No Mo Ghost?

It makes zero difference to me whether Rami is right or not. I have no particular reason to want it to be either true or false.

I don't see any reason for people to get worked up about it. Either it did or it didn't happen, and not one damn thing is different about your life either way.
It makes zero difference to me whether Rami is right or not. I have no particular reason to want it to be either true or false.

I don't see any reason for people to get worked up about it. Either it did or it didn't happen, and not one damn thing is different about your life either way.

Does your diplomacy and neutrality extend to what I said about aliens being on the moon and all around us? :D

Cheers! :)
I use a Neil Armstong sample from the goddamn moon in my tune below. I can't tell you how pissed off I'm going to be if it was all a hoax.

I'm just going to do one mad smiley :mad: <- but can we accept that this is the equivalent of, say, 10,000 mad smileys, and that I just don't have the time... thanks.

Cat in a space helmet... how cute is that... :D

Wait, I remember you soliciting members here for recordings of them reciting that quote, making your "proof" an absolute fake, and you a co-conspirator! :cursing:
Yep. And he's a bona-fide scientist, not an armchair youtube "expert" with no credentials whatsoever. :D
And the Infinite Monkey Cage is always good for a laugh. They even did an episode about how hard it is to change a conspiracy theorist's mind!
And the Infinite Monkey Cage is always good for a laugh. They even did an episode about how hard it is to change a conspiracy theorist's mind!

RAMI is of the exact same stamp as Young-Earth Creationists and Evolution deniers. When you show them a fossil that demonstrates intermediate characters between two different species, classes, genera or phyla they go "HA!! two more gaps in the fossil record exist".

King Canute.
Wait, I remember you soliciting members here for recordings of them reciting that quote, making your "proof" an absolute fake, and you a co-conspirator! :cursing:

LOL... Good memory. In the end Neil A's fake recording from a studio ... erm, the surface of the moon, had more gravitas... :D

I'm loving this. :)

Why does my opinion matter to you guys so much???? I'm mean, it's flattering and everything, but kind of weird. :eek:

Not ONE piece of evidence to counter anything I've said. Not one. Just insults, and juvenile ones at that. That's all the validation I need, thank you. :)

Don't worry, Bubba. I know how embarrassed you must be that your "One picture of the earth" turned out to be the proverbial foot in your mouth....again.....Don't blame me just because you made a complete jackass of yourself.....again. LOL. :D

You guys had your chance to have a mature discussion about this whole thing. You chose not to, since you weren't able to. Don't chase me around the site now. It's too late. :)

Oh well, this is just another thread that I won't be returning to. I've already wasted enough time exposing you guys for the idiots you are, not that you needed my help. :D

Hehe...awesome. :)


Don't worry, Bubba. I know how embarrassed you must be that your "One picture of the earth" turned out to be the proverbial foot in your mouth....again.....Don't blame me just because you made a complete jackass of yourself.....again. LOL. :D

Me and 100% of the world's scientists? The picture of the Earth is not a composite image in the way you claim, or are you hard of reading? Do you think that satellite was sent up to prove you wrong, or to collect important climatological and astronomical data that will be used by scientists, not paranoid youtube surfers? You used selective reading. You tried to find what you hoped to find - a loophole - and totally missed the point. Why, exactly, do you set such great store by having a holiday snap of the Earth? Seriously, I'm flabberghasted at what your thought processes might be.
HAHA! Look at Bubba having a melt down, hilarious.

I didn't even have time to leave this thread and I saw your post. So, I'll throw you a bone and respond to another assinine post of yours.

FACT: You said "ONE PICTURE of the earth from space".

FACT: All I said was that it's a composite. Which it is.

FACT: A "Composite" is not "ONE PICTURE" of anything.

FACT: Your thread title is false. It is not "ONE PICTURE" of anything. It is a composite.

FACT: Your foot is so far down your throat, you might need to get it surgically removed.

You might as well stop trying, because you're going to give yourself a nervous breakdown trying to dig yourself out of every hole by digging another one.

In case you didn't catch it, I said I was un-subscribing from your "ONE PICTURE" thread, so I didn't see any responses. I've also un-subscribed from this thread, so I won't see any responses. Like I said, you guys have already shown that you're not able to answer ONE of my questions or refute ONE of my statements. I'm not wasting any more time on self-absorbed jackasses that think their "education" preempts their utter stupidity. So, waste your time if you want, but I won't waste mine reading any more of your drivel.

Like I said, kind of weird that you guys care so much about what I think. I certainly couldn't give a fuck what you idiots think. Yup, pretty flattering. :)

LOL! I haven't felt this much pleasure shutting down a bunch of wind bags in a long time. :D
HAHA! Look at Bubba having a melt down, hilarious.

I didn't even have time to leave this thread and I saw your post. So, I'll throw you a bone and respond to another assinine post of yours.

FACT: You said "ONE PICTURE of the earth from space".

FACT: All I said was that it's a composite. Which it is.

FACT: A "Composite" is not "ONE PICTURE" of anything.

FACT: Your thread title is false. It is not "ONE PICTURE" of anything. It is a composite.

FACT: Your foot is so far down your throat, you might need to get it surgically removed.

You might as well stop trying, because you're going to give yourself a nervous breakdown trying to dig yourself out of every hole by digging another one.

In case you didn't catch it, I said I was un-subscribing from your "ONE PICTURE" thread, so I didn't see any responses. I've also un-subscribed from this thread, so I won't see any responses. Like I said, you guys have already shown that you're not able to answer ONE of my questions or refute ONE of my statements. I'm not wasting any more time on self-absorbed jackasses that think their "education" preempts their utter stupidity. So, waste your time if you want, but I won't waste mine reading any more of your drivel.

LOL! I haven't felt this much pleasure shutting down a bunch of wind bags in a long time. :D

Drowning man, clutching at straws. :D There is nothing more ludicrous than an armchair expert attempting to "shut down" (lol) qualified geoscientists by virtue of youtube conspiracy videos. The moment you ridicule education and qualifications, you show yourself to be what you are - a loudmouth with nothing but an opinion and some boorish forum swaggering. Have fun on your rock as the waves rise. :D