TapeandTape Opportunist thief

Man, seriously. Stop saying reel when you mean REAL. Unless I'm the only one bothered by this I will shut up now.

Someone here lost their sense of humor???:eek: Any ways I appreciate all your info even MadCoyote's, And I digress, I promise to never buy another reel, (yes it means "reel" MadCoyote), of tape from Bill when it is the last straw and it becomes too much of a headache. When that will be who knows, maybe starting right now, maybe not, I will check out ATR 1/4" stock soon when that is available.

Anybody here can let me know when ATR carries 1/4"?

Thanks you all', it's been reel', I mean real'.............:D
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Why dont we call the BBB? And if they dont do anything then we could call the police in his area to make them alert of what this menace to Anal-society is doing. Or too bad Ebay doesnt have a forum that you can post on certain sellers and give a detailed description on how their product is...

Yes you can tell other ebay members what you think about a Seller, but come on the BBB?
The Bush Administration cut back on all the local government funding and consumer agencies, so good luck in getting through, last time I called the BBB, I got a busy signal....... forever.

Your on your own in this world and all you can do is warn people like you are doing here, which that is a good thing.
According to ATR, 1/4" is in the works, but I don't know when that will be. Hopefully it won't take as long as it did to get the current stuff rolling. I'll try it on my half-track just to say I did. Quantegy GP9 sounded great on my little 22-2 but I was afraid of too much wear and tear.

I would think anything that plays nice with GP9 or SM900 should do fine with the ATR stuff.


If anything, the ATR tape looks damn good, I dare say better than just about any tape out-there. Plus it's 6 screw design! :)

I too am not sure whether I'd actually use this tape but I'll probably just get one, to put above my fireplace (if I had one ;) ).:D


  • tn_atr.jpeg
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I can sell you a house in Florida with a fireplace to go along with your tape. You might have a hard time mounting it ABOVE the fireplace though. ;)


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Ah, yes, The Crazy World of Arthur Brown. I remember them well. Actually, I can get a fairly good, roaring fire going in the fireplace without effecting the screen. I have yet to start a fire that has gotten out of control. :)
Someone here lost their sense of humor???:eek:

I lost my sense of humour a very long time ago with things like word replacement being on irc chatting with script kiddies for years. But that issue for an entirely different thread. :) It's just a personal pet peeve but I wouldn't read too deeply into it.
I am mad about this........

Yep', well, guess what happened again and again from Bill from TapandTape, when I bid on Basf 468 reel tape and other kinds of reel tape from TapeandTape on his Ebay auctions, I get some other tape instead, not the tape that Bill promises to have in stock and so far it has happened allot.

Another words Bill promises to have 30, 3M 986 reel tapes, and guess what, I just want six of them and he says oh I don't have that reel tape in stock but I can give you some 996 new instead. Well I believe the 996 is a great tape and it is new, but that is not the point. I bid on Ebay and I expect to get the tape that I actually bid on and won, not something entirely different instead!!!

I am tired of Bill's false advertisement at TapeandTape, and sick of him pulling this crap all the time now............

Let me explain this to you, If my machine is not calibrated for 3M 996 reel tape, then what good does that do for me and for my precious recording time that I do not have in the first place.
And now am I going to have to change my tape decks' bias every time Bill wants to sell me whatever other reel tape he wants to sell me, he reels you in for some other tape he claims he has, without me, the customer ever having a choice or say in the matter? Why???

I am done, I am done................

So people go out and support the more expensive reel tapes from ATR and RMGI, and you will actually get what you wanted and needed in the first place, for your machine and bias calibration set up!!!:eek: Imagine that......wow.........WOW!!!

Being clueless' is being ignorant', so stay ignorant and lose your business, and so keep it up and keep losing your customers?!!!
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Besides filing a claim with eBay and paypal (if applicable), check out this site to file a free report that will be searchable on the web. Be sure to include both tapetape and tapeandtape in the report.


And as always when you register for something online, even a good thing, use an alias and don't provide your real address etc. Either that or get a bigger mailbox. :eek:

1738 Canyon Dr.
Suite 134
Los Angeles, CA 90028

Owner: Bill Hallmark



So, it seems that I am one of the people that tapetape Bill counts on to keep him afloat. I am a complete newbie to analog (just bought a tascam 58 yesterday!!) and this forum(just joined 10 minutes ago).

I wish that I would have found this forum earlier, because this morning, I bought two reels of tape from tapeandtape. I ordered two reels Bill listed as
"AMPEX 456 1/2" x 5000ft x 14" audio tapes reel to reel 8 track recording tapes. These are NEW AMPEX 456 1/2" tapes."

From reading this thread, I already expect to wait a long time to get my tapes, and to probably get the wrong tapes.

I'm a newbie flying blind here, a little help please.

1. First of all, I read that 456 is the tape I need for my Tascam 58, this is correct right? Can I use other types? What is the difference? What are the best brands?

2. How will I know whether or not I got the right kind of tape from tapetape?

3. Where is the best place to buy the kind of tape I need.

If there are some threads already answering my questions, pointing me in the right direction would be appreciated.


Welcome! Glad to have you here. Did you get my PM over at the Tascam Forum?

You can use lots of different types of tape, but the 58 (as well as the 80-8, 38, 48, etc.) is based around the 456 formula +6 tape. There is only one company that I know of making 1/2" +6 tape and that's RMGI, Inc. It is their SM911 tape. You can get it from a number of places. Just make sure you get it from an authorized dealer...you can get the list from the RMGI website. I purchased from US Recording Media.

Read this thread found here. It will tell you more than you ever wanted to know.

1. Partially answered above. There are lots you can use. The +6, +9, +whatever is a measure of how much signal the tape can take before it reaches a certain level of distortion. The higher the rating, the hotter signal it can handle before that given level of distortion. So hotter is better right? NO! Don't fall for the hype!! :eek: There are many members here that love 406 equivalent tape...that's a +3 tape. Many love the +9 tapes (RMGI SM900, Quantegy GP9, etc.) I'm starting out with the +6 tape because that's what the 58 electronics were built around and then I'll branch out from there if I'm wanting a certain sound and I'll ask here for opinions. Do what you want. It is a personal decision. I will tell you that the +9 tapes can present the potential for being a little harder on your tape path because of the thicker back-coating...Do I have that right guys?

2. Do yourself a favor. Do not buy from tapeandtape.

3. Again, if you want to buy new +6 tape, RMGI SM911 is it. The only other current manufacturer is ATR Magnetics, but I think all their stuff is currently +9 tape.

In summary, read the thread I linked above, don't buy from tapeandtape, and ask lots of questions here.

Again, welcome! ;)
2 questions

First of all, this forum is really cool.

1. I looked at the sticky shed thread, and saw a lot of ampex 456's listed. In general is ampex 456 going to be tape I dont want to put in my machine?

2. I now know that tapeandtape is a dick and on the blacklist(and ebay too), but I unfortunately i got excited and made an order before I had this knowledge. Assuming I do get my order of two tapes shown here:

Ebay Item#: 120262786779
(sorry, this forum wont let me post a url until I have made five posts)

How do I know if he sent me the right tape? How do I know if this is something I want to put in my machine.

Thanks guys,
First of all, this forum is really cool.

1. I looked at the sticky shed thread, and saw a lot of ampex 456's listed. In general is ampex 456 going to be tape I dont want to put in my machine?

2. I now know that tapeandtape is a dick and on the blacklist(and ebay too), but I unfortunately i got excited and made an order before I had this knowledge. Assuming I do get my order of two tapes shown here:

Ebay Item#: 120262786779
(sorry, this forum wont let me post a url until I have made five posts)

How do I know if he sent me the right tape? How do I know if this is something I want to put in my machine.

Thanks guys,

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but there are two problems with that tape. The first and most important is we can tell from the box style it was made pre-1995, which means it has the old binder that is vulnerable to sticky-shed. Secondly, the reels are too large for your 58. Most reel-to-reel decks, including the 58 can only accommodate 10.5” reels. 14” reels won’t fit. If the tape were good that wouldn’t be the end of the world, as you could buy four empty 10.5” reels and devise some way to transfer the tape to the smaller reels.

You can take him up on his money back guarantee if you aren’t satisfied, but expect that to drag on for some time. Don’t let your eBay, paypal and credit card options for remedy expire. The tapes will likely be late and Bill will schmooze you with stories of shipping problems or an employee made a mistake (though he doesn’t have any employees that I know of). He'll be very friendly and apologetic but you'll still be screwed. Anyway, he’s known for delay tactics so you lose your opportunity to file a claim and leave eBay feedback.
I will tell you that the +9 tapes can present the potential for being a little harder on your tape path because of the thicker back-coating...Do I have that right guys?

I checked out some pdf specs on some of the tapes and indeed there is a thickness variation of the backing and also of the oxide coating, with the +9 [and even the ATR +10] being more thick, stiff and heavier, making them not ideal for our purposes.

I too think that the really high output tapes are over-hyped. Most people just don't need that. +3 and +6 is enough and in many cases +3 is sufficient.

I know this is an old thread but was directed to it by few of the guys in the analog only forum. I was close to buying from this business and was told to research it a little. In other posts I've recommended tape tape to people that's looking for analog tape. Knowing the problems others have had I now recommend to check out this thread first.