Neil Young to "restore the soul of music"

You do know that as long as the guitar is shielded correctly and the environment is sound that any cable will pretty much do don't you? Physics is physics. Making your own or choosing a decent cable is mostly about how long the continuity will last.




Like I said, the Kirlin cables are very good, inexpensive cables....quality conductors & braided shield, good connectors with solid soldering and shrink-wrap on the why waste my time making my own?
I would still have to buy the bulk cable, buy the connectors, do the soldering and shrinkwrap...and maybe save $2 per cable, which would be less than my time is worth to make them.

That said....I've probably made way more cables, snakes and studio harnesses than most people use in a lifetime....but thanks for the "tip". :D
Never much cared for them....all that crap with the set scews instead of solder, and the skinny gauge cable that seems to knot itself up just sitting there.

This ^^^^^

Great little Plexi jumper cables or pedal cables. I personally don't like em for much else.
Thanks for saying that....'cuz I thought it was just me....and that I never "got" the whole George L craze. :D

Oh...back on the Kirlin cables....I hope no one misunderstood. They're REAL inexpensive compared to the crazy prices out there, but they are quite good. So for like $15-$ can't beat it. It would cost as much to make your own.
Anyway...I only mentioned them in case someone was looking for good, ready-made cables without the silly prices.
They're practically giving them away on eBay.....
I used a buddy's wireless one time at a gig a long time ago just because I'd never used one before. I felt like the biggest tool on the planet. Never again.

I have a nice Sennheiser rig I used live. Had a second transmitter for my standby guitar. The entire reason I got it was because I was doing sound as well and needed to get out in front to set levels. (Sometimes I'd do the rockstar bit and go dance with chicks while playing. Great fun. :laughings:)

I have a nice Sennheiser rig I used live. Had a second transmitter for my standby guitar. The entire reason I got it was because I was doing sound as well and needed to get out in front to set levels. (Sometimes I'd do the rockstar bit and go dance with chicks while playing. Great fun. :laughings:)

I'd totally use one if I played giant Wembley sized stages. But at the bar/club level, a 30ft cable is plenty and not douchey. And aesthetically, I just like the look of a cable. It's more....I don't know....authentic looking. It's real. I like seeing guitarists dragging a cable around. The human/guitar/amp connection is intact. The signal stays pure. I know the effect on sound between a wireless and cable is minimal at most, if at all, but I just like the idea of man and machine being connected.

Another pet-peeve of mine as a back-up singing drummer is headset microphones. That's a big no for me. Way too cheesey.
Never much cared for them....all that crap with the set scews instead of solder, and the skinny gauge cable that seems to knot itself up just sitting there.

I prefer the screw in thing, soldering is a pain even when you're good at it, never had issue with knots here.
The George L cables I've used...every so often the connection would get lost, so I would have to unscrew the stupid thing, cut off another piece of cable, and then redo it.
They just don't hold up IMO....not to mention, the contact of the screw is pretty iffy. Nothing beats a good soldered connection, which also prevents oxidaiton from getting at the connection...the screw is only touching the wire, so it's never as secure as a soldered connection.
Miro has found a new fight! Solder vs screws! Let's get ready to rumblllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllle!
I prefer the screw in thing, soldering is a pain even when you're good at it, never had issue with knots here.

I'll take your word for it. The 'listen to my music' lost memories track doesn't have anything to do with what you're talking about. It's just good acoustic guitar.
I'll take your word for it. The 'listen to my music' lost memories track doesn't have anything to do with what you're talking about. It's just good acoustic guitar.

lol I know, because I'm making and promoting an acoustic guitar album, I only want people to hear the acoustic stuff for now, and thanks for the compliment by the way.