Open Letter To Mr. Gerst

An Open Letter to Mr. Gerst:

Please, in the spirit of humanity, send me your MCI mixing console (shipping pre-paid, of coarse) to me.

PM me for details


End of letter.
I still want to ride cross country in Harvey's RV....Harvey is welcome to come along.
MCI2424 said:
An Open Letter to Mr. Gerst:

Please, in the spirit of humanity, send me your MCI mixing console (shipping pre-paid, of coarse) to me.

End of letter.
Yeah, right. 11 feet long and 1,400 pounds. You want that Priority Mail?
My first day on the forum and my first post.

A note of caution about Harvey Gerst.

I first logged onto this site about 9.00am this morning, my intention was to find some advice about the best (budget) microphone to use with a choir of around 20 primary school age children.

As a result of Mr Gerst's various postings I have:

Missed my lunch
Was late picking daughter up from school
Was late cooking said daughter's dinner
Have not gotten around to doing any housework
Still not found the answer to my question!!!!

I would like to think it was people like Mr Gerst that they had in mind when they coined the term 'open infomation sharing' although I suspect it wasn't.

Thanks for messing up my day. I really do appreciate it:D:D
Sorry about that.

If there are no soloists AND you have phantom power available, I'd try the $22 Naiant MSH-1O's in wide spread positions (about 1/3 of the way in from each end of the choir).
Sorry about that.

If there are no soloists AND you have phantom power available, I'd try the $22 Naiant MSH-1O's in wide spread positions (about 1/3 of the way in from each end of the choir).

Thanks for taking the time to reply.

Bizarrely (and probably quite by chance) I came to almost the same conclusion.

I actually sent Jon an email enquiring about a couple of MSH-1's !!. It seems the MSH-10 is no longer produced, the nearest current model is, I believe the MSH-1x?? Would the 1x be better??

We do have phantom power on both the PA and the multitracker (we have a Yamaha EMX212S mixer amp with Samson RS12's, and a Fostex MR-8HD).

We do have occasional soloist's. I was going to mic them separately with some dynamics.

Finally a really stupid question, but one I can't really get my head around. The choir is normally accompained by a keyboard, for live performance, I just take a feed off the keyboard and stick it through the Yamaha but if we are trying to record the choir should I be trying to record the keyboard separately? I'm assuming that separately would be best, however I then have the problem of the choir not being able to hear the keyboard when they sing! Unfortunately we don't have 20 pairs of headphones :(

I suppose I should have put this bit at the start but to give you an idea of what we are trying to achieve. We recently held a school fete at which the choir performed, we amplified the keyboard and the soloists but had no mics capable of amplifying the main body of the choir. They did sound quiet ( the audience was probably around 200 people and it was outside) Also we would like to be able to make some recordings of their songs so that they could have a keepsake of their time with the choir.

Thanks for reading.
Interesting - never heard of these before. How do they compare with the Karma Audio K-Micro?

I'm not sure. My K-Micro saturated badly when used on anything with any real volume (e.g. in a piano). The Naiant mics worked beautifully there. I think my K-Micro is defective, but I haven't gotten around to driving across town to get a replacement... in six months.... :D