New Members: Introduce Yourself Here!

I'm a newbee to digital recording. I'm an older guy who still plays professionally on the weekends for extra cash doing 60's 70' and 80's music. I am nearing retirement and would like to get back into recording as I did a long time ago when everything was analoque. I just purchased a Tascam 2488 neo recorder and am doing my best to learn how to use it. I have some very nice mics (Lawson mp-47 and AKG C414BULS) along with some nice outboard stuff, that I need to learn how to incorporate with my neo 2488.

I am joining ths site with hope of getting lots of help, from all of you nice people out that have a lot of patience, to help old farts like me

Nice to meet you all, and in the future I will be asking a lot of questions that maybe some of you can help me with.

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To all! Sorry, I had to repost with and uncheck "Subscribe to this thread and notify me of changes:" to get out of this thread!
Hi, I recently joined this site as I've been putting together a basic studio at home and thought this looked like a good place to pick up a few tips and maybe contribute with my limited knowledge. Like many I probably suffer from over enthusiasm when buying equipment, but I do generally research items before I buy and I don't think I've bought anything that doesn't measure up to my expectations although some more experienced people might advise me that I could have spent more wisely.

I play piano and can find my way around a guitar reasonably well and my aim is to record instrumental and vocal tracks that I create and when I get up to speed with recording tracks to a reasonable standard I'd like to give some local singer/song writers the opportunity to get a few tracks recorded, if they've had that in mind but so far been unable to access studio time.

I'm using a Zoom R24 multitracker at the heart of my basic set up and have an Alto ZMX 122FX mixer that I use in conjunction which allows me to have channels which can be set up long term for mics and guitars/effects without me having to worry about pulling stuff in and out of the multitracker and having to play around setting optimum gain settings for a number of items that I'm going to record individually.

I have a pair of Sennheiser E 835 vocal mics and a pair of ART M1 condenser mics which seem to offer me a good variation of characteristics which I can use in conjunction if desired with a pair of ART studio V3 tube pre-amps to tailor the sound. I bought a used, very well looked after Technics SX-PR 900 digital piano which has got me started with midi and provides me with a variety of sounds to get started with alongside a number of guitars I already owned.

I'm using Alesis monitors and have a CD/DVD player hooked into the set as a possible sampling source for sounds that I want to play around with, plus I can play CDs of my finished tracks through the monitors to see how they stack up against the recordings on the ZOOM recorder when played through the same equipment.

I'm very happy with how everything works that I've chosen so far, and think I've done reasonably well on a limited budget but I'm green to home studio recording and look forward to learning and generally talking about all things related on this site, and maybe in time I'll be able to offer something useful to someone else that I've picked up through experience.

all the best

SUP YALL??im A new member!!

wassup y'all?Im K Da Great im a producer i just joined the website,lookin for collabos and networking,u can check out my music on Rocbattle im currently number 5 this month.
Welcomw to the home recording forum xbobxsagetx, K Da Great, Phrasemaker, and Jer-Bear (even though I wasn't even here that long haha)!

Glad to have you here :D
Hey Guys,

Kinda found this forum by chance. It's great to see an active forum like this with people who are friendly and willing to help!
Hey Guys,

Kinda found this forum by chance. It's great to see an active forum like this with people who are friendly and willing to help!

Look out tho, some members like myself might lash out and offend you. lol

Just kidding man. Lots of good people with great advice here. :)
Well, I better say Hi since I just dived in already.
I've been lurking for a little while.
My name is Bill and I live in Park City, UT.
Returning (after a 20 year hyatus) Music Hobbyist,
running an ASUS laptop with ProTools 10 and an eleven rack / Fender Strat.
Also getting into Arturia synths and NI plugins;
learning to use an M-Audio Axiom 25 key,
a NI Maschine, and using a Novation ZeRO SL Mk II for a MIDI control surface.
Transferring some old recordings that I made years ago to digital now,
mastering them with Sound Forge Pro 10.

And then it is onward into the future!

My name is Melvin (usually). I'm a vertebrate from Ohio, USA. I started writing and recording music (if you can call it that) at a very young age - a hobby I inherited from my dad who did the same. Our home studio consisted of a Roland D-10 Synth, an early version of Cakewalk, a Yamaha 4-track cassette recorder, and a 1/8" jack microphone from Radio Shack. In high school I recorded every single band practice and labeled them by date. They now take up space in my house. Listening to 95% of them make me want to vomit.

It was only about three years ago that I got into digital recording and started paying attention to quality and technique. I've done a few recordings for other people: an original wedding song written by my former bassist, and a couple other bands who needed help recording a demo. I still write and record my own music. I play guitar and bass. I bang on a notebook in front of a mic for drums.

You wouldn't be wrong to call me a newbie. I don't know the proper names for things. I don't run to the Internet for advice (usually). I'm a trial and error kind of guy. My setup's simple because I'm cheap and I get a decent sound for what I've paid.

I usually avoid Internet forums because too many anonymous people get competitive with each other, so here's my prebuttal: I'm a hobbyist. I make crude auditory birdhouses with crude tools. I don't really care if yours is better; I made mine. And even if mine won't sell at the state fair, it still gets chicks from time to time.
You may be surprised what we all can learn from each other man! I ain't so old that I shut down at the site of a new approach. I still got some youth left in me man. :)
Hello, How are you? :) My name is Jomy and I am here because I am planning to buy some instruments and been saving up $ for the past 4-5 months. I want good input on the kind of models I should buy or advice on my current planned out list. Also I just saw an ad on craigslist near my area for a 400 sq.ft area for music recording.Do you think this is a good price to pay ? ( $250 /month ) The only negative thing is there is no bathroom ( I need to use the restaurants near the area. But I have no clue since I never did anything like this before. Please advice..

On the flip side, this is a great opportunity for me . I can shell out $250 , if it will give me enough space to Blast my speakers , which I always wanted ! rather than using a headphone in my current 1 room in a big house set up.
Hello, How are you? :) My name is Jomy and I am here because I am planning to buy some instruments and been saving up $ for the past 4-5 months. I want good input on the kind of models I should buy or advice on my current planned out list. Also I just saw an ad on craigslist near my area for a 400 sq.ft area for music recording.Do you think this is a good price to pay ? ( $250 /month ) The only negative thing is there is no bathroom ( I need to use the restaurants near the area. But I have no clue since I never did anything like this before. Please advice..

On the flip side, this is a great opportunity for me . I can shell out $250 , if it will give me enough space to Blast my speakers , which I always wanted ! rather than using a headphone in my current 1 room in a big house set up.

Hey Jomy ..... Just make sure that you can lock that space up tighter than a drum with at least three padlocks and something over the windows!
Well, I better say Hi since I just dived in already.
I've been lurking for a little while.
My name is Bill and I live in Park City, UT.
Returning (after a 20 year hyatus) Music Hobbyist,
running an ASUS laptop with ProTools 10 and an eleven rack / Fender Strat.
Also getting into Arturia synths and NI plugins;
learning to use an M-Audio Axiom 25 key,
a NI Maschine, and using a Novation ZeRO SL Mk II for a MIDI control surface.
Transferring some old recordings that I made years ago to digital now,
mastering them with Sound Forge Pro 10.

And then it is onward into the future!


The future. Built it myself!

Welcome aboard Sam ... I mean Bill.