Question for those across the pond

Well, a political or religious thread can rage on and if I post it's pretty much going to get here goes nothing.

first of all....
I don't know of any Christians who believe Jesus Chris was born on December 25th. That date came from paganism and was incorporated by the Catholic Church (along with worshiping on Sunday and fixation on mother mary) to make the transition of paganism to Christianity as seemless as possible for people who were basically forced into Christianity. the end result is that the entire world recognizes Christmas as the day that we honor and celebrate Christ's birth. it is not mandatory to believe in Christ and many people celebrate Christmas who dont. What is sad and pathetic are these miserable "Scrooge" atheists who bitch about it all. Please get a life outside of trying to stamp out the joy of others.

Also, trying to point out the pagan origins of a celebration of Dec 25 as a jab at the modern day celebration and Christianity in general doesn't hold water. If you want to celebrate paganism on Dec 25...knock yourself out. You can do that. Christians along with vast majority around the globe celebrate it as the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Or, you could celebrate December 25th as the birth of what you believe in...nothing.
You die and it's over, so celebrate your brief time of this planet that you used to ridicule and derail people who are spreading peace, good will, and trying to find a little happiness.
I've been atheist for as long as I can remember, but I still do Christmas. It's just a label for a time to stay off work, get together with family and do presents and stuff. My dad has faith (well, he would if he hadn't been decimated by dementia - thanks for that one, Jesus!), but I don't think my mum does any more - it's easy to mix.
Thanks for your input Jimi. I agree with you. But wow, I guess we run with different crowds. Of the 20 or so Christians I know, most (if not all of them) believe Christ was really born on the 25th and was really resurrected on Easter.
Oh ... ok, right. So .....

I should tolerate a racist killing a black child solely because they're black.

I should tolerate a bigot killing a gay teenager solely because he's gay.

I should tolerate Hitler killing six million Jews just because they were Jewish.

Got it. Thanks for clearing that up.

Amazed this thread is still here. :)
I came from the northwest, from a predominantly Catholic community, so the origins are not lost to me...
Again, the point is, most Christians today just want a day to have their celebration. It doesn't matter what others do with the day, or if others choose not to celebrate that day at all. But when people start trying to force us to say "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas", it's time to push back. I nearly got fired a couple years ago because my employer tried to enforce this. Sorry, I still have freedom of speech and merry Christmas is in no way, shape, or form "hate speech".
Anyway, KC, sorry to hear about your dad, but blaming Jesus for the diseases and death in the world doesn't cut it for me either. That entered through Adam and his choice (actually Eve's...there's a raft of jokes there). Jesus came, not to condemn sinners, but to call them to repentance. Any TRUE Christianity will tell you that sin is sin and sin is wrong. But they will also tell you that we don't fight the people, but the principalities. This concept may be a bit tough for non-believers to grasp, but we just sum it up as "Hate the sin, love the sinner."
It's kind of like this: If you're child runs out in the street, you still love the child, but you're not going to leave it don't try to ban traffic.
And no, I'm not saying your dad chose dementia. And no, I'm not saying that the dementia is because of some sin he committed. The Bible also says that the rain falls on the just and the unjust alike. Sickness happens to everybody. Death happens to everybody. It is an unfortunate symptom of Adam's fall.
It's not about tolerance. It's about love and forgiveness. I see it all the time in the news feeds I get. People have their loved ones killed for whatever wrong reason, and they'll say words to the effect of we want him punished, but we forgive him. Forgiveness is not tolerance, nor is it intolerance. You want the sin removed from the community, but at the same time, you have compassion on the sinner. The Old Testament was a bit different. You could be stoned to death for telling your parents to piss off...
On that issue, I agree with Ghandi, who said, "An eye for an eye only makes the whole world blind." But that blindness does not have to be physical...
Im sick of people wishing me a happy 4th of july, Im sick of the sales for the 4th being sent to my email...yesterday my local supermarket was promoting revolution beers...I bought a case of tommy jefferson...I dont even know who he is

Im british, this is a bad day for us, ignorant yanks, they should with me a happy summer, or happy seventh month

Im sick of people wishing me a happy 4th of july, Im sick of the sales for the 4th being sent to my email...yesterday my local supermarket was promoting revolution beers...I bought a case of tommy jefferson...I dont even know who he is

Im british, this is a bad day for us, ignorant yanks, they should with me a happy summer, or happy seventh month


They should call it quatro de julio!
Every year in America when Christmas rolls around, we get these idiots (Fox "News" leads the charge) that start bitchin' about the "war on Christmas" because some people choose to say "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas." They manufacture more than that, but that's basically the gist.

And it's the same with Easter. There's a radio station near me on which, every year, a church runs an ad that says something to the effect of: "We all know Easter is fun for the kids, with the bunnies, the eggs, candy, and all. But it's important to remember the real reason behind Easter: the celebration of our savior Jesus Christ and his resurrection, etc."

Don't these people ever wonder where these pagan symbols, like trees (inside a house), eggs, bunnies, etc. come from? It's because these were pagan traditions long before they were adopted and assimilated by the church (both Christmas and Easter) in the hopes of selling Christianity to other pagans and followers of other religions.

ugh ... makes my skin crawl.

But I digress ...

Anyway, my question is do people get this batshit crazy in the UK as well? Or in Europe in general? Or is just here in 'Merica?

Go back to Russia!
I remember reading a heartwarming story from WWI where there was a war on Christmas. The young chaps got out of their trenches and played some backgammon.