The New Tone Thread

Obviously, you're living in the crazy gun capital of the world and you know what you have to do for your and your family's safety, but to an outsider, the idea that a safe and responsible member of society wants to hide a gun about their person sounds totally fucking nuts :).
Obviously, you're living in the crazy gun capital of the world and you know what you have to do for your and your family's safety, but to an outsider, the idea that a safe and responsible member of society wants to hide a gun about their person sounds totally fucking nuts :).

Dude, I 100% agree with you. I really do hate it. It's disgusting. I'm a confident guy that doesn't get embarrassed easily, but this is not something I'm proud of. I don't celebrate guns.
Dude, I 100% agree with you. I really do hate it. It's disgusting. I'm a confident guy that doesn't get embarrassed easily, but this is not something I'm proud of. I don't celebrate guns.

That's probably the healthiest attitude you can have going into this.

Do you already own guns, then?
It's fucking crazy. As a relatively sane, non mental case, you probably realise that carrying a gun just makes you statistically far more likely to get shot. Like you said, Greg, no guitar is worth your life. If someone wants to rob you bad enough to threaten you with a gun your best bet it to be as observant as possible and let them rob you. They'll get caught.
Seriously, I hate gun mentality, but shit's getting stupid over here.

Yeah, like that lady in Houston who got her head blown off over a road rage incident, just the other day. It's getting crazy. I'm okay with gun ownership, but everybody wants to be Dirty Harry or Rambo. Texas is looking at passing a law for open-carry. Shit will get real scary then. I see actual shoot-outs in the streets happening. :(

I shouldn't flame this thread and turn it into a political discussion. I keep reading and listening to the tones put up here and enjoying the topic and wish I could contribute something cool with my amp sim. :D
The way I see this thread is that we talk about amps and tone and post and listen to them, but it's also our own little OT area where we go wherever the conversation takes us, without anyone going overly left or right wing or judgemental about anything (like it would have in the Cave). So, I think it's fine for us to discuss this other stuff as it comes up naturally, but not for the thread to become just the other conversation.
The US Gun thing has always scared me a little. I don't get it. I don't think i really need to 'get it' but even if i just understood it. I mean i get the urge to want to maybe protect your family or whatever but i think somewhere, something went radically wrong. I was at border crossing once coming back into Canada after a holiday in Washington and the old guy in front of me got SO irate at the border guard like cuffed and taken off to a room to cool down irate. My wife was a little scared. They wanted to send him back for something to do with his firearms or whatever and he kept yelling at them saying "I have all the permits and it's my right" Followed by expletives and stuff. that sort of diatribe. I felt bad. The Canadian border guards are probably the most strictest group of individuals i have ever met in my travels though and maybe this guy knew that haha. Sad state of Affairs really. My brother has actually tried getting me to go get my PAL because we spend so much time hiking and hanging out by the rivers in the summer and fall. It would be a good thing to have for fending off wildlife as opposed to the axe i usually take with me.

If you need help picking out a PC, I can help. You'll do better getting a custom build - I don't know any US builders, but I can help with specs. If you can be bothered, building your own is easy, but it's a bit of a pain installing Windows and drivers, etc.

When i was shopping around for a prebuilt DAW i actually found a guy that does them and he tailors them to Reaper. Purrfect Audio He was highly recommended by many folks on the Cockos Forums. Might be worth checking out if you are a Reaper user? I begrudgingly decided against it because of all the duty and the cost of shipping this far north would really hurt the pocket book. There is also MusicXPC, but i think they may be Canadian and i have heard that for what you get they are incredibly over priced IMO.

& @Greg FWIW, in my research that i have done, a 64 Bit Windows 7 machine combined with any i5 or i7 processor is going to be more than able to accommodate the needs for any guy setting up a home studio. Naturally there are few more factors to consider obviously than just that, but configuring parts isn't nearly the chore that it used to be is where i was going with that. Guys doing it as a full time day job may go more in depth with speccing out parts and stuff. I have learned the computing world has come a very long way in terms of an OS and hardware since Windows XP. I am really hoping this new machine is going to do the trick for me. It's been a long road for me to part with cash but i have had a lot of great guidance on and off this site.

Awesome dude!!!!! What speakers are in the cab??? I had GAS for an Orange OR15 for a while, but I think I'm good on amps for a while, with the DSL100, Chupa, DSL-1 &

I hear ya on the computer thing too dude, by today's standards, my pc is old....I've had it about 5 years now, but it's still going pretty damn good, especially since it's an off-the-shelf Gateway quad-core....I did put an extra hdd in it when I got it, I picked a 1tb Barracuda 7200 rpm, & so far so good....5 years & it's only crashed on me once, about a year or so ago...(fingers crossed)...

On the ampsim thing, dude, I wouldn't worry about using ampsims, you've gotta do what you've gotta do...Even with the amps I have, I still use 'em....I've actually been playing wit the Bias desktop demo the last few days, & I'm actually impressed with it, it does have some pretty decent sounds...

Congrats on the rig dude, looks great!!!!!!

HA! Sounds like you are set for amps man! I have heard your tones too and i think you got it dialed in really nicely. Between you and greg you could easily do your own youtube show about the subject! I know a lot of people would chime in.

Hmm, Speakers are whatever came stock in them when he bought it so i would guess they are the 60W Celestion V30's. I turned it on a little bit last night and just wow. What a freakin difference to using my POD through my Monitors!!! AHAHA! I had a blast. the twin Channel thing is sort of a mystery to me but i tinked and screwed around with it just getting familiar with it. I can't be sure but there might actually be something going on inside the cab because at times i almost hear a little crackling or scratchy noise? i tried a few different guitars and stuff in it and it seems to always be there. Could be problematic. Could just be the real life gain i am not used to? We'll see. SO STOKED IN IT. I love orange tones. Love them. For someone like me, i like simplicity. I like a sort of organic operation. And i like that this rig is sort of 'simple'. So yea, it's gonna be a fun few weeks.

Don't lol. But i haven't mic'd a cab since 2006. :(

MINER! I am actually got the Bias demo as well!!! Just haven't installed it because my comp just can't run it. But today is data transfer day so hooray! I don't really hate on sims at all, i have relied on them for so long they are my trusty sidekick and i like to think i have done a half decent job of fooling the untrained ear. But. after last night! Plugging in and feeling that movement of air and the special little ambiance of the cab and speakers working together. Shit. It's gonna be hard to turn that POD back on again. However, I do know it has a place in my workflow. I'll keep using it until it either dies completely or they don't make drivers for it for future OS releases.
I have a full carry permit (not just to go hunting), which isn't as common in NY as it might be in TX or some other liberal gun states.
Had the carry permit for 30 years now, and I think I carried my handgun on me just once, when I first got it, 'cuz the guys at work wanted to see it. OK, I took it hunting a few times, when I was doing the "big game" thing, but that was it...and AFA my hunting rifles and hunting in general, I have not gone hunting in 30 years.

They all just sit there in their place...quietly, not bothering anyone. :)
Thought about going to a range a couple of times just to shoot 'em a bit since they see no use....but then I end up with something else to do instead. When I lived up north, I could just go out in my backyard and target practice....but not where I am now.
On the gun thing guys, I've had my permit for years...Where I live isn't half as crazy as where Greg (or even Miro) lives, this part of the country is usually behind the times on a lot of shit, but the crime & nuts are getting worse everyday...You used to only hear of things happening away from here in bigger cities, but the last few years, it's getting closer & closer...Honestly, that's one reason I've stayed here so long, it's pretty laid back for the most part, but again, it just keeps getting worse & worse...

While I only keep a pistol with me if/when I travel, I do have enough guns & ammo to fend off about anyone I'd ever want here at home...for an extended period of time....:D...It's part of my family's heritage/tradition, as we used to be (and some of us still are) avid hunters, fishermen, & outdoor freaks...It's just how I grew up...

Shan: On the Bias demo, yeah dude, it's pretty CPU intense, but it seems a little more realistic than the other ampsims I've tried...The only thing limited IMO is the mic choices, there's only 2, but there's a pretty good selection of different speakers/cabs, & you can actually move the mic around on the speaker, & it seems to be pretty realistic considering it's software...

The noise you hear from the amp could be a tube dude, it could be anything...If you think it's coming from the cab, take the back off & make sure the speaker bolts are tight...My 4x12's speakers were literally about to fall out when I got it...I'm actually gonna have to take my handles off the sides & tighten those up too, the last few days I've been hearing some rattling coming from 'em....

Greg: I could've sworn you'd bought another computer dude, I remember you talking about it a long time ago, that you were using a dual core with XP....While my computer is old compared to today's "standards", it still does pretty good...It's 5 years old, AMD quad core, with 2 -1tb hdd's installed...I wanted an i7 when I got it, but couldn't swing the $$$, but it's done me really well all this time...I'd love to have another one, but like you, I'm gonna keep on with what I've got for a while...
What kind of wah do you have dude??? I've got a guy offering me a Crybaby 535Q in a trade.....IIRC, ain't that the same one you use??

Did you score the 535Q...?

Yeah, that's the one I like the most.
I've got an Ernie Ball Wah that I picked up used/cheap (they don't make them any more) that is really nice. It uses the string action to turn the pot like the EB volume pedals, and it's only one flavor, unlike the 535Q which has a few choices...but the EB a touch mellower, so it's nice for when I want a less agressive wah sound.
If was going to just have one...the 535Q is it.

That's probably the healthiest attitude you can have going into this.

Do you already own guns, then?
I do. I have a 12 gauge shotgun, a 22 rifle, and a 1911 .45ACP. My wife has a mini Ruger 9mm. My 1911 is a beast, a hand cannon. It's big and not very concealable at all and it shoots sledgehammers for bullets. I chose that one as "my gun" because it's old school and slender. It's like a 60s neck on a Les Paul. I don't like those double-stack tactical squared off wide-grip Glock things that hold 95 bullets. Mine holds 8 human destroyers and if I can't get it done with eight .45 shots, then I need to run like a motherfucker. It's also so big that I don't want to just carry it around everywhere. A 1911 is not a pocket gun unless you have gigantic pockets. I'll grab it when I think I might want it and the rest of the time leave it home. I purposefully don't want something that I can just hide anywhere. I don't want to be that guy, even if the whole point of a concealed license is so I could do that. I'm not a gun guy, I'm not a gun enthusiast, I don't keep loaded guns in every nook and cranny of my house, and I never want to be that way. I'm just a guy that has one if I want it or need it.

It's fucking crazy. As a relatively sane, non mental case, you probably realise that carrying a gun just makes you statistically far more likely to get shot. Like you said, Greg, no guitar is worth your life. If someone wants to rob you bad enough to threaten you with a gun your best bet it to be as observant as possible and let them rob you. They'll get caught.
Not in this city. They'll never get caught. If I had any faith in my stolen goods being found and returned maybe I'd just let them take it. But it doesn't work that way in a gigantic city of 5 million people and a shitload of crime. The cops would just laugh at me if I stood there and did nothing. If I'm legally allowed to defend myself and my property, they'll take me more seriously. In my lifetime, I've never needed a gun, and I don't plan on ever needing to use one. But at this point I'd rather have one and not need it then need it and not have it. That's just life in big city, USA now. It's fucking pathetic that I'd even have to think about getting mugged while putting guitars into my car. It's sad that my wife has to be on the lookout just to pump gas. I'm not the enemy. I don't fuck with anyone. No one will ever even know that I might be carrying a gun. I don't belong to the NRA. I don't have any idiotic gun stickers or stupid political slogans on my car. I'm not a religious right wing gun freak.
I do. I have a 12 gauge shotgun, a 22 rifle, and a 1911 .45ACP. My wife has a mini Ruger 9mm. My 1911 is a beast, a hand cannon. It's big and not very concealable at all and it shoots sledgehammers for bullets. I chose that one as "my gun" because it's old school and slender. It's like a 60s neck on a Les Paul. I don't like those double-stack tactical squared off wide-grip Glock things that hold 95 bullets. Mine holds 8 human destroyers and if I can't get it done with eight .45 shots, then I need to run like a motherfucker. It's also so big that I don't want to just carry it around everywhere. A 1911 is not a pocket gun unless you have gigantic pockets. I'll grab it when I think I might want it and the rest of the time leave it home. I purposefully don't want something that I can just hide anywhere. I don't want to be that guy, even if the whole point of a concealed license is so I could do that. I'm not a gun guy, I'm not a gun enthusiast, I don't keep loaded guns in every nook and cranny of my house, and I never want to be that way. I'm just a guy that has one if I want it or need it.

Not in this city. They'll never get caught. If I had any faith in my stolen goods being found and returned maybe I'd just let them take it. But it doesn't work that way in a gigantic city of 5 million people and a shitload of crime. The cops would just laugh at me if I stood there and did nothing. If I'm legally allowed to defend myself and my property, they'll take me more seriously. In my lifetime, I've never needed a gun, and I don't plan on ever needing to use one. But at this point I'd rather have one and not need it then need it and not have it. That's just life in big city, USA now. It's fucking pathetic that I'd even have to think about getting mugged while putting guitars into my car. It's sad that my wife has to be on the lookout just to pump gas. I'm not the enemy. I don't fuck with anyone. No one will ever even know that I might be carrying a gun. I don't belong to the NRA. I don't have any idiotic gun stickers or stupid political slogans on my car. I'm not a religious right wing gun freak.

Have you considered moving to Europe? It's way less nuts over here.
Texas is looking at passing a law for open-carry. Shit will get real scary then. I see actual shoot-outs in the streets happening. :(
I don't like it either. Open carry in Texas? It will be like the 1800s over here. These fucking rednecks are way too nuts and have too short a fuse to be allowed to open carry. That's insane to me. On the flip side, people just might be nicer to each other if they see that everyone is packing heat. Guns make people feel braver than they really are. But if both sides of a dispute have a gun, it might calm things down a bit. Or, like you said, cause a wild west shootout in the streets. Unfortunately this is all the more reason for me to have a goddamn gun. I'm almost being forced to carry one myself. If all of the thugs have guns, and they do, the cops are totally useless, and regular people are having guns, then I better have one too. :(
Have you considered moving to Europe? It's way less nuts over here.

I'd love to live in europe. I'm not some flag-waving patriotic american. But, I am an american. Not only am I an american, I'm a southern american. I don't even like traveling to the northern states for more than a few days. Moving to another country would just be too much culture shock. For all the things I hate about this retarded country, it is still my home and where I'm comfortable. Even if that means dodging a few bullets.
By the way, and this will hopefully be my last gun post, I shot about 300 rounds today all tactical style and shit. It was actually a lot of fun. I learned some stuff. Shooting around corners and on the move and shit. I thought it was great. Everyone was all dressed like they were going to war. I was wearing jeans and a Motorhead t-shirt.
Did you score the 535Q...?
No dude, the deal fell through, he'd actually modded the pedal (he shaved the stoppers down to give it more sweep), & wanted more for it than I was willing to give since it was modded...I'll get one

I'm just a guy that has one if I want it or need it.
Right on man, as redneck/hillbilly as I am, the only reason I have any guns at all is in the event that I might need it...hopefully, I won't, but you never know...I do have a few though, I've got an old Ruger Blackhawk 357 magnum that was my Dad's...No amount of money could ever get me to get rid of this thing it's at least 35 years old, maybe older, the old man had it as long as I could remember...M-1 Carbine with lots of clips & ammo, Glock 9mm, a 22 rifle, a 30-06 rifle, a 410 bolt-action shotgun, & a 12 gauge pump...I keep 'em all locked up except the 9mm which is what I keep with me if/when I go anywhere...
I'd love to live in europe. I'm not some flag-waving patriotic american. But, I am an american. Not only am I an american, I'm a southern american. I don't even like traveling to the northern states for more than a few days. Moving to another country would just be too much culture shock. For all the things I hate about this retarded country, it is still my home and where I'm comfortable. Even if that means dodging a few bullets.
Come on Greg, dust off your passport and ill take you out for a pint.