No Mo Ghost?

I wouldn't say that. There is obviously a "fight" if people are going through the trouble of finding evidence of fraud and other people are going through the trouble of debunking that evidence of fraud.

How do these moon landing conspiracy people feel about the unmanned Mars Rover that's supposedly going on right now? Do they think that is being faked too?
Exactly, think about it for two minutes . All of the stuff we've done since then, Mars, the probes to the outer solar system, ISS, the comet probe. Are these all further conspiracies to cover up the moon landing conspiracy? It makes no sense.
Whenever I hear any of the really BIG conspiracy theories (moon landing, 9/11, that sort of thing) I always think of the sheer number of people who must have been involved and sworn to secrecy--when governments couldn't even keep Bill Clinton's blow job quiet!

I've met a couple of astronauts (and 3 cosmonauts for that matter) and they're sure good actors if the ISS isn't real!

This seems to be a valid point to me that I can agree with. How do you keep that many people quiet for this long? Someone somewhere will be disgruntled, butthurt, have a conscience dilemma, something. That's the main reason I personally don't believe in most conspiracies. The big conspiracies require a lot of human effort, and nothing can fuck shit up like humans can. Especially nowadays. Humans can't even eat a hamburger without sharing it on every social media platform available. So we expect humans to keep these kinds of secrets forever?

The JFK assassination is is the most believable "conspiracy" to me. I don't believe Oswald shot JFK all by himself from that book depository window.
From what I've read the last couple of days, it seems the prevailing conspiracy theory is that rockets and whatnot are real, but people haven't left low earth orbit due to the Van Allen belts of radiation. NASA supposedly avoided the inner belt and went through a thinner outer edge of the larger belt, so the astronauts suffered acceptable radiation levels.

Governments get up to all sorts of shady business all the time. Currently there's TTIP and TPP being discussed as secretly as they were able - they've been known around the Internet for ages and are now in the mainstream media. If they can't keep an international trade deal quiet, how could they keep a moon landing hoax involving 400,000 people under wraps?
I guess the other factor on the moon landing is the Russians.

I can guarantee they had their own tracking dishes pointed at telemetry for the Apollo capsules and the moon and, since they were in a race with the USA, I'm pretty sure they would have spilled the beans if the signals weren't coming from exactly where the US claimed them to be.

Oh, and don't forget all the Australians involved in receiving signals from the moon when it was below the horizon in the US? Have you ever met an Australian...much less dozens of them...who could keep quiet for more than 40 years?
hehe...You guys are hilarious. :D

It's obvious that 99% of you didn't read 99% of what I said.

One example is the "too many people would have to keep quiet " stupidity that some of you keep repeating. I've already answered that TWICE with about 25 line paragraphs, but it keeps getting asked as if it's something that can't be answered. I've answered iit twice, using the military in one example, and organized crime in another. But feel free to keep pretending it hasn't been answered. :D

NOTHING I said has been refuted. Some of you guys are either delusional or in denial, or just feel safe saying stupid shit just because the majority here is on your band wagon, pretending they have an answer for everything. Just because you say "everything you've presented has been proven false" doesn't make it true, because it's certainly not. Not even close.

I, on the other hand, have taken almost every post by someone else, and answered it paragraph by paragraph. You guys have ignored 99% of what I've said and just keep regurgitating the same idiotic non-sense over and over again, with no proof. I guess some of you think that if you keep repeating the same thing over and over, it will magically become true somehow. It's pure comedy watching this mob.

Now I see how stupid and un-informed most of the population is. Just ignore someone else's irrefutable points, and keep repeating that you've refuted them, when in reality you probably haven't even read them. Hilarious. :D

I thought this thread would die. I wake up and see it has 2 more pages on it,I had to see how far into left field you all are, and I wasn't disappointed. :)

Keep saying you have all the answers while not answering anything. Keep saying you've refuted everything I've said even though you haven't even come close to addressing 99% of it. Makes you all look really smart. LOL :D

We have the rocks - to me there's no debate.
:laughings: :laughings: :laughings:

Stop it, man. You're killing me. my cheeks hurt from laughing so hard. LOL!!!!!

You guys have actually re-enforced my belief that I'm right about the moon landings, 9/11, JFK and everything else, because I see how easily brain-washed people are, and I also see how easy it is for un-informed people that have no answers to pretend that they know it all by talking loud and saying nothing.

Now, I'm definitely, 100% out.

Thanx guys. I needed that. :)

That's definitely it for me. I no longer need to waste my time here. I know by the few PM's I got that I've opened a few eyes. That alone gives me all the satisfaction I need. :)
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I think Ghost of FM will be absolutely chuffed that a thread lamenting/celebrating/mentioning his now reversed exit from HR has been derailed into a topic I'm sure he has a deep affinity with...:D

Not really, because as I stated earlier on in this thread, I believe the Apollo program was real and that they did land men on the moon several times. Where I diverge from that program's claims and findings is that I believe they encountered evidence of alien life in multiple terms, meaning they saw high tech structures on the moon, they saw multiple UFO activity of space ships leaving the moon, landing on the moon and orbiting the moon. They also saw multiple UFO activity both traveling there and and back to earth. If they covered up anything about those missions, the ET activity was the main thing the government wanted to suppress and their belief then and now is that if this stuff is revealed, it will completely unravel the religious belief system and spiral us into immeasurable bedlam.

So, if that's true then sure, they had to omit and doctor images, speech and try to control the astronauts once they got back to earth and exposed to the press. Did they hypnotize and drug them to keep quiet on what they saw? Occam's Razor says, hell yes! And that would explain why they looked and acted so drugged out in that video Rami posted.

Why did the Apollo program die? Budget cutbacks and lack of public interest, sure! But there also remains the idea that what they saw in ET/UFO activity also changed the mission objective. They may well have been threatened to stay out of ET's turf. That might also partially explain why they set off a nuke up there a couple of years ago. Maybe they're running a covert war with them, trying to knock out there base?

Cheers! :)
Whoa Rami, I'm not against you. You know that, dude. I'm not saying you're wrong. I only looked at a few links. I'm only saying that the little few piddly things that I saw from the fake camp doesn't hold water. I tend to believe we landed people on the moon, but I don't know for sure, and wouldn't be surprised at all if it's faked.
Not really, because as I stated earlier on in this thread, I believe the Apollo program was real and that they did land men on the moon several times. Where I diverge from that program's claims and findings is that I believe they encountered evidence of alien life in multiple terms, meaning they saw high tech structures on the moon, they saw multiple UFO activity of space ships leaving the moon, landing on the moon and orbiting the moon. They also saw multiple UFO activity both traveling there and and back to earth. If they covered up anything about those missions, the ET activity was the main thing the government wanted to suppress and their belief then and now is that if this stuff is revealed, it will completely unravel the religious belief system and spiral us into immeasurable bedlam.

So, if that's true then sure, they had to omit and doctor images, speech and try to control the astronauts once they got back to earth and exposed to the press. Did they hypnotize and drug them to keep quiet on what they saw? Occam's Razor says, hell yes! And that would explain why they looked and acted so drugged out in that video Rami posted.

Why did the Apollo program die? Budget cutbacks and lack of public interest, sure! But there also remains the idea that what they saw in ET/UFO activity also changed the mission objective. They may well have been threatened to stay out of ET's turf. That might also partially explain why they set off a nuke up there a couple of years ago. Maybe they're running a covert war with them, trying to knock out there base?

Cheers! :)

You see? Now this is some psychobabble. Nothing Rami said, that I saw, comes close to this kind of nonsense.
Wow, Ghost - you fall firmly into the delusional camp with that!

Unless of course that was just a huge wind up.
IMO, a moon landing hoax for national morale and continued funding is WAY more plausible than a moon alien coverup.
One example is the "too many people would have to keep quiet " stupidity that some of you keep repeating. I've already answered that TWICE with about 25 line paragraphs, but it keeps getting asked as if it's something that can't be answered. I've answered that and put it to rest at least twice in this thread, but you all somehow missed it.

It isn't that I didn't see your explanation, more that is isn't satisfactory. Compartmentalisation of the military there may well be, but many of the 400,000 people who worked on the Apollo programme were civilian contractors. The Russians, the English, many others, were watching and listening - government and non-government agents alike.
they landed on the moon...seriously I cant believe people still debate this shite. They'll be landing on Mars in our lifetime...its not that big a deal ;)
they landed on the moon...seriously I cant believe people still debate this shite. They'll be landing on Mars in our lifetime...its not that big a deal ;)

That will have to be a hoax as well to maintain the narrative and keep up with expected advances since 1969.

I mean we all agree weve been in space, we have men up there just now, every man and their dog is sending rockets up...hell we can even land craft on comets now

flying around the world is 25k miles on commercial airlines...i know Ive done the antipodes from two places Ive lived, people do it all the time...the moons only 12 times that...with all NASA's resources and its dumb competition with the soviets I dont really need to study nonsense online and youtube clips to believe we did it. We landed men on the moon.