The New Tone Thread

Me, I don't care. I like Marshalls, the guys I like played Marshalls, it's a no brainer for me. My boring ass Gibson and Marshall combination has been done a billion times, and I'll just be another one because it sounds awesome.
^ This.....You know, for years I've been a Marshall fanboy, no secret about that, but I avoided a Gibson guitar like the fuckin' plague, all because I was into the hair metal/hard rock thing, & thought you had to have a single humbucker & Floyd Rose, but over the past few years, it's funny because I've went from all that shit to at LP...

I remember the bass player in my first band (when I was like 15-16...everybody else was in their late 30's - early 40' telling me I needed a LP & a Marshall...I didn't get the LP thing, I guess it was just too "plain"...But all these years later look where I'm's funny in a way, but it also shows just how much of a part of rock-n-roll the LP > Marshall thing is...

Butch (the bass player) had all kinds of vintage stuff back then, a LP Custom, an early 70's strat, Marshalls, all kinds of shit...He'd let me use a guitar or two for a bigger size gig, but the only time he'd let me use one of his amps/cabs was when I blew the micro-stack speakers up...He let me use his 4x12 a few times until I got another cab...Good times man, I was just a kid & didn't have a clue about anything....

If some 22 yr old hipster doofus thinks I'm old fashioned, then good. I'll fuck his mom in the ass while he watches and then wipe myself off in his lame hipster beard.
The 2nd clip is your 4x12 dude, no doubt about it, unless I'm losing my mind (which is very possible)....the first clip sounds like it's clipping, like maybe a speaker is rattling or something...First clip ain't bad, but the 2nd one is much better to me...

BTW, the Celestions in that pic are what my micro-stack had in it...Or the looked a lot like that anyway, that's been almost 30 years ago...
is the Carvin one the cab you use?
because the top 4 is NOT wired in series ..... I'm not sure what to even call that actually.
Yeah the Carvin cab is the one I use. That's not series? Each group of four speakers are connected positive to negative around the quad. Isn't that series? Or do I have it wrong?

Each quad is wired the same way, then both groups go to the jack in parallel.
it's actually a series/parallel on the top four which would give you 8 ohms for the top four so if the bottom 4 are the same you'd have 4 ohms total.
Oh shit, you're totally right. Thanks. That jumper across the bottom two of the top four make it series/parallel. Without that jumper it's straight series.

So if I remove the jumper from each quad, and move two wires to the negative lugs, I should have two groups in series at 32 ohms each, and then parallel those to the jack for 16 ohms. Right?
Yeah the Carvin cab is the one I use. That's not series? Each group of four speakers are connected positive to negative around the quad. Isn't that series? Or do I have it wrong?

Each quad is wired the same way, then both groups go to the jack in parallel.
but they're not.
If we assume that the left terminal is + and the right is - then you can see that the top right speakers negative goes down to the bottom right speakers negative.
And the left speakers + terminals are also connected.
In series the jack comes in at (lets say) + and then the - goes to the + of the next and so on.
You can see that the two + on the left are connected and the two - on the right are connected so that's series/parallel.
Another way to define series is that if ANY of the speakers burnt out you'd get silence from all 4.
If you look at that you can see that if one of the two top speakers went the other would be silent but the bottom two would still work and vice versa.
so 4 ohms for the entire cab is correct.
but they're not.
If we assume that the left terminal is + and the right is - then you can see that the top right speakers negative goes down to the bottom right speakers negative.
And the left speakers + terminals are also connected.
In series the jack comes in at (lets say) + and then the - goes to the + of the next and so on.
You can see that the two + on the left are connected and the two - on the right are connected so that's series/parallel.
Another way to define series is that if ANY of the speakers burnt out you'd get silence from all 4.
If you look at that you can see that if one of the two top speakers went the other would be silent but the bottom two would still work and vice versa.
so 4 ohms for the entire cab is correct.
Yeah I get it now. Thanks.

I'm thinking two groups like this, going to one jack. Except in my case it would be 8 ohm speakers for a 32 ohm load per quad.
Talking about my other guitars today made me drag out the Ibanez, gonna throw a new set of strings on it sometime's a clip I made with the old, worn-out strings this evening....

Ibanez > Chupa > G12H > '57

Resonance: 3
Presence: 6
Bass: 9
Mid: 4
Treble: 5.5
Master: 7-8
Gain 2: 2
Gain 1: 5
Era: Modern
Bright 2: L
Bright 1: C
Focus: Off

Ibanez Modern Chupa

I'd actually forgot how much I like this guitar with the Duncan p'up in it, I could have dialed in the mic a little better, but for no more time than I spent on this, it actually sounds ok to me, pretty butt-rockin' sound IMO....

And as much as I like my other speakers, the last little while I've been using the G12H more & more...
That sounds pretty right for some buttrockin riffage to me. That speaker has broken in nicely. Man, you're pretty good at those riff rock riffs. You should play in a band. I don't recognize any of the stuff you post. Do you make that stuff up? Or is that hair metal riffing that I just don't know?
That sounds pretty right for some buttrockin riffage to me. That speaker has broken in nicely.
Thanks man, I really like this speaker, I've been thinking about getting another one & making my cab an x-pattern of these & V30's....My thinking on this is the G12H's highs would do the cut (along with the mids from both speakers), & it would balance the sound a lot better than the 4 different speakers....Whaddya think about this idea???

I could always get a 2x12 for my Greenback & '65, those 2 speakers seem to work pretty well together, just throwing some ideas out I've been thinking about...I'd love to have one of those Sourmash 2x12 cabs that would cosmetically match my Chupa too, I think they're the same size as the Marshall 4x10 cabs, & that would probably sound better recorded than a 1x12, just throwing some ideas around....

Man, you're pretty good at those riff rock riffs. You should play in a band. I don't recognize any of the stuff you post. Do you make that stuff up? Or is that hair metal riffing that I just don't know?
Thanks again man, usually what I post here is just shit I play off the top of my head, at the moment I hit record...

On the band thing, I would love to do that, & actually looked in the classifieds where there are a few bands looking for guitar players, but I haven't called/contacted 'em...I know it sounds kinda shitty, but the people in/around the band would have to be pretty straight, no heavy partying or I wouldn't fuck with 'em at all...And I also know that's probably a tall order considering, but it's pretty much how it'd have to be for me weird, but I can't go back to the shit life I had once upon a time....Lemme re-phrase that, I won't go back to that life....

Gonna go throw some strings on the Ibanez...
Thanks man, I really like this speaker, I've been thinking about getting another one & making my cab an x-pattern of these & V30's....My thinking on this is the G12H's highs would do the cut (along with the mids from both speakers), & it would balance the sound a lot better than the 4 different speakers....Whaddya think about this idea???

I could always get a 2x12 for my Greenback & '65, those 2 speakers seem to work pretty well together, just throwing some ideas out I've been thinking about...I'd love to have one of those Sourmash 2x12 cabs that would cosmetically match my Chupa too, I think they're the same size as the Marshall 4x10 cabs, & that would probably sound better recorded than a 1x12, just throwing some ideas around....
I don't know what I think about that. It would depend on what you have already. V30s and G12H30s are good complimentary speakers, but that might make that cab super bright and middy. They work well paired in 2x12s though, so maybe the added girth of a 4x12 would give some help with the low end. If it were me, I'd go the opposite. Fill the 4x12 with Greenbacks and 65s and do a 2x12 with the V30/G12H30. A Greenback/65 2x12 would only be a 50w cab.

Thanks again man, usually what I post here is just shit I play off the top of my head, at the moment I hit record...

On the band thing, I would love to do that, & actually looked in the classifieds where there are a few bands looking for guitar players, but I haven't called/contacted 'em...I know it sounds kinda shitty, but the people in/around the band would have to be pretty straight, no heavy partying or I wouldn't fuck with 'em at all...And I also know that's probably a tall order considering, but it's pretty much how it'd have to be for me weird, but I can't go back to the shit life I had once upon a time....Lemme re-phrase that, I won't go back to that life....

Gonna go throw some strings on the Ibanez...

It's tough because almost all bands are full of drinkers and/or potheads. I've told my bandmates "I don't care what you do, but I don't wanna be around it and if it affects the performance we're gonna have a problem". So far all has been great. We slam some beers but I'm not seeing any drug use. They can shoot heroin into their pee-holes for all I care, as long as it doesn't fuck us up as a band, I'm cool with it. I don't have any addiction problems so I can handle it. If I was in recovery, I'd be really wary of any of that shit.
I don't know what I think about that. It would depend on what you have already. V30s and G12H30s are good complimentary speakers, but that might make that cab super bright and middy. They work well paired in 2x12s though, so maybe the added girth of a 4x12 would give some help with the low end. If it were me, I'd go the opposite. Fill the 4x12 with Greenbacks and 65s and do a 2x12 with the V30/G12H30. A Greenback/65 2x12 would only be a 50w cab.
I'd totally forgotten about the wattage thing dude...I was trying to figure out a way to do this without having to spend too much $$$ right now, but it looks like I'll have to either way it goes...I've got all those T-75's & 2 - 1x12's up for sale, but nobody is interested in 'em...If I could find the right trade, I could use that gear to fund what I'm after, but other than that, I'm shit outta luck at the moment....

Thinking more about the GB/65 combination, that probably would sound pretty damn good, both speakers have a vintage-y kinda vibe, & sound quite alike, but different too, if that makes any

If I could get a nice 2x12 & 2 more speakers (GB/65) that would do the trick, only problem is (like I mentioned) right now is I don't have the coin....

It's tough because almost all bands are full of drinkers and/or potheads. I've told my bandmates "I don't care what you do, but I don't wanna be around it and if it affects the performance we're gonna have a problem". So far all has been great. We slam some beers but I'm not seeing any drug use. They can shoot heroin into their pee-holes for all I care, as long as it doesn't fuck us up as a band, I'm cool with it. I don't have any addiction problems so I can handle it. If I was in recovery, I'd be really wary of any of that shit.

Well dude, I used to be one of those pothead musicians, & I understand about "taking the edge off" for a gig, I really do...been there, done that...Being around that shit used to really bother me, but it doesn't now, & I'm pretty much past going back (the guys I worked with are fuckin' notorious for being druggies too man, especially the last job I had....90% of 'em were on drugs 100% of the time), so it really wouldn't affect my sobriety, it's just the point you know????

I don't blame you for telling the guys you play with if it affects the gig there's a problem...I'd stand right with you 100% on that one dude....
"Talking about my other guitars today made me drag out the Ibanez,"

Which Ibanez is that Minerman? I ask because son has just bought a S/H AF75 and he loves the way it plays, neck, intonation great but the stock pickups are rather harsh and trebly he says.

Which S.Duncan pup would you suggest please? He uses the guitar mainly for jazz stuff.

Which Ibanez is that Minerman? I ask because son has just bought a S/H AF75 and he loves the way it plays, neck, intonation great but the stock pickups are rather harsh and trebly he says.

Which S.Duncan pup would you suggest please? He uses the guitar mainly for jazz stuff.

This is an RG350DX with a Seymour Duncan Custom Custom in the bridge...I have little to nothing in this p'up, a friend from another forum sent it to me when I was going through a rough time, he was trying to keep my mind off what was going on in my life at the time...I really have no idea about what p'up to suggest for your son's guitar dude, these stock p'ups were muddy & un-defined compared to the CC...

It's definitely not a high-end guitar, but it does play pretty good, stays in tune really well, even when I abuse the trem bar, & the CC p'up is pretty good for some 80's buttrock....:D.

lol @ miner. Nice sig, dude. :laughings:
Remember that Lou??? I was reading through our thread a couple nights ago, & saw that post again...:)
Here's another Jubilee clip. This one is almost cranked. I'm not understanding this amp at all. It seems to get brighter the more you turn it up. So weird.

Les Paul Traditional - Burstbucker 3 bridge
Marshall Jubilee 2555
100w mode
Presence - 6
Bass - 6
Mid - 8
Treb - 2
Output master vol - 8
Lead channel vol - 8
Gain - 5
Marshall 1960B - G12T-75 - SM57 on axis, on grill, halfway to edge.
No EQ or shit in DAW.

Jubilee test #3