The New Tone Thread's my lame-ass attempt at a tone close to that album with the Chupacabra.....Probably waaaaay off, & my playing completely sucks, but here it is anyway....It's not terrible (the tone), and could be used in a mix pretty easily IMO, but as far as nailing the tone on the album, not even gonna try, as I'll just sound like me

Appetite For Masturbation

Chupa solo'd

Lemme know how far off I am....:laughings:.
I think yours is pretty close to the Izzy sound. Yours is quite a bit brighter than both though.

The Slash sound has more a mids slightly scooped kind of sound and maybe more gain to me.

Both Izzy and Slash clips seem to me to have a darker mic placement. They're smoother overall. Nothing seems exaggerated.
Thanks dude, solo'd/isolated Slash's tone has that high end/high mids/bonk/kerrang to it that the Chupa has, I just need to dial it in a little better....That & play with the mics a little...I think I can get closer with the mic positions I have, just mess with the blend a little (back off on the '57's volume a tad, giving the C1 a little more to the sound....All this is going by these Rock Band tracks too, & I don't know how accurate they really are to be honest....I mean, sure they sound like the real thing, but....

Not gonna be able to fuck with it much longer tonight though, it's 11 pm now, & I don't wanna get the po-lice called on me...:D.

Be back in a few minutes with another clip or two...
I don't know what speakers Slash used for his AFD tracks. That's gonna make a big difference. He's a Vintage 30 guy now and has been for a long time. The V30 was released in 86 I believe so it's possible he used them in a new cab back then. But I doubt it. At that time all of the classic Celestions were still readily available as well as Jensen, EV, and Altec Lansing stuff. There's no telling what he used. Just my personal opinion, I'd bet it was G12-65s or G12-80s. They were everywhere back then in older Marshall cabs for the time. But I don't know, that's just my guess. Everyone talks about his LP replica and the legendary SIR Super Lead, but no one mentions the cabs/speakers.

I do know one thing.....Slash's recorded or live sound has never sounded like AFD since that one session.
Right dude, I'm playing with the 2-mic thing right now, I've got the '57 on the Greenback, & the C1 condensor on the V30....To me, the speaker the amp goes through make a huge difference, & it may be pretty hard for me to get any closer without a different speaker...dunno....I'm gonna post a couple clips in a few minutes to let you hear 'em...And, again, I don't know how close these tracks I've got are to the real thing I'm trying to cop, so it's probably just me pissing in the

You're right about Slash's recorded tones too, while I like a lot of his sounds on later albums, they're not even close to being the same as on AFD....

Be back in a few....'s another attempt....a little closer, but after listening back, I've got the mids too prominent on my track...this is the 2-mic thing too, with the condensor about -15db lower than the ''s a little closer, but still not there yet....probably close enough though, as I'd sound like myself anyway, but it is cool & fun to get in the ballpark of a tone that I really like (like the VH thing) for me anyway....

I think I have the amp & mics pretty close, & the difference might be my speaker, dunno...I'm using the greenback, I tried the V30, & it was just way off to my ears....The greenback seems to have a closer sound, but as usual, I'm probably

The '57 is about where I had it, but I did move the C1 toward the dustcap just a little more, hoping to get a little closer to that "bonk" I hear on these tracks...

Signal chain: LP > Chupacabra > 4x12 - Greenback > '57/C1

Amp settings:
Resonance: 0
Presence: 6
Bass: 8
Mid: 3
Treble: 6
Master: 2
Gain 2: 2
Gain 1: 4
Era: modern
Bright 2: L
Bright 1: L



Outta time to use the 4x12 tonight, as it's going on 2 am, but I'll get back to it tomorrow....Pretty cool that I can get all these tones with just one amp though, the Ceriatone is pretty damn versatile IMHO....From clean to mean, & everything in

I should've bought the ET65 this weekend, but didn't....I went out, had dinner, went running around, & got a very nice piece of ass instead...This week has been ass before GAS......Might be different next time though....:laughings:.

I bet the Gerg could nail this tone with his gear.....hint, hint....:).
I think that's pretty close dude. You've got more mids in yours. The Slash clip sounds "louder" to me, as in it was recorded louder. It's smoother overall and more compressed as if it was done quite loudly.

I don't know if I'd do any good trying to get this sound. I'm sure my amps will do it, but I can't play any of that stuff. It's not like slash sound is super special. It's a Les Paul and a Marshall. 99% of that sound is all in how you play it. more clip before I head out the door for work today....Still using the 2-mic thing on the Greenback....but, I've been thinking on this, maybe the T-75 would get me closer to this sound??? Slash's sound in this clip is a little mid-scooped, & the high end is different than what I can dial in with my amp/speaker combination... just thought about that...I know the mics, pre-amps, all that other shit they used have an effect on the recorded tone, but I'm pretty sure I can get a little closer....

I'm gonna try the T-75's, probably tomorrow....if I get home in time tonight, I'll do it tonight, but most likely, it'll be tomorrow...

Don't have time today, & probably won't be able to record anything with the 4x12 tonight, but I'll keep it in mind for the next '

Signal chain:

LP > Chupacabra > 4x12 Greenback > '57 & C1

Amp settings:
Resonance: 0
Presence: 8
Bass: 3
Mid: 1
Treble: 5
Master Vol: 7
Gain 2: 5
Gain 1: 10
Era: 80's
Bright 2: L
Bright 1: R
Focus: On

Chupacabra AFD attempt #2

Lemme know what ya think, I've gotta go to work....6 days this week too, I already know that, we've gotta work this Saturday to be off the Wed before Thanksgiving....Bastards....hahahaha

See you guys after while....
Lol, okay getting closer. I still think it's too bright, but the mids are more controlled now. Gain level seems about right.
Okay minerdude, here's my baseline attempt at the Slash AFD sound. This will be my ground zero for trying to see if I can get anywhere close to that shit. These next few "sessions" will be the first and only time I try to copy that sound. :laughings:

Les Paul Traditional - Bursbucker 3 bridge pickup
Marshall Plexi 1959 SLP
All tone controls on 5
High input 1 only
Ch 1 vol - 5
Ch 2 vol - 0
PPIMV at max out of the circuit - this was really loud.
Marshall 1960B - Vintage 30 - Audix i5 at dustcap/cone seam, on axis, on grill
No EQ in DAW.
Welcome to the Butthole

Okay, my first impression with melted ears is that the low mids are too much and there's not enough gain.....and I can't play this song. See what yall think compared to that Slash clip.
Okay minerdude, here's my baseline attempt at the Slash AFD sound. This will be my ground zero for trying to see if I can get anywhere close to that shit. These next few "sessions" will be the first and only time I try to copy that sound. :laughings:

Okay, my first impression with melted ears is that the low mids are too much and there's not enough gain.....and I can't play this song. See what yall think compared to that Slash clip.

Lol....well, you're right on the gain dude, needs waaay more gain...I was actually surprised at the amount of gain on his isolated track...I kept having to bump it up on my amp to get there...which I'm not complaining, I like lotsa gain.....

The high end seems about right, but maybe try turning the bass way down, on my last attempt I only had the bass on about 3-4 IIRC...

And, to me, it doesn't have to be ear-melting loud dude, use the PPIMV to tame that shit a little, that'll give you a little more gain too....

Not bad, never thought I'd see you trying to cop a Slush-y

Can't do anything tonight, I just got home, it fuckin' snowed tonight, so I'm about 30 mins later than usual, but as soon as I roll my big ass over in the morning, the tubes will be cookin'.....hahahaha
I never realized how thin and wimpy Slash's sound is on that album. It sounds great with everything together, but when I brought that isolated track into the DAW to A/B my own.....holy crap. There's no way his amp was that thin in person. I just can't believe it. I know those isolated tracks are "finished" and have been worked over in the studio all those years ago...but damn. It sounds awesome on the album though.

Knowing my own Plexi pretty well, I don't think it will come anywhere near having enough gain to get that sound while also being thin enough in the low end. The way the tone controls work on this amp, if I roll the bass all the way off I lose gain. All of the tone controls control how much of each frequency gets juiced up in the gain stage instead of filtering after the fact. I think I'm gonna have to get creative....or try the JVM. The JVM definitely has way more than enough gain.
I never realized how thin and wimpy Slash's sound is on that album. It sounds great with everything together, but when I brought that isolated track into the DAW to A/B my own.....holy crap. There's no way his amp was that thin in person. I just can't believe it. I know those isolated tracks are "finished" and have been worked over in the studio all those years ago...but damn. It sounds awesome on the album though.

Same here dude, but I'm pretty sure those tracks have been eq'd to fit the mix better....Pretty sure they've high passed the low end to keep it out of the bass' space in the mix...

Knowing my own Plexi pretty well, I don't think it will come anywhere near having enough gain to get that sound while also being thin enough in the low end. The way the tone controls work on this amp, if I roll the bass all the way off I lose gain. All of the tone controls control how much of each frequency gets juiced up in the gain stage instead of filtering after the fact. I think I'm gonna have to get creative....or try the JVM. The JVM definitely has way more than enough gain.

Not sure what to suggest on that dude, the Chupa has the gain, no doubt about that, never thought about your plexi not having enough....You could try it balls-out (cranked), & then eq it a little in the daw to match??? Or, like you mentioned, try the JVM....I'm sure you can get a lot closer than the first attempt though...There's not a sound out there (within reason) you can't get really close to IMO dude....

Got the tubes warming up, gonna try a clip or two with the T-75's.....
The legend goes that Slash's AFD amp was a 1959 Super Tremolo with the tremolo circuit modded into an extra tube gain stage. That's where all his gain came from. A standard 1959 circuit doesn't get there. A JCM 800 doesn't get there either. The 1959 gets wild but it doesn't do that tight 80s-ish sound without help. I could crank everything and boost it with a pedal though. I'm thinking If I dime everything but roll the bass all the way off then slam the front end with my EQ pedal it might get close..
Slamming the front end of your amp with the eq pedal could help dude, but to be honest, it's hard to tell what he really used for those tracks...It's kinda like the VH thing, it's a "legend"

Give it a shot with the eq pedal & see....Maybe even use an od pedal??? IIRC, you've got a Tubescreamer right???? That cuts the low end, I know my Boss SD-1 knocks out the lows pretty good....

Ok, here's another attempt, but to be honest, I think my Greenback clips were a little closer, but fuck it, here it is anyway:

LP > Chupacabra > 4x12/T-75 > '57/C1

Amp settings:

Resonance: 0
Presenece: 8
Bass: 5
Mid: 2.5
Treble: 3
Master: 4
Gain 2: 5
Gain 1: 9
Era: Modern
Bright 2: L
Bright 1: L
Focus: On/engaged

T-75 attempt

Pretty much outta time again, I have to leave a few minutes early because of the fuckin' snow, but I'll be back later tonight...
Actually, I don't even know anymore. I think your other one was closer.

Here's one with the JVM. I'm so tired of hearing this thing that this 2nd attempt will be my last. I feel really silly doing this. :laughings:

Les Paul Traditional - Burstbucker 3 bridge pickup
Marshall JVM 410 - OD 2 - Orange mode
Bass - 6
Mid - 3.5
Treb - 2
Gain - 2
Resonance - 0
Presence - 0
Ch vol - 5
Master vol -5
TS-9 Tube Screamer in front
Drive - 0
Level - 10:00
Tone -12:00
Marshall 1960B - Vintage 30 - Audix i5 dustcap/cone, on axis, on grill.
Low shelf EQ in DAW 4 db < 1000hz
Welcome to the Gloryhole
Honestly, it is pretty silly doing this dude, but what the've really got nothing better to do for the next couple days, just basically killing time before work...

You need more gain dude, more gain....I bet the JVM would get closer with more gain, on a different channel/mode....I'm also betting the sound Slash got in the room/studio was a lot more ballsier & meaty than what we're hearing on these isolated tracks too...

Anyway, I think the next to the last attempt of mine was about as close as I'm gonna get...the last one just didn't do it at all....So, fuck it...move onto something else....hahahaha

Gonna grab a shower, something to eat, & probably hit the sack....still got 4 days to go this week, but it's cool, I only work 2 days next week, & get a little mini-vacation for Thanksgiving...Only downside to that is, we'll probably only get one or two days off for Christmas, then it'll be fuckin' July before I get any real time off...there'll be a 3-day weekend here/there, but damn....July is a looooong way off.....

And, I'm probably gonna pull the trigger on some more shit this week too...I'll have a little extra $$$ this week, so I may get a speaker or two, maybe some more shit, just depends on what grabs my
Lol. More gain? Maybe so, but that's already way more gain than I use for anything. I hate it.

What's so dumb about copying Slash tone to me - specifically Slash AFD tone - is there's no way his real sound is/was as wimpy and thin as that isolated tone. No way. Copying tones is fine, but copying Slash's AFD recorded tone is insane. And that's why I don't understand why people try to dial in their live rigs to sound like a recorded tone. It's crazy to me. I think Slash's AFD sound live in a room would be the worst sound ever. I think so anyway. And they designed an entire amp after that sound. The amp doesn't sound that bad, but it's certainly not the best Marshall ever or anything.
Lol. More gain? Maybe so, but that's already way more gain than I use for anything. I hate it.

hahahaha....gain is good dude....I'm learning to "control" myself on the gain knob, but I still like a fair amount myself....I used to be the guy who dimed his gain knob all the time, lately/last little while, I'm learning to dial it back some for clarity, recording-wise, less gain is way better for layered guitars, & actually sounds bigger....

What's so dumb about copying Slash tone to me - specifically Slash AFD tone - is there's no way his real sound is/was as wimpy and thin as that isolated tone. No way. Copying tones is fine, but copying Slash's AFD recorded tone is insane. And that's why I don't understand why people try to dial in their live rigs to sound like a recorded tone. It's crazy to me. I think Slash's AFD sound live in a room would be the worst sound ever. I think so anyway. And they designed an entire amp after that sound. The amp doesn't sound that bad, but it's certainly not the best Marshall ever or anything.
Yeah dude, the sound coming from his amp wasn't at all like what's on these isolated tracks, like I said, I'm about 100% sure these tracks have been eq'd/processed to fit the mix....Fuck, for all I know these tracks aren't even the real deal....

I'm gonna dig through all these Rock Band tracks I've got just to see what all sounds half-assed real or not...I do know I have "Blitzkrieg Bop" by the Ramones if you want me to post the guitars from that...lemme know...