
A clarification: I am not dissing floppies. I was just referring to the design of the floppy port sticking up like a little thingy with that huge numeric keyboard under it.
You should see my Roland MC-500! (Mega 80's)
It's beige with grey buttons and looks like a adding machine with a Disk drive. LOL

BillyFurnett said:
You should see my Roland MC-500! (Mega 80's

I know, I LOVE it! I have wanted one even since they came out. I might get one too, just for the heck of it, even though I have an MC-50. :)
OK OK here I am. Thanks Billy. I'm sick. SICK of seeing 3700's go by.:rolleyes: I saw it a minute after it came up. You know what. I'm turning ebay off. Untill I have some dough to work with. And actually, I've decided my little old Studiomaster 20/8/2 ain't half bad. At least for what I do. Got no money and probably won't for quite a while so why whip myself to death over something I can't have right now. Besides, when am I EVER going to have that many tracks, considering my present situation.
SOOOOOOO.....heres to using what we have. And get on with having some FUN instead of lamenting what I don't have(cause the list is a mile long). The shop is really what I have to concentrate on right now. Two of the machines I purchased have 3 phase motors and they are BIG. To replace them with single phase costs almost as much as a 3700. I found an electronic converter for them, and it too is $700. Shit.
And thats just the beginning.
Just like a studio, you have to have ALL the little shit to make it work. Like router bits. Laminate slitter. Pocket boring machine. Clamps.....and on and on. But I did find something the other day that blew my mind. A 1/2 mile from my house is a FUNKY old building right on the slough that has hand painted "PLYWOOD FOR SALE" signs on the building . So I decided to stop and check it out. Cool.
I stop, and there is all kinds of wood and stuff laying around outside that is CHEAP. I go into this dark old building and start looking around. Hmmm. There are some GIANT old machines like I've never seen. Looks like the turn of the 19th century. Motors on these machines are 3' in diameter. Anyway, I'm noticing all kinds of plywood veeners stacked in bins and stacks of hardwoods and ply. EXOTIC hardwoods.
TONS of it. Logs. Boards. Veneers. As I'm walking around this dark cavern, a funky dude comes up and ask me if he could help me. I get to talking to him(sounds like he is from the back hills of Tennesee) and he says "welcome to the worlds smallest plywood manufacturing plant. Huh? What? Really? Cool? You what? Make custom hardwood plywood? Shit. Really? HOLY MOLY!! I look at the veneers. My god. Zebrawood. Gaboon. Hickory. Rosewood.......OMG....I'm in hardwood heaven.
Like finding Reel's Tascam collection right down the street:D Ok, enough of this. This is a recording forum, not a woodworking forum, right? Well, you see where I'm heading anyway. Right now the recording thing is taking a backseat. Can't help it.

(BTW- I've been meaning to ask if I can jot you and your son down for a combined track on the great 38 collab of 2003? )
You betcha. IF I had an 8 track. Even that is out of the question for now. Survival is the name of the game. But if I did have one.........I'd be ready in a New York second!
Well, thanks for the link. It'll have to wait.:( Besides, I bet the shipping from New York would be OUTRAGIOUS!

Heck yeah your Studiomaster is good enough... It's GREAT enough!

Hang in there and you'll get everything in order.
All in good time Rick... All in good time.

Re: Thanks Billy!

I know. Patience is a virtue. Question is, whats a virtue:D
A virtue is a Bitch!:D

BTW, Woody, aka Rick,

Take care with those power tools! I don't want to ever read a story from you that was typed with your elbows or, your nose because you lost your fingers to the jointer/plainer!!:eek:

Like my old shop teacher always told us;

A before O or, up you go!

Your not a welder too, are you??

Cheers! :)
Hey Ghost. How ya doin. Read a lot of your posts on other forums lately. Hey, you ever sparred with ole "sweetnubs"?:rolleyes: Just curious. What a jerk. Anyway, about the fingers. I'm about the most carefull 10 fingered geetar player you ever seen. Got bit a few times. Almost lost 3 fingers once. So now, I don't EVEN let my fingers get close to ANY blades. I ALWAYS use a pushstick now. I learned the hard way and it ain't no fun. Its the unexpected that you have to watch out for. Knowing what will do what when you do it thats important. If you guess......look out. Or if your rushing, or tired. I got hurt more times from being tired and not paying attention. And btw, the jointer can be a NASTY little MOFO if your not careful. Saw a guy pushing a piece of maple through too fast and it kicked it back out of his hands. Since he was pushing, his left hand slipped right down into the blades. You don't want to know what it did. I saw it. Also saw a guy get a 1" square piece of oak kicked back from a tablesaw. Went right into his belly. Shit. Made me sick. Never stand inline with a short stick on a table saw.

And yea, I weld(not great but good enough for me), paint, work plex, glass, laminates metal fabrication, etc etc. Had to learn a lot of different things in a store fixture manufacturing place. They had huge shops for everything with journeyman in every shop. I'm a journeyman millworker(woodworking), but the other stuff is just using tricks I learned. Mostly though I'm a CAD/board draftsman. Knowing this stuff is what allowed me to draw for the shop. Otherwise your guessing. Gotta know what and how to build in order to tell the shop how to.

Well, thanks Ghost. I'm going to try and get some audio stuff hooked up as soon as I can to take a listen to your stuff. Been a while since I've had anything set up. Maybe this weekend if I don't go to Sacramento. But we'll see. Ok, enough of my bla bla.
Later......damn, I wish I had something audio to contribute. Soon though.