Rock Drums according to a crazy Grammy Producer: just passing the word along...

As a drummer who has worked and still works live all the time, and I mean all the time, I have to say that I wouldn't be doing too much bragging about your "friend" who supposedly knows his craft. :rolleyes:.

If he needs to use tape, cardboard and towels to get a good drum sound, maybe HE should learn his craft and learn how to tune drums so that you don't need that ridiculous garbage. I can just imagine how bad his drums sound, but the rest of you love it because he's not very loud. I guess that's what you mean by "for the god of the band".

Rami ftw.

Overtones are what make drums musical. Dude must have been playing a long ass time ago, back when drums sounded like wet cardboard and they liked it. :rolleyes:
I can't speak for Rami. Actually I can, but I won't. But I play rock and roll. Loud drums are kind of important. If it's too loud for you, I'm sure there's a quiet little acoustic ensemble at your nearest starbucks that you can listen to. The drummer will probably even be using brushes. Oh, how peaceful! :)
My drummer's snare is ear splitting. Does get annoying while trying to set his mics up (which he should really be doing). He doesn't give much thought to the balance in the room. This can all be boiled down to experience and maturity; both of which he doesn't have much of. No one can make a generalization about a generation of drummers. Like I said, experience and maturity play a key role. Where is the drummer's mind while performing? The band sound or the damned text messages? Days of selflessness are not over, still here but not yet developed for some.
I'm sure your "experience" speaks as loudly "as your drums...".

That doesn't even make sense. But nice try. (not really)

I know how to play with dynamics. I play according to the situation. If I have to not hit my drums so hard for the room I'm playing in, I don't hit them hard. If it's a big room where I can hit hard, I do. It's called "knowing your craft" as you put it. Sticking cardboard and Kotex pads on your drums is called "Not knowing your craft".
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I'm pretty sure a kitten goes to hell whenever a drummer puts a remo ring on a drumhead.

Only pretty sure though, can't say with any certainty.
I'm pretty sure a kitten goes to hell whenever a drummer puts a remo ring on a drumhead.

Only pretty sure though, can't say with any certainty.

I know a dude that uses one-ply clear heads and then muffles them with rings and moongels. I'm like, wtf? Just get coated heads, you moron.
I use remo rings. My drum heads are so old that they go out of tune after every band practice, so I cheated and used the remo rings. I have new, coated heads on the way though.
As someone who played live for years and made a pretty good living at it - that's right - not an occasional weekend here and there - I was fortunate enough to play with a drummer who understood his craft and was more concerned with how the band sounded as a whole rather than being the loudest on stage....thank goodness he was professional enough to use tape, cardboard, tea towels, or whatever for the good of the band and the sound...overtones on stage or when recording can kill a sound or song....but then I guess those days of selflessness are gone....
If you know how to tune your drums and you pick the drum shells and heads appropriate to the sound you are after, there is no need for dampening. The relationship between the tuning of the top head and the bottom head will give you all the dampening control you need...if you know how to tune the drums correctly.

If this was the mid 70's with single headed toms, that would be a different story.

Thanks for this thread. Great info. I finally got the chance to start a little session with a drummer since reading this. So I got him to sample the kit, and tried it. It's my first go, but I'm pleased with the combination--the "performance track" is compressed to hell (that's my method) to get the attack and punch I want, but the samples give the drums the body and sustain they used to lack for me.

I posted it up in drum forum in case anyone's interested:
Dear studiopa,

Thank God you weren't around at a time when engineers and producers had to know how to do "a lot with very little" ...

Unless I REALLY missed something (and I went back and looked at EVERY POST IN THIS THREAD, TWICE,) fireflyya's rag on studiopa may be the biggest case of reading too much into a post, ever. ALL I saw that studiopa posted was a wisecrack about Ringo Starr- who can someone figure out that another person is still wet behind the ears from ONE WISE CRACK??

Really, DID I miss something, here?:confused::confused:
Unless I REALLY missed something (and I went back and looked at EVERY POST IN THIS THREAD, TWICE,) fireflyya's rag on studiopa may be the biggest case of reading too much into a post, ever. ALL I saw that studiopa posted was a wisecrack about Ringo Starr- who can someone figure out that another person is still wet behind the ears from ONE WISE CRACK??

Really, DID I miss something, here?:confused::confused:
Yeah, you missed that this shit is old. Thanks for bringing it back though.
Stevieb does have a point though. Fireflyva's outburst is really a case of the punishment not fitting the crime. :D
Well, not fitting the crime that didn't happen. An innocent man was sent to jail !
Stevieb does have a point though. Fireflyva's outburst is really a case of the punishment not fitting the crime. :D
Well, not fitting the crime that didn't happen. An innocent man was sent to jail !

He's just another internet retard that got pussyhurt on someone else's behalf. Happens every day around here.
Imma whip out my curmudgeonly "get off my lawn!" old man card here
and point out that if #1 - 5 are in order, you don't need #6 - 11.