The New Tone Thread

I think that sounds really good Greg...

I've been messing with the Ibanez again today with the Chupa/G12H/'57, & I'm really liking the tones I'm getting with 'em dude...The CC p'up is made for buttrock (obviously), but it's got articulation/clarity that I really like man...I'll post up a clip of the tone I've been using for a song today in a few minutes...
I think this Jubilee is all about the mids knob. It has a gigantic, profound effect on everything. I'm gonna try a similar clip with less mids.
I think this Jubilee is all about the mids knob. It has a gigantic, profound effect on everything.
On my DSL's, the mids are more like a high-mid thing, when you turn the mid knob up on both amps, it adds high end a little too, but doesn't really do much for the lower mids...

Remember when I first got the DSL-1 & did those clips??? I can turn the treble knob all the way off, & still add "bite" with the mid knob on both my DSL's...

Maybe the mids on that amp are interactive with the rest of the eq??? Just a wild guess....
Maybe the mids on that amp are interactive with the rest of the eq??? Just a wild guess....

It is like that, but it's extreme. Most amps have somewhat interactive EQs. Some more than others. This Jubilee has a freakishly interactive mid knob. It's like mid control on steroids. :D
How does the Jubilee compare to your other amps Greg??? Is it that much different than you other Marshalls??? I've wondered how much different that amp is compared to similar amps...

Did you re-wire that cab Greg???
How does the Jubilee compare to your other amps Greg??? Is it that much different than you other Marshalls??? I've wondered how much different that amp is compared to similar amps...

Did you re-wire that cab Greg???

I haven't rewired the cab yet. I have permission from the guy, I just haven't done it. I also *maybe* found a 50w Plexi for *maybe* 600 bucks. Yup, that's right. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

Is the Jubilee that much different from my own amps...I'll say that I haven't explored it enough yet. It's pretty cool, but it's pretty sterile IMO compared to the organic richness of my other amps. It's nothing like my Super Lead or my 2203/2204. Those amps have rich harmonic content to their sound, while this Jubilee seems very flat and compressed. I haven't dug in too deep yet, but I suspect the clean channel with the rhythm clip engaged would be my kind of sound. The lead channel is just too much flat, compressed, thick midrange gain. It's kind of harsh to me, but I don't care for that kind of gain anyway. Even in it's high gain modes, the JVM sounds much more open and organic to me.
I also *maybe* found a 50w Plexi for *maybe* 600 bucks. Yup, that's right. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
Cool man!!! Any details about it??? Clean, molested or what dude??? Hope it works out for ya...
Is the Jubilee that much different from my own amps...I'll say that I haven't explored it enough yet. It's pretty cool, but it's pretty sterile IMO compared to the organic richness of my other amps. It's nothing like my Super Lead or my 2203/2204. Those amps have rich harmonic content to their sound, while this Jubilee seems very flat and compressed. I haven't dug in too deep yet, but I suspect the clean channel with the rhythm clip engaged would be my kind of sound. The lead channel is just too much flat, compressed, thick midrange gain. It's kind of harsh to me, but I don't care for that kind of gain anyway. Even in it's high gain modes, the JVM sounds much more open and organic to me.
Maybe the lead channel needs the eq to be played with to bring out the tone in the amp dude...I know it should sound good straight away, then use the eq to enhance what's already there, but just sayin'...Since the mids act so much different than what you're used to???

I'd love to have one to run through it's paces for a while myself dude...

Got a call today about a job interview, so maybe there's hope for me yet around here....Same thing, coal mining, same job, continuous miner operator.....the pay would be a little more on the hour, but I wouldn't get a monthly bonus, but it should work out to at least the same bring-home pay...that company cuts their employees for insurance, but I need it in a bad way....wish me luck dude, I could really use not only the $$$, but the health insurance too....
I think this Jubilee is all about the mids knob. It has a gigantic, profound effect on everything. I'm gonna try a similar clip with less mids.
I wonder if it's like my Mark V? On the V the mid is just a mid control up to about halfway up ...... after that it's more of a gain control
Cool man!!! Any details about it??? Clean, molested or what dude??? Hope it works out for ya...
I really don't know anything about it yet. It's probably a reissue, I'm almost certain. Not even a total goof would sell a real Plexi for 600 bucks. Well maybe a total goof would. He's a friend of the drummer in my guitar-gig band. I don't care about real vs reissue. If it works I'm interested for 600 bucks. I'm all-in if it's real. Easily.

Maybe the lead channel needs the eq to be played with to bring out the tone in the amp dude...I know it should sound good straight away, then use the eq to enhance what's already there, but just sayin'...Since the mids act so much different than what you're used to???
I always just put things on "5" and start there. You heard those clips. They sounded okay. Not great. The lower gain clip sounded better to me, and that was with the gain only on "2". You know what I think it might be? The lead channel sounds like it's overdriven with a pedal, and this amp does indeed have some kind of diode clipping or op-amps or something in the signal chain, so it might just be that. That sound seems like it can't be dialed out of the lead channel. It sort of sounds like a JCM 900 or the split-channel JCM 800s. Sort of. It has that kind of grind to it.

Got a call today about a job interview, so maybe there's hope for me yet around here....Same thing, coal mining, same job, continuous miner operator.....the pay would be a little more on the hour, but I wouldn't get a monthly bonus, but it should work out to at least the same bring-home pay...that company cuts their employees for insurance, but I need it in a bad way....wish me luck dude, I could really use not only the $$$, but the health insurance too....
Every time you get out, they pull you back in! Godfather 3 - the worst of the Godfathers. Anyway, good luck man. Hope it works out if you want it.

I wonder if it's like my Mark V? On the V the mid is just a mid control up to about halfway up ...... after that it's more of a gain control
That kind of sounds like how my Plexi acts. The EQ controls on the Plexi are like little gain controls for each frequency band and there's a lot of overlap. I'm not really sensing that with this Jubilee. The EQ controls act like normal filters except with extreme range. I jacked the mids way up in that last clip, but it did have enough overlap that I had to roll the treble way down to compensate. I've read tales about how the Jubilee EQ controls are one-of-a-kind, and I'm experiencing it firsthand.
I really don't know anything about it yet. It's probably a reissue, I'm almost certain. Not even a total goof would sell a real Plexi for 600 bucks. Well maybe a total goof would. He's a friend of the drummer in my guitar-gig band. I don't care about real vs reissue. If it works I'm interested for 600 bucks. I'm all-in if it's real. Easily.
Well, it probably is a re-issue, but you never know man...keep us informed about it dude...

I always just put things on "5" and start there. You heard those clips. They sounded okay. Not great. The lower gain clip sounded better to me, and that was with the gain only on "2". You know what I think it might be? The lead channel sounds like it's overdriven with a pedal, and this amp does indeed have some kind of diode clipping or op-amps or something in the signal chain, so it might just be that. That sound seems like it can't be dialed out of the lead channel. It sort of sounds like a JCM 900 or the split-channel JCM 800s. Sort of. It has that kind of grind to it.
The Jubilee does have diodes in it dude, I've read that over & over...Maybe it was Marshall's answer to the modded/hot-rodded, gained-up tones back in those days...When that amp came out, buttrock was in it's heyday, so maybe they were trying to keep up with that or something...Just a thought dude...But I've read lots of threads about that amp, some people love it, & some people think it's shit...

Every time you get out, they pull you back in! Godfather 3 - the worst of the Godfathers. Anyway, good luck man. Hope it works out if you want it.
Well man, I know I can find another line of work, but the pay is what's the killer about that...Going back into the coal mining thing, I'd be making about $30/hour...doing something else would be about $10-12/hour...pretty hard to turn $$$ like that down, plus, it's all I've ever done, 25 years of that shit...Thanks dude...

Good luck, minerman.
I didn't know that your name was so literal!
Thanks dude....there are a few people here that know about that, but yeah, it's literal dude....thanks again...
Yup it seems that it is a reissue. No prob for me. If it works it's mine for 600 bucks. :)
Cool man.......Be sure to let us know if it happens or not, but I'm sure you & clips or it's a 1watter......:laughings:

Dunno 'bout that job offer, talked to 'em this morning, & I've had dealings with a few of those guys before a few years ago...The main rod is one of the biggest crooks I've ever worked for, & that's saying a lot, so I dunno if I'm gonna fuck with it or not....Sure, it'd be a lot more $$$ than what I'm makin' right now, but jeez....Me sayin' they're the biggest crooks ever is sayin' a lot too guys....:)

I was gonna post a clip of some slide stuff I've been doing last night, but I think I'll just wait on that, it's actually part of a song I'm working on....but then again, may just fire up the amp & whack out a little of my shitty slide playing....any of you guys here play any slide????
I do a mean pickslide.
Lol...I've heard your pickslides dude, & have to give you credit on, you've never tried to play any slide at all??? The bass player I keep talking about got me into it when I was a kid...He even cut me a piece of copper tubing like on the old movie "Crossroads" (with the Karate Kid, not the Shitney Spears movie btw)...I've actually still got it here somewhere, but I use a glass slide now, much smoother sounding...

Dunlop 213 is what I use:

Takes a little getting used to, but it's a pretty good change on some stuff...I just use standard tuning though, I know a lot of slide players tune to open chords, but I never did that, always just stuck to regular tuning...
I just play it in the blues/pentatonic box thing dude, for me the hardest thing was getting the strings I didn't want heard damped/stopped....I use the slide on my ring finger, it's just easier for me, I have tried it on my pinky, & both have their good/bad points, but it's easier for me to use my ring finger....I'm just a basic, box-style player on everything I do Greg, blues scale/pentatonic...I really don't know any scales or shit like that, other than the major scale thing...I might play other scales or something, but I don't consciously know I'm doing

Like in the movie "Crossroads", the old black guy says "I'm a bluesman dammit"....:laughings:.

Here's you a little snippet of the song I was working on yesterday...Nothing new, you've heard this before, but dunno about the slide/lead guitar parts....I've since re-tracked all the guitars/bass on this too...Almost done with this song, but I'm gonna wait until I get a few more done before I post any of 'em....

Slide/lead guitar ending

Not gonna post the amp settings, but the rhythm & lead guitars are the LP > Chupa > G12H > '57, & the slide is the Ibanez > Chupa > G12H > '57...The lead guitar is actually a scratch track, I still need to go back & actually put some thought/time into the licks...

Oh yeah, back when I gigged, I'd use a Bic lighter (which is almost the perfect size slide for me btw), beer bottle whatever on some things...most of the time I'd dropped my slide or it'd fell off my amp or some dumb shit like that...:D.
I've played slide since hanging around Capricorn in the early 70's for the obvious reason.
I've always used a coricidin bottle until around 15 years ago when a machinist friend made me a couple of titanium slides ..... one very heavy and a light one.
They're all I use now ..... on the ring finger in standard tuning.

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Cool Bob, copper or glass is all I've ever used other than a Bic lighter once in a while...The one I have now I don't even remember where I got it, probably bought it when I bought my strat about '08 or so...I had one that I gigged with for a few years, but it fell off my amp one night & broke...That one was a lot thinner than the one I have now....

Is the titanium slide brittle sounding like a piece of copper Bob??? I've always wondered about the different types, but never tried anything else...

I like playing slide, even if I'm just a hack at it, it's fun for me......:).