that the client will ask for. So what?
If it were only for me, I wouldnt have a tenth of this stuff!

You guys use what you got, and you use it so OFTEN that it is like an instrument for you, and I envy that. With all the junk I have I never get a chance to become intimately familiar with any of it, and its a bummer. I hear mp3z on this BBS all the time that prove over and over, that even with a limited set of tools a great product can be made. It is obvious that some of you invest a LOT of time focusing on one tool and it shows in the quality of the work. That beats racks full of gear any day.

that " all your gear sucks" comment was just too silly, maybe sweetnubs needs to go listen to the mp3 section of the board before he talks about what gear sucks
I don't care what gear anyone is talking about, blaming it on gear is out-right ignorant!!! Blaming it on Radio Shack or Guitar Center is ignorant!!! Blaming it on home studios is ignorant!!! Blaming it on hobbyists is ignorant!!! Blaming it on musicians (no matter where they're at in their musicianship) is ignorrant!!! Blaming it on the wannabes is ignorant!!!

It's WE, as the people of our idustry and where we've been heading (which use to be a positive direction) is to blame!!! We went from one extreme side of the pendulum to the other extreme side. We've swung too far!!! We, as a group, need to figure-out how to swing-back closer toward the middle so that we all have a place and we all know where that is!!!

It's WE who control our direction, NOT the gear manufacturers!!! They produce whatever sells!!!
>I dont want to be defending sweetnutz or his "mogami microphones" but some of you guys are kinda off

That asshole is indefensible. Accept that.

I'm not, I'm right on and this numbnutz is way off.

And you KNOW IT!

Homerecording isn't recording at the places where the Stones record. It's about realizing ideas with limited scratch. That's a beautiful concept in case you haven't noticed.
Essentially, he's given all the advice he can in all credibility give to this site. He thinks we should leave it to the pros. How could he help us record at home now, when we know that he thinks we are all hacks, and should go to engineer school and spend $200 000 on gear or not be taken seriously.
Personally, I think it's just Jeep/Wascal with a new name just trying to have a laugh at y'all's expense.

The best response when someone comes up with a totally laughable premise is just laugh. Like Abbie Hoffman used to say, when the KKK plans a march down your city street, if everyone just points at them and laughs, throws pies, moons them, etc., they won't come back.

You know, I hate to break it to anyone who might think otherwise, but there is NOTHING sacred about recording. It's not a higher calling, it's not a sacred trust, it's not an exclusive club open to only those who prove themselves in battle to be pure of heart and spirit... it's a fucking job to some of us, and a fun hobby to others.

I suppose no one should be allowed to play football unless they are in the NFL? No one should be allowed to fool around with graphic design on their computer because the pro graphic designers are threatened? (You think recording engineers are bitter, just talk to a graphic designer...) We shouldn't be able to buy photoshop unless you can prove direct lineage to Ansell Adams? Desktop publishing without having magazine or newspaper experience? Shooting videos and doing video editing on your PC without being in the director or cinematographer's union? Maybe there shouldn't be any web sites where you can do medical, legal, nutritional, etc. research because all the doctors, lawyers, and nutritionists want to be the sole dispenser of that kind of information?

It all comes down to one thing: adapt or die. The by-product of ever more affordable technology is that once exclusive tools are now in the hands of the great unwashed. The world is changing - almost anything is accessible and affordable. Gnashing your teeth and pining for the good old days when ANY multitrack studio meant a six figure investment is a wonderful exercise in futility.

I'm sure there were plenty of people at the dawn of the industrial revolution who had good reason to claim that all those machine manufactured textiles were total crap compared to the stuff off of Aunt Nellie's loom. It doesn't matter. It's too late. We're not selling all our cars and buying horses.

I'm a musician. All I ever hear from other musicians is how DJs are killing the business. How Napster is killing the business. Well, musicians have been bemoaning the death of the industry since there was an industry. Remember when radio stations had in-house orchestras that were eventually replaced by recorded music? Remember when movie theatres had piano players? Remember when Broadway shows used real players and not synths? Remember when strip clubs had bands? (Remember when a trombone player could get a gig? And how do think "real" musicians feel about sequencers, samplers, and drum machines?) Each time there was n historical change, there were those who said it was the death of the music industry.

Yet, somehow, someway, music survives. And will continue to survive. Maybe not in it's present form, and maybe not distributed through the traditional channels. But those that find a way to adapt survive. The rest sell insurance or learn programming.

Like i said, complain all you want, buddy, but...

Adapt or die. You can't stuff everything back in Pandora's box no matter how hard you try or cry.

(P.S. I agree with you 100% about mastering. I've been saying the same thing since I got here.) :D
the home studio vs project studio vs pro studio thing has been going on for a while.

It was good for everyone at first, guys could come track at a big room with lots of mics, then go home and overdub and mix, or people would do a lot at home then come to the studio and mix, and all variants in between.
It got rough when the home guys started charging for work

adapt or die is the most common answer but its not so obvious as it seems

We have to pay taxes, liscences, fees, and all manner of business crap. We have to make things handicap accessible, liability insurance etc...
How do we adapt those costs out of it?
It would be nice to see a sanctioning body ( NOT NARAS!!! or SPARS ) that could accredit those that deserved it, and those who didnt want it could keep going the way they are now. Home guys could charge all they wanted, and continue to provide the same service they always have. Those that want the guarantee of a stricter bar, would go to the accredited places.

The way it is now midlevel studios are toast. And before some guys say " good" remember what the mid levels do in the big picture. There was a time when only the RICHEST bands had access to big rooms and serious gear. Those times will be back 100% for sure if the mid levels close. You almost NEVER see the ultra top echelon dudes posting in forums, giving advice and trying to help out, or even just hanging out. You see the midlevel guys and studios, and some independent engineer/producers.

Also remember if the mid levels die the production bar will be raised back up to an unattainable degree. Mid levels brought working bands to the masses, and I sure dont want to see the " IN or OUT " club that ruled the 80's again.