Nah it just smells bad. But give up if you want.
The problem with giving up is that it allows people to stay home on voting day.
Also, it opens itself up to horrifying consequences like Tucker Carlson being broadcast on Russian airwaves, and fawning after Viktor Orban types...
The idea that these things are viable alternatives is horrifying.
The problem with giving up is that it allows people to stay home on voting day.
Also, it opens itself up to horrifying consequences like Tucker Carlson being broadcast on Russian airwaves, and fawning after Viktor Orban types...
The idea that these things are viable alternatives is horrifying.
Feeling better now, lol...
Gutfeld is on :D

I'm in love with Kat
I think I was in 5th grade and the math teacher wrote something like this on the board. He explained that our numbers were shaped this way and handed down to us and asked the class why they were shaped that way. I pointed out there were no angles in zero, one in one, two in two and so forth. He told me I was correct. With the advent of the internet I tried to find out if this were the case and could find no reference to it? Anyway here know?math.jpg
Excuse my interruption, I thought this was a math thread. I didn't know it had become a political bashing thread. Ignore the comment above and carry on with the bashing..
I think I was in 5th grade and the math teacher wrote something like this on the board. He explained that our numbers were shaped this way and handed down to us and asked the class why they were shaped that way. I pointed out there were no angles in zero, one in one, two in two and so forth. He told me I was correct. With the advent of the internet I tried to find out if this were the case and could find no reference to it? Anyway here know?View attachment 138997
I’ve never seen digits written angularly like that except maybe on a calculator and even then the zero is a rectangle. Where did he say they originated and from what culture/time period?

Babylonian numbers looked like this and Romans used alphabet lettering system. Earliest cave drawings used tally marks.

Oh I don't know. Having a sounding board is more rewarding and educational than an echo chamber. It's nice to test the quality of yer thinking and argument. Reasonable people can reasonably disagree. It's okay. Really.
I disagree... The willfully ignorant take solace in adversarial redundancy, and praise blind loyalty above self determination. Surely a truly reasonable person must rise above any self defeating impulse to peacefully coexist with dumb cattle.
I disagree... The willfully ignorant take solace in adversarial redundancy, and praise blind loyalty above self determination. Surely a truly reasonable person must rise above any self defeating impulse to peacefully coexist with dumb cattle.
If you classify the people you have to coexist with as dumb cattle you are missing the reality of the situation. Unless you plan to exterminate them - or think yer god will - that's another reality entirely. Good luck with either.
If you classify the people you have to coexist with as dumb cattle you are missing the reality of the situation. Unless you plan to exterminate them - or think yer god will - that's another reality entirely. Good luck with either.
Lol... Don't impugn my ideology because you know me to be a Christian. I don't claim to be the Messiah, or the author of Truth.
I disagree... The willfully ignorant take solace in adversarial redundancy, and praise blind loyalty above self determination. Surely a truly reasonable person must rise above any self defeating impulse to peacefully coexist with dumb cattle.
Aw man... don't be so hard on yourself! :LOL:
Lol... Don't impugn my ideology because you know me to be a Christian. I don't claim to be the Messiah, or the author of Truth.
It has nothing to do with yer faith. If you think 50% of yer fellow men are mindless cattle you got issues man. Blame that on yer god or don't. I honestly don't give a fuck. The outlook you represent here is what makes me start to think I should be arming myself in public. I do not want to be taken out by some fuckin whack job. Do you fit that profile? I'm beginning to wonder.
Any ideology that promotes a ‘us versus them’, or a moral and intellectual superiority mentality isn’t very healthy.
99% of the time that’s true, but there’s times in history where you might have little choice. I’m sure if you were Jewish in 1930’s Europe for example, or an abolitionist in pre civil-war US. Sometimes, it’s right to take a stand and call out right and wrong.