My Quasi-Recording/Mix Room Build

Just one thing left to do. I fired up my Mackie Universal Control and two of the faders won't move because they stick too much. Thoughts?

Oh look a rainbow in samurai armor! SWEET!!! Hello Margaret!!!

This work week is gonna be the death of me.

Any updates on the desk layout and how you assembled your components?

How do those speaker pillars look so far in the room?
I'm much too old to be filed under that heading.
That's odd. The post in question suggests the contrary. Besides, define "too old". This forum has witnessed my own adolescent ravings many times, and I'm 66.:D
Alright, it's all done. I'm just loading software now. That's been fun... :drunk:

Here's the pics, in all their glory. I still have to get a couch for the room and I also want to get an electronic drumkit, and expand my mic closet a bit. Probably add in a U87 and a Pearlman TM-1. Maybe another pre...likely an Avedis MA5. I have a pre out for repair to API right now...hope to get it back soon. I'm also shopping for a midi keyboard and a stand.

I don't want to but I am going to have to spend some more time in the garage making some gobos and such as well as a DIY version of a Reflexion filter. I'll likely be waiting until August is over as it is 100+ degrees everyday with near 75 to 80% humidity. :mad:






Wow!! This looks great. How does it sound? Have you had a chance to do any recording in it yet?

Anyways, you should very proud of a job well done.
Wow!! This looks great. How does it sound? Have you had a chance to do any recording in it yet?

Anyways, you should very proud of a job well done.
Are you kidding? I haven't even turned on the speakers yet! I just finished software installations and updates and it's 2am. I don't think my wife would appreciate me turning on the speakers right now.

Thanks, though, I appreciate it. Hopefully I'll get some opportunities to do some tracking real soon.