Rock Drums according to a crazy Grammy Producer: just passing the word along...

Ahhh, reminiscing on my first shitty kit with the cotton balls and electrical kit to make it sound "punchy". Those were the days man, and really did define the "garage band" scene lol.

But alas, those days are over, and I've since matured on how to make a good drum sound now. No tape and cotton balls nowadays. Though, I do fear that my drums sound a bit too "dry" on some days because of the EC2 heads I got on em.

Overall though, I'm content, I constantly get compliments on how great my kit sounds, and every time I reply, "It's because I put the right heads and the proper tuning".
Really Greg_L.... He's just another internet retard that got pussyhurt on someone else's behalf. Happens every day around here.

.....really....that's the best you can do?

Actually, I've read several of your posts and I guess that is the best you can do... the school system failed another one, huh?

Never mistake technical skills for talent....the world is full of people like that...they usually end up living with their parents waiting for their big break and talking to all their friends at McDonalds about how so and so is "not so good"....the really good ones are out making a future instead of tearing down someone who already has a legacy.... but it's hard to do that while working the deep fryer....
Really Greg_L.... He's just another internet retard that got pussyhurt on someone else's behalf. Happens every day around here.

.....really....that's the best you can do?

Actually, I've read several of your posts and I guess that is the best you can do... the school system failed another one, huh?

Never mistake technical skills for talent....the world is full of people like that...they usually end up living with their parents waiting for their big break and talking to all their friends at McDonalds about how so and so is "not so good"....the really good ones are out making a future instead of tearing down someone who already has a legacy.... but it's hard to do that while working the deep fryer....

Dude, you did get pussyhurt.

And I'm pretty sure teh Gerg would pwn you.
Intewresting theorey & prac. for recorded drums - I guess it harks back to Johnny "Cougar" Mellonhead's jack'nDianne era of uber production in drums. then again probably not.
Do I read it as a kind of Motown vocal technique for drums - the super compressed & EQ clone vocal track that's mixed the real vocal track to add "excitement" - only with reverb tails added?
There's a lot of butt hurt in this thread. A lot.

On another note, the original post just sounded like Recorderman stuff.
Greg_L and guitaristic....

It's not too late to do something with your the sound of your posts, you're what...14 or 15?... start paying attention in class, do your homework, get enough rest, and try not to whack off too much or you'll be too tired to concentrate on your homework, grammar, spelling, etc... then one day, you'll be able to post without embarrassing yourself or your families....hang in there're at a difficult age....we've all been there;)
Greg_L and guitaristic....

It's not too late to do something with your the sound of your posts, you're what...14 or 15?... start paying attention in class, do your homework, get enough rest, and try not to whack off too much or you'll be too tired to concentrate on your homework, grammar, spelling, etc... then one day, you'll be able to post without embarrassing yourself or your families....hang in there're at a difficult age....we've all been there;)

lol @ this clueless troll faggot.
Greg_L and guitaristic....

It's not too late to do something with your the sound of your posts, you're what...14 or 15?... start paying attention in class, do your homework, get enough rest, and try not to whack off too much or you'll be too tired to concentrate on your homework, grammar, spelling, etc... then one day, you'll be able to post without embarrassing yourself or your families....hang in there're at a difficult age....we've all been there;)

I can't put enough :laughings: 's on this post to convey how much I LOVE this post!