Oregon Suspends Basic Skills Graduation Requirement in the Name of Equity

What does dictate "protected class" is the SC, which is bogus. "Human rights are universal rights" -- yes or no? If yes, then I'll take what you said to mean SC only dictates what the SC will recognize as a human "right", whether real (such as the right to privacy) or fictional (such as abortion) -- which is unfortunately 10% true, that "freedoms" and "rights" are fancy words for what the State gets to grant or withhold, according to the whim of the lawmakers.

I see you deleted the second half of my post.
leddy said:
Even you decided to tell some nonsense story about loose change.

Nonsense story? This thread is about decreasing the educational requirements for kids to graduate from highschool, is it not? The skill to count correct change, money, when I was in highschool that class was called "consumer mathematics". It was bottom of the barrel for kids who could not handle algebra and/or did not have plans to attend college. At least they could count change, possibly balance a checkbook, maybe? How much more applicable to the subject matter of this thread could my "nonsense story" be? Of course we could move the goalpost to just willy nilly suggesting anyone who doesn't respond to your accusations is a racist. Or follow the lead of one of your totally not racist & on topic cohorts and bring Gaza(?) into the conversation. Maybe we could lament dumbing of educational requirements for kids when a lot of them are already dumb as rocks. Maybe we could talk about how being dumb as a rock often leads to fewer opportunities, poverty, and poverty stricken communities are often hotbeds for crime. Or not, I don't really care.
Way to double-down on the stupid. Hey, if the Christo-fascist republicans had their way we wouldn’t even have sex ed. Amiright?
"Sex ed" is a misinformed effort in the first place. Why is there a tendency to have a teacher talk at length about body parts to a class of thirty instead of parents answering their kids' questions one-on-one? Maybe because those parents are so out of touch with their own kids' physiological development?

I can definitely say that when I have kids I'm not allowing someone else to mass-peddle them the best way to put on a condom.

(edited for clarity)
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Yep. Not only that though... we've got at least two here that just recently openly advocated for the extermination of millions of innocent men, women, and children.

I could barely believe it. But there you have it. They said it. It's right there for all to see.

Interesting. Advocated for the extermination of millions of innocent men, women, and children, you say? Shocking. Being advocated openly, surely you can point it out for all to see. I mean, for those who may have overlooked it and can barely believe anyone said such a thing. Thanks.
What would Jesus say about racism? Pretty sure the Good Samaritan story speaks to that.
That's an excellent question...

""The Tower of Babel

1Now the whole earth had one language and the same words. 2And as people migrated from the east, they found a plain in the land of Shinar and settled there. 3And they said to one another, “Come, let us make bricks, and burn them thoroughly.” And they had brick for stone, and bitumen for mortar. 4Then they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city and a tower with its top in the heavens, and let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be dispersed over the face of the whole earth.” 5And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of man had built. 6And the LORD said, “Behold, they are one people, and they have all one language, and this is only the beginning of what they will do. And nothing that they propose to do will now be impossible for them. 7Come, let us go down and there confuse their language, so that they may not understand one another’s speech.” 8So the LORD dispersed them from there over the face of all the earth, and they left off building the city. 9Therefore its name was called Babel, because there the LORD confused the language of all the earth. And from there the LORD dispersed them over the face of all the earth.""

I believe Jesus would say, "Because ignorance and arrogance is such an unfortunate combination, deal with it. It was for your own good."
Hmmmm... Obama probably wears shoes that cost more than my old truck.

Only about 5% of the human race is wealthy enough to want for nothing... and, of course, they own everything.

The other 95% of us only know what we're born into, live according to our own desires, and are accountable for the life decisions that we make.

Trailer parks and big city slums are absolutely no indication of intellectual or moral absence. However, unfortunately, they are sanctuaries for the criminally inclined... and those lacking common ambitions.

It is said, "If a man doesn't work then he shouldn't eat." But, contrary to popular belief, personal integrity does not obligate you to slave for scraps from your master's table.

There's much more to life than "keeping up with the Joneses..."
Yep. Not only that though... we've got at least two here that just recently openly advocated for the extermination of millions of innocent men, women, and children.

I could barely believe it. But there you have it. They said it. It's right there for all to see.

I don't think you're being completely honest. There's your goalpost, kick one through. Prove what you say.

You know what they say about people who are not completely honest, don't you? Sure you do.

Over exhaggeratory drama queen, or liar? Dogoodrr is the closest I've seen to your statement, but that's not to whom you were referring, is it? Fear not, I'm not attempting to "hypnotize" you, merely seeking to assess the content of your character. Your silence speaks a greater volume than words?
Yep. Not only that though... we've got at least two here that just recently openly advocated for the extermination of millions of innocent men, women, and children.

I could barely believe it. But there you have it. They said it. It's right there for all to see.
Genocidal aggression is a vile and highly contagious disease that needs to be eradicated!
It's a pestilence! It's never satiated... You always have to worry, "Who's Next?"

It's no irony that those infected are the greatest proponents of "gun control"...

Self defense is not a lawful right, it's a natural instinct. Guarding yourself against such atrocity is God given common sense!
Nonsense story?

It wasn't really about "counting change" though, was it? She did count the change, correctly... and told you that you gave her too much. You were upset that she couldn't read your mind (probably due to you wearing that stupid fucking tin foil hat) about wanting a nickel back instead of 2 pennies back. Which you could have remedied by explaining that you were giving her extra money due to wanting a nickel, but you instead wanted to call her stupid... and then say that she was black, to go along with your narrative of dumb black women that you racist assholes in this thread keep going on and on about.

Also, the only idiots in this thread that keep coming back with "racist doesn't even mean anything anymore" or "racist is the card they keep pulling" are the actual fucking racists.
It's always amusing to watch a hot-headed, stupidly opinionated, uneducated race baiting bigot have a cognitive meltdown :D
It's always amusing to watch a hot-headed, stupidly opinionated, uneducated race baiting bigot have a cognitive meltdown :D

He's just a kid, I guess you could possibly say poster child for this thread. He was playing the funny guy bit, alas, his humor wasn't working. Frustration led to whatever that is above. Ironically, more funny now than ever. New, I think...but hey, the more the merrier. I typically just leave him be, he's 'bout tight as a tick no provocation required. For the lulz.
What I know is that you are a liar. And a coward.

Uh huh, that's what I thought. You cannot offer proof for the things you say, and hide from the request behind childish, repetitive attempts at insults. Funniest of all, you resist engagement out of fear of being "hypnotized". :-)

Won't be hypnotized, you said. I can offer evidence. Try though you may, you cannot resist. You cannot resist. Resist you cannot. Cannot. Cannot. Cannot.

He's just a kid, I guess you could possibly say poster child for this thread. He was playing the funny guy bit, alas, his humor wasn't working. Frustration led to whatever that is above. Ironically, more funny now than ever. New, I think...but hey, the more the merrier. I typically just leave him be, he's 'bout tight as a tick no provocation required. For the lulz.
I really do worry about the "kids" these days though...
Wasn't there a German scientist (defector) in the 50's who predicted and warned America about exactly how socialism would infiltrate through the education system...?
"Sex ed" is a misinformed effort in the first place. Why is there a tendency to have a teacher talk at length about body parts to a class of thirty instead of parents answering their kids' questions one-on-one? Maybe because those parents are so out of touch with their own kids' physiological development?

I can definitely say that when I have kids I'm not allowing someone else to mass-peddle them the best way to put on a condom.

(edited for clarity)
Lol... They've gone from normalizing promiscuity to advocating homosexuality. What a mess.
It's always amusing to watch a hot-headed, stupidly opinionated, uneducated race baiting bigot have a cognitive meltdown :D
The race baiting came from you guys. BP started the thread, with a half-legit point, but affected by past convos we’ve had, so much so he couldn’t even read what I wrote. He made assumptions and antagonisms instead. You piled on with comments like black girls should keep their legs shut, while professing your proud Christianity. Still, not one of you addressed what I’ve repeatedly asked, and I know why. You obfuscate and insult to avoid it, but you are transparent as hell.
Also, the only idiots in this thread that keep coming back with "racist doesn't even mean anything anymore" or "racist is the card they keep pulling" are the actual fucking racists.
Part of the obfuscation i mentioned above.
I really do worry about the "kids" these days though...
Wasn't there a German scientist (defector) in the 50's who predicted and warned America about exactly how socialism would infiltrate through the education system...?

Yuri Remenoff(sp?)

Not sure, no doubt there have been many similar predictions, some shockingly accurate.