

If I was you, I'd write me a good blues tune about your adventure.

I'd call it,

Quest for Saw!


Gonna cut me up some lumber
Gonna cut me down a tree
Gonna cut me up some lumber, baby
Gonna cut me down a tree, oh yeah
But my table saw is busted
Rotted out and filled with swarmin' fleas

Verse 2

Well I got my self on E-bay
I'm lookin' up at the deals
Well I got myself on E-bay, uh huh
I'm lookin' up at all the deals, oh yeah
Well I fond just what I needed
And jumped behind the steering wheel


I got a quest for saw, Babe
Do you know just how that feel
I'm drivin' 40 hours
Just to get a deal
But the sellers name is Zeek
Friends call em Yuna-brow, uh huh
And he's sellin' it to me, cause
He can't afford the plug and power, oh yeah

(Big screamin' guitar solo)

Repeat chorus

Write your own third verse!!

Cheers! :)
Thats fantastic Ghost. You wrote that quick!

Heres the third and and fourth verse...

Pulled into town
with the money in my hand
But didn't realize
it was lowdown Redneck land.
Should have known those redneck boys
would knock my dick in the sand
If I didn't kick thier ass to hell
it 'd be my last stand, oh yea

Now give me the saw I said
or I'll bury it with you
and if you raise your fist to me
it'll be the last thing you do
so heed my warning all you
wood cuttin fools
beware of redneck bearing ads
for cheap ebay tools, OH YEA!!

Thanks Ghost, we have a HIT!!! The EBAY BLUES in the key of F#

:D :D :D

The song is all yours!

Just make sure you put it up on the clinic when you have it recorded through your M3700.

The good tunes usually come quick anyways, as it's been my experience.

Cheers! :)
It's a naughty little 520.

(If i had one I'd plug a mic in and say "Who's your daddy?" to it.-LOL)

I need serious help!

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:D :D :D I'm bidding on one. Just won an auction on a powermatic tablesaw 10 min ago. Whahoooo!! Last night won an auction on a Laguna resaw bandsaw. Double whahoo. I've also got bids on a planer and jointer. We'll see. But that will be it for the money.:rolleyes: All gone then. I had a budget from selling my house.

I decided that it could be months before I see a 3700. In the meantime, I want a decent Tascam mixer. A 520 will do nicely. There is one on ebay right now. Only 20 channels, but for what I need right now, that will be fine. The tools are what I need most of all to make a living. If I need more channels, I'll cascade two 520's later, as I believe you can. But we'll see if I win.

Hey, your a night owl. Arn't you back east. I don't know where I got that idea. I stayed up to bid at the last minute, but it's bed time now, if I can get my heart slowed down from the auction. Ha! Does it every time, whether it's a $1 item or a $1k item.
Congrats on the tool score. :)

That pic is from the 520 on ebay right now. (Man that thing looks clean!)

Two 520's huh? (Kinky!)

BTW I'm in Chicago.

Hi Billy, no, your not sick. I talk to mine all the time:D ("You stinkin little noisy sob!)
I've got a Studiomaster 20/8/2 right now, so with the 520, for now, I'll have plenty of channels. And by the way, there is another one but I aint sayin where it is:D Ha.

Well thanks for the congrats, yea, I'm a millwork detailer(CAD) and really know how to build, so I decided to start a fixture/millwork shop. There are a couple of cabinet shops here, but I want to build stuff that no one else does. Maybe in a while, I can score a 3700, but for now I have to concentrate on making a living, so the studio will have to take a back seat. Except for fun;) Anyway, I'll twiddle my thumbs untill the auction for the 520 comes to an end in a couple of days. Same with the planer and jointer. Only thing is, THEN, I have to make a trip to LA from Oregon to pick up everything and I detest LA. Like another country any more. Sucks. So does California, and I used to live there. Well, time for bed, my heartbeat finally slowed down. Ha!
Yeah. It got here the other day. Looked at it briefly.

Okay, I have it right here. It's 100% as-described.

I'll review the transaction and PM you with the details. Thx!
That M320B, looks like a decent fixer upper as the seller indicated, many of the 1/4" inputs don't work and many of the faders are noisy.

That could also mean that many of channels don't actually work and seller is just hopeful that it is only the jack itself that is defective.

If you bid on this one, best to e-mail the seller and get some straight answers first.

One of my M312B's has one 1/4" input that doesn't work and it is not the quarter inch jack! I have had the jack changed and the unit looked at by a technician and it still doesn't work!!!! Luckily, the balanced input on the chanel does so, it is not totally useless as a chanel on the board.


Cheers! :)