Struggling with getting good mixes :(

Hi All!

Been having similar probs with my mixes too.

I had a thought? Would listening to pro recordings/cds through your monitors, give you a better idea of how your mix should sound(during mixdown)?

ie: if I import or record a(CD) track into my mix window, on a new track.
and I use this to A/B whilst mixing, should this make my mix more likely to sound correct when bounced?

Hi All!

Been having similar probs with my mixes too.

I had a thought? Would listening to pro recordings/cds through your monitors, give you a better idea of how your mix should sound(during mixdown)?

ie: if I import or record a(CD) track into my mix window, on a new track.
and I use this to A/B whilst mixing, should this make my mix more likely to sound correct when bounced?

I don't know if I'd stop in the middle of a mix to A/B... But 100% yes to the rest. Listen to your favorite CDs on your setup as often as possible. It helps tremendously.
it sounds tiny!!! no low end, jacked mids, no air/shine. just dull tiny garbage.

I had the same feeling, in my case I was trying to do to much initially. I reversed my stratedgy and focused on just getting clean clear tracks, did the same for the mix, made it clean and airy, focused on the levels and presenting the song, and when I finally mastered it, it was 100% better. IMO the "ear candy" is the last thing. Alot of what Glen is saying worked really well for me.

Also, posting on the Mp3 clinic helps if you can take the critisism. You've got alot of ears listening on alot of different systems. You can tell what everyone hears the same about your mix Ya know? Good Luck!