My drums and guitar don't play in time.

Wascal knows just enough to be dangerous.

Latency is an issue with any digital device whether it is a recorder, effects unit or computer. They ALL have latency to some degree. Computers are no better or worse.

If somebody is using an older computer and home hardware/software than it could very easily be a problem. If they use at least semi pro hardware/software and have their system configured properly it is not an issue. I have been recording on home computers for about 8yrs and have never had a latency problem.

Last I heard there wasn't a lot of inbreading in the San Fran Bay area where I am from. A lot of sodomy but that is probably more your style ;)
are you saying that you are the product of an anal liason? that would explain a lot.

i am surprised to see you state that all computer sytems suffer from latency. i thought the peanut gallery's big argument was in the opposite direction. i was planning on posting a few quotes from outside sources to show how wrong you are.

the latency of a round trip through a soundcard alone is measured in milliseconds.

lets not forget that the original poster was apparently being tormented by latency.

latency is supposed to be a problem encountered when monitoring a recorded signal and overdubbing a new signal. the new signal is delayed. you can overcome the problem by monitoring outside the soundcard but this is a compromise with problems of its own. i read some articles about it and i dont remember all the specifics but the conclusion was that computer recording is fine for big studios and everybody else has to deal with the problems as best they can.

i think its best for musicians to avoid the problems completely and leave home computer recording to hobbyists and computer geeks.

the big studios are always available to do the computer recording for us and they can do it right.
i read some articles about it and i dont remember all the specifics but the conclusion was that computer recording is fine for big studios and everybody else has to deal with the problems as best they can.

That is a horribly simplified and misleading view and since you seem to be missing the point of most of the replies I'm not surprised if you missed the actual point of that article.

Since you dont use a computer for recording(?) I'm not sure how you feel yourself qualified to comment on the subject much less argue about it.

I come to this BBS to learn and to teach and I am always open to be corrected and love a heated debate. I'm not sure what your goal is. I don't understand what makes somebody go on to an internet site with a bunch of strangers helping each other and then jump into a thread and start talking shit. You are not helping any of the situations that you comment on and you are just going to confuse people as much as yourself.

Please refrain from posting on subjects you obviously have no actual experience with.
Please read this statement because it sums up the whole thing:

All digital devices have some type of latency. It is not a problem for 95% of the people using them.
oh yes i see how that helps sean.

tell him that he is the only one with the problem!

make yourself feel superior!

if he takes my advice he will NEVER have a problem with latency again!

your idiotic meaningless percentages are meant to impress whom? yourself? i thought so. you come here and jack off and expect everybody to be impressed.

wow that guy can jack off!

to me you are nothing but an obtuse chimp.
knightfly said:
Hey, LD, maybe we should introduce him to GT11 - Or, maybe he IS GT11...

Steve, exactly what I was thinking when I wrote my last post. Our synchronicity continues to amaze...
he has well over 2000 posts so hes probably not even a recording hobbyist he is more of a forum hobbyist and not a very good one at that.

harvey gerst is a good forum hobbyist he seems to have a lot of experience and knowledge.

maybe tex threadkill can try to be a little more like harvey?
"maybe tex threadkill can try to be a little more like harvey?"

That makes a lot of sense. What's the matter wascal, You run out of ways to insult my mother? :o

Maybe you could be a little less like my ass.
wascal said:

maybe tex threadkill can try to be a little more like harvey?

Not a bad goal for any of us. Even wascal.

But on the other hand, we have someone a lot like Harvey - his name is Harvey. Would be kind of boring around here if we all had the same personality.
Look wascal I have just read all ur threads!
Can o give u some advice shut up!

Sean neva asked bout stand alone recording systems wo what u are sayin is completly irelivant!

the idea of this forum is to share ur knoledge with others who need it!

Not to spurt out stuff that is gonna be no use to the person u r addressing! They are askin a question they wnt help!

If he was askin wot do u think I should buy then U could slag computers all u like and give him ur opinon on stand alones!

But he didnt

Hope this clears things up!

C ya
my threads?

i dont think any of the threads here are mine!

why are ppls whining about what i say? is it whining for the sake of whining or are they always looking for something to whine about? i have never seen such whining in any forum anywhere. this should be called the forum.

geez you try to help a guy out and all you get is a bunch of whiners whining their whiny asses off.

all you whining whiny whiners can eat my green shit! :p
wascal said:

all you whining whiny whiners can eat my green shit! :p

I am very curious about the recurring "green shit" motif. Is this a result of special dietary regimen, or are you some sort of mutation? :confused:
Holy crap! Page 2? I can't believe this thread lived... Wascal - can't leave you alone for a minute.

geez you try to help a guy out and all you get is a bunch of whiners whining their whiny asses off.
hmm... let's recap, shall we:

Post 1: Sean2110 asks a legitimate question.

Posts 2 & 3: Legitimate info and suggestions for Sean2110

Post 4: Wascal calls Sean2110 a "closet homosexual" ...hardly qualifies for 'trying to help a guy out', eh?

Posts 5-end: Me, Tex, LD, and CRAZY bat Wascal around like a cat-toy that won't stop squeaking.

Like most cats, I enjoy playing with my toys, so I'll clue you in on why your posts (the ones with any substance at all) don't make any sense. There is a big difference between soft-synth latency and hardware latency. Sean2110 is using a type of soft-synth. These soft-synths are one of many things that standalones can't do. Being that you seem to be the self-proclaimed standalone/latency expert, I'd imagine that you don't have any first-hand knowlege that can help Sean2110 at all.

The end result of all the mindless goo that Wascal has been spewing? ...his status has changed from Newbie to Junior Member.

Well, it appears that you're accomplishing some sort of goal here, eh? ...thing is, most of us earn our status by posting legitimate questions and answers - not from egging people on with nonsense.

I'd imagine that anyone reading this thread has no respect whatsoever for anything you've got to say about recording. So enjoy your status, buddy. Cheers for the new class clown :rolleyes:


(kinda like that one ...maybe I'll change my Avatar :D
Hey guys leave wascal alone.

He is my new bitch. If you want a piece of him you can rent him from me for a cigarette an hour.

According to an earlier thread his big production credit is working for U2's caterer. He may not be qualified to give out engineering advice but he is perfectly qualified to 'toss my salad'. :o
ha ha ha.

i have heard your "recording" of the tired hillbilly who cant sing and i am not impressed.

did you say you recorded that on a stereo cassette deck?

what you butt buddies do between yourselves is fine. consenting adults and chimps or whatever. but i REALLY dont want to hear about it much less become involved!

no wonder you didnt like the joke about the latent homosexual!