The New Tone Thread

THat's why I collaborate with lead players. I can't improvise anything. I have to listen HEAR and think before I play a bass line. I can come up with arrangements over time but a lead or melody line is so far beyond me as to be in the new blackhole/star they fouind a couple of days ago - & I don't mean Bowie's epitaph LP.
THat's why I collaborate with lead players. I can't improvise anything. I have to listen HEAR and think before I play a bass line. I can come up with arrangements over time but a lead or melody line is so far beyond me as to be in the new blackhole/star they fouind a couple of days ago - & I don't mean Bowie's epitaph LP.
I normally find improvising quite easy, finding this particular track a pain in the arse though.
I am more of the composing type versus the improv type. I think i would get shot out right if i tried to improv anything when it mattered. haha. My actual music theory doesn't exist. read music? Nope! Basically it's just screw around until i find something that sounds cool, make note of it or record it and hope i can do it again. truthfully i would 99% of all my original material i have lying around is just that. Stuff i recorded that sounds cool. No real arrangement or organization. If i actually had the time and motivation i could probably turn it in to two full length records. Or you know, a shit load of EP's.

But as it is now it's just a bunch of lyricless noise haha.
I don't dip into the "Tone Thread" all that often but I am moved to say I miss Greg.

We had our differences at time and often I did not know WTF he was on about (did he always?) but yes, I miss him.

I suspect the guy has his own, personal demons but the place ain't the same without him!


is greg gone? we had some battles a couple times, but he knows his main ideas were correct, though not always phrased effectively, and i admitted this to him. he really helped me shape my guitar, bass, and drum tones with a few simple recommendations. it really made a huge difference.
THat's why I collaborate with lead players. I can't improvise anything. I have to listen HEAR and think before I play a bass line. I can come up with arrangements over time but a lead or melody line is so far beyond me as to be in the new blackhole/star they fouind a couple of days ago - & I don't mean Bowie's epitaph LP.

More often than not the leads I'm playing are based on the vocal melody of the song. Apart from the occasional lick thrown in for spice, if I can't sing the guitar line that I'm playing, then it's just noodling and not worth recording or remembering. It's a simple approach and works for me, and others seem to like it. Bass--chord tones and passing notes. The more I'm getting comfortable on bass, the fewer notes I seem to be playing.
Last i heard he should be back in a few weeks and order will be restored. It isn't a perma ban. Just a temp thing. unless something changed?

And Lol@internet warfare / battles/ trolling.
I am more of the composing type versus the improv type. I think i would get shot out right if i tried to improv anything when it mattered. haha. My actual music theory doesn't exist. read music? Nope! Basically it's just screw around until i find something that sounds cool, make note of it or record it and hope i can do it again. truthfully i would 99% of all my original material i have lying around is just that. Stuff i recorded that sounds cool. No real arrangement or organization. If i actually had the time and motivation i could probably turn it in to two full length records. Or you know, a shit load of EP's.

But as it is now it's just a bunch of lyricless noise haha.

Same here Shan, I've got countless "songs" started, but never seem to get around to actually finishing any of 'em. I actually went through my audio hdd a couple days ago, & I've got shit on there I started in '09....hahaha

But, I will say I have been able to take 2-3 of these projects, & merge them into one song a couple times...

It just ain't the same here without Greg, he'll be back in a few weeks though, so hopefully things will get back to normal around here.....
Just talked to the Gerg via e-mail, & he told me to tell everybody here howdy, & he'll be back before too long....there's your warning...:laughings:.
Same here Shan, I've got countless "songs" started, but never seem to get around to actually finishing any of 'em. I actually went through my audio hdd a couple days ago, & I've got shit on there I started in '09....hahaha

But, I will say I have been able to take 2-3 of these projects, & merge them into one song a couple times...

It just ain't the same here without Greg, he'll be back in a few weeks though, so hopefully things will get back to normal around here.....

Man I'm the same way. I think that my New Year's resolution should be to actually FINISH a project. Or actually an album's worth of projects. I have the material, but damn I get burned out on listening to those songs. Most of the time I'd rather create something new or play with gear. I have an old music buddy that I'm trying to prod into collaborating on some of my old ideas. I just dumped 30 random song fragments on him today, hopefully that doesn't make him go wide in the eyes and we can actually generate some completed music out of the deal.

By the time that I actually get a song presentable enough to submit to the clinic, I'm restless and ready to create something new. I'm in a period of disillusionment with the Clinic right now anyways, but maybe I'll get back to it. It's tough to mix without input, but it's also really tough to mix by committee.

Agreed that the Tone Thread isn't the same without Greg. I've been fiddling with my 2203, trying to get a good recorded tone out of it. No luck yet. It sounds massive in the room but weak on "tape". Those 10" speakers in a closed-back cabinet are tough as shit to mic.
Same here Shan, I've got countless "songs" started, but never seem to get around to actually finishing any of 'em. I actually went through my audio hdd a couple days ago, & I've got shit on there I started in '09....hahaha

But, I will say I have been able to take 2-3 of these projects, & merge them into one song a couple times...

It just ain't the same here without Greg, he'll be back in a few weeks though, so hopefully things will get back to normal around here.....

Man I'm the same way. I think that my New Year's resolution should be to actually FINISH a project. Or actually an album's worth of projects. I have the material, but damn I get burned out on listening to those songs. Most of the time I'd rather create something new or play with gear. I have an old music buddy that I'm trying to prod into collaborating on some of my old ideas. I just dumped 30 random song fragments on him today, hopefully that doesn't make him go wide in the eyes and we can actually generate some completed music out of the deal.

By the time that I actually get a song presentable enough to submit to the clinic, I'm restless and ready to create something new. I'm in a period of disillusionment with the Clinic right now anyways, but maybe I'll get back to it. It's tough to mix without input, but it's also really tough to mix by committee.

Agreed that the Tone Thread isn't the same without Greg. I've been fiddling with my 2203, trying to get a good recorded tone out of it. No luck yet. It sounds massive in the room but weak on "tape". Those 10" speakers in a closed-back cabinet are tough as shit to mic.

You guys have it all over me.
At least you record something ...... I can't seem to motivate myself to do anything these days.
So props to ya'll ...... you're still doing some amount of work at recording ....
You guys have it all over me.
At least you record something ...... I can't seem to motivate myself to do anything these days.
So props to ya'll ...... you're still doing some amount of work at recording ....
Well Bob, we don't gig 7 days a week, 2-3 times a day either man...But I will say, I do record something every single day, even if it's just some shitty acoustic tracks (like I just did....hahaha) trying to fill out one of the oodles & oodles of songs I have started...

Just wonderin', you ever record any of the gigs you play Bob??? That could be the start of something dude...just sayin'....
yeah, I actually record lots of live ..... always have too ..... I have 4 track live recordings of my bands all the way back to around 1971 ..... and then a ton of stereo live recordings of various jazz things ...... I have some seriously good recordings .... hundreds of hours .....
some of it good for the time ya' know? recordingwise I mean ...... I had a Teac 3340AS and carried it everywhere I went pretty much. :D

And I used to carry a tape walkman recorder to every gig ...... taped every note I played ..... then a DAT-Walkman (which I still use occasionally ) ..... and nowadays I have a DR-05 in my sax case ...... I have huge amounts of me playing live ........ wish I could stand to listen to it! :D
I was the same a couple of months ago but I actually selected 14 trqcks/ideas, of of which were almost done, some were fragments. I actually made notes in my notebook on what to do. That did involve combining tracks a couple of times.

Making notes really helped cos it gives you some direction and plan what you're going to do.

I've ended up writing lots of new stuff in this process too but I'm saving it for later.
The first band I was in, we used to take an 8-track reel recorder with us to about every gig. We weren't really into the recording thing as much as we'd use it to listen for our mistakes & practice on getting better at the songs. It did help quite a bit, & was very humbling to hear how bad we sucked on a lot of things, which in the end, did help us improve overall as a band...I actually had cassettes of those gigs for a long time, but don't know what ever happened to 'em. I'm sure if I listened to 'em today, they'd sound atrocious & terrible, but at the same time, it would bring back some great memories of a time I wish I could go back to. I was actually a teenager at the time, & the other guys were in their 30's, so really, I was just a kid, & didn't realize then what a great time in my life it really was....I will say we were a decent band at some things, but at others, we just plain sucked terribly. But, at the same time, that was one of the best times of my life, I really had no responsibilities (hell, I was still in high school when I first joined up with 'em), & everything was just so much simpler for me back then.

The lead singer from that band died about 2 years ago, & I've heard through the grapevine that he still had all those tapes when he passed away. I know his widow still has all his gear/equipment, but not sure on the tapes. I've been tempted to go ask her if I could look through some of his stuff, but it might be very uncomfortable for both of us, so I'll probably just leave it alone...

It's unreal how things have changed since way back then. I really miss all my friends who aren't around anymore, & miss all the fun we used to have...
I've heard through the grapevine that he still had all those tapes when he passed away. I know his widow still has all his gear/equipment, but not sure on the tapes. I've been tempted to go ask her if I could look through some of his stuff, but it might be very uncomfortable for both of us, so I'll probably just leave it alone...

unless there's a personal reason why you think it'd be uncomfortable (like you two were an item) I think you might want to reach out about that.
If she loved the guy she might very well wish to hear him on those tapes but has no idea at all of how to play them or mix them down or anything.
unless there's a personal reason why you think it'd be uncomfortable (like you two were an item) I think you might want to reach out about that.
If she loved the guy she might very well wish to hear him on those tapes but has no idea at all of how to play them or mix them down or anything.
I agree with Bob, its worth asking. I know if I popped my clogs tomorrow my mates would want my recording drive etc.
Man I'm the same way. I think that my New Year's resolution should be to actually FINISH a project. .

that has been my resoloutin for years now. I think i need to just replace resolution with the word "goal" and go from there. I need better goals. :S

@Minerdood - The merging idea has hit me a few times, some of the shit i have stock piled could probably be easily consolidated into songs i think. I just need to find the glue pieces to make the stuff flow.
Speaking of consolidating - I found two tracks in my recording drive that sounded similar and were only 5 bmp apart. I stuck em together and retracked the guitars.

Lower gain that I've been using lately - I quite like it.

View attachment SFYII.mp3
While I'm at it - I've remixed the chorus to a track of mine (That most of you have heard before) I think this is a lot better, I've tweaked the levels and added a touch of reverb to the the "lead" guitars and left the rhythm guitars pretty dry, before they all had exactly the same reverb. I've also moved the rhythm guitars closer to the centre and the leads out wider. They're pretty much switched but the rhythms are slightly closer to centre than the leads were.

View attachment Pillars - Chorus Remix.mp3

Its only about 20s long.