No Mo Ghost?


All you have is now
Appears he pissed someone in the Mod Squad off enough to get himself a lifetime ban.

Kinda sad seeing some of the more colorful, albeit sometimes annoying, caustic and combative members getting the eternal boot.

I know there are plenty of you who will say good riddance and approve the action.

It's all a bit weird to me, someone who has been around here nearly since HR's inception gone at the click of a icon. has become a business and as a business has made some direction decisions that have changed the course and the personality of what once was.

As much as the banned stirred shit up, they were some entertaining knuckleheads.

Dragon realized that there were a ton of "different" personalities that were going to show up in the HR society and created a place where they could be their crazy ass self and others could speak openly and radically.

A pressure relief valve for the community.

tel est le cours de la vie sans la grotte
Nope he's banned..

Here's a quote from him last night before they banned his temporary name Ghost of HR


I'm gone again but this time because of a LIFE TIME BAN!

If I can manage to keep this account, I can continue to participate here with you guys and keep doing the wallpaper stuff. But if they kill this one too, then I'm likely gone for good. :(

Cheers! :)

Here's where that thread is located
Nope he's banned..

Here's a quote from him last night before they banned his temporary name Ghost of HR

Here's where that thread is located

Unbeknownst to many and obviously the mod that banned him, he brought a lot more to the party than tin foil party hats and his piss and vinegar.
He was participating in another Lambo political thread I think...I reckon Lambo got the chop too, about time. I think zero tolerance might be the order of the day. Didnt agree with anything Ghost ever posted in that regards but he was a participating member, shame he let his guard slip, he wasnt a bad lad. Maybe just kicking folks out of prime time would be a better idea for members that actually were/are a positive to the site.
Unbeknownst to many and obviously the mod that banned him, he brought a lot more to the party than tin foil party hats and his piss and vinegar.

Is that relevant? If he was banned it was for a reason.
As Gecko pointed out elsewhere, contribution doesn't give immunity.

Greg, for example, has been banned several times, to my knowledge.

Maybe just kicking folks out of prime time would be a better idea for members that actually were/are a positive to the site.
I proposed this, or the reverse of this, around the time of the cave closure.

It was perceived as potentially being a private elitist club and the idea was shot down.
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I proposed this, or the reverse of this, around the time of the cave closure.

It was perceived as potentially being a private elitist club and the idea was shot down.

The feedback you guys were getting at the time was disingenuous - it wasn't based on what's best for the forum, it was based on personal vendettas.
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I proposed this, or the reverse of this, around the time of the cave closure.

It was perceived as potentially being a private elitist club and the idea was shot down.
they (HR) banned me from the cave (twice) and Prime time and the BBS feedback forum (once each)

sure stopped me posting in there :D
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It's always sad to see someone gets banned but if he brought it upon himself, it's a case of tough shit.

Ob La Di Ob La Da :thumbs up:
I don't know what he did to deserve the ban. But I have enough respect for the judgement of guys like Gekko and Steen (and other mods) to trust that it wasn't just an emotional decision by a mod in a bad mood. He might have deserved it.

Having said that, Ghost is the only person here who, in my opinion, came close to knowing what's really going on. Anyone who is aware of what a bunch of lying shit bags NASA is, for example, is ok in my books.

Yes, I proudly wear a tin-foil hat. :)
Please ..... ghost was the worst of conspiracy-believing wackos willing to believe ANYthing regardless of merit if it was a conspiracy and unwilling to believe ANYthing that might be a rational explanation.

yeah, we didn't land on the moon for instance when there's SO many ways to prove we did.
And chemtrails ..... OMG!


Having said that ........ I can't really see him saying anything that would deserve banning ..... he was usually more courteous than those of us that disagreed with him.
Please ..... ghost was the worst of conspiracy-believing wackos willing to believe ANYthing regardless of merit if it was a conspiracy and unwilling to believe ANYthing that might be a rational explanation.

yeah, we didn't land on the moon for instance when there's SO many ways to prove we did.
And chemtrails ..... OMG!


Having said that ........ I can't really see him saying anything that would deserve banning ..... he was usually more courteous than those of us that disagreed with him.

No doubt he's a few pancakes short of a flapjack stack. He's also harmless. And a lot of people here know him and have met him, and to my recollection they all liked him.
No doubt he's a few pancakes short of a flapjack stack. He's also harmless. And a lot of people here know him and have met him, and to my recollection they all liked him.
I met him ...... in real life he was just a normal, fun, happy person.

And definitely a nice guy ...... I have short patience with wackoism but he's a good guy.

I'm sure they had their reasons for banning him but I hope they reconsider the life-time aspect of it.
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Yeah, I like Ghost. Met him once (or twice?) and he seemed like a good guy, though amazingly a little quiet and reserved, almost shy. But then, those are the types that sometimes revel in the anonymity of the web.

He seems a little out there sometimes, but I think that sometimes people who don't have much of a social life (I include myself in that category,btw) and the only way they connect with the outside world is through the internet, can more easily get caught up in some internet subcultures.
yeah, we didn't land on the moon for instance when there's SO many ways to prove we did.

I really don't want to go on about this because it will only lead to more bannings...but there's just as much proof we DIDN'T go as there that we did. In fact, I don't even know what the proof is that we did. Why isn't there one picture of this ball we call earth, just one picture anywhere? We supposedly have satellites up there, ISS, people taking alleged pictures of Mars and other planets. Why is there not one full picture of the earth from space? And before you go Googling pictures of "Earth from Space" make sure what you're looking at isn't a composite, because that's all you'll find.
No need to berate the man for his beliefs.
I for one hope he comes back.

I agree. However, conspiracy theorists (sorry RAMI, not directed at you) are often also slightly paranoid in general, and can become increasingly so. And paranoia is often an early sign of something more serious.

But, as the saying goes, just because you're paranoid doesn't mean that they're not really out to get you.

Ghost worries me for himself more than he annoys me.