There ya go! Nearly everyone believes that there are only two voting blocks; Democrats or Republicans. But that's not true. There's one member here at HR who actually thinks that MAGA is a poltitical party, in and of itself, apart from the Republican party, which is sheer nonsense.

MAGA is a slogan, first coined by a Democrat many decades ago. I'm not gonna provide a link. @Seeker of Rock wouldn't like that. Do your own due diligence to do some research.

Sad, but true it is that Independent and Libertarian voters have never seemed to be able to amass enough voters among themselves as to having had any significant impact on Presidential elections, but let it be said that perhaps one day, in the future, a future generation (not Gen Z) will put an end to this Democrat v Republican nonsense.
I agree but am one of those libertarian non-party affiliated because I refuse to drink the koolaid in the cup pressed to my lips. Having voting rights I choose the choice that is most helpful and least destructive to the climate at time of voting.
Have you guys ever watched the movie “They Live”? Cult low budget ‘80s flick. I watched it last night bored for probably the 5th or 6th time to help fall asleep and stayed awake until the end. Some good correlation to the modern world (excepting the cheesy aliens) in that film. Are we basically livestock being controlled for a higher global elite? A lot of information could lead you to question that with a little deeper look into the mechanisms of world economy and politics. How does the NFL keep interst and money without questioning? Wagers and rivalry. Keep promoting rivalry and competition in Divisions to culminate to the end-all game of of two rival Conferences. Control the sheep, stoke the rivalry, and collect checks all the way there. Democrat vs Republican. Aren’t there some similarities in psychology and strategy? Conspiracy? Maybe. But there are a lot of similarities. Nazis were GREAT at psychological control of masses.

And at innovating what would later become music recording tech and instruments as the other thread in here demonstrates
All of this said, the world is becoming more and more entrenched in control by means beyond its population’s control, biologically, environmentally, financially, ethically, physically. Inhonestybdomtnthinknid want to look into a finite future 400 years from now. I’d be tempted and curious but don’t think I’d do it. There are catastrophic natural events that occur reglularly that decimate specie populations and allow regeneration in the aftermath. That may not be for another million years but kind of hope it will be sooner from an emotionally humanistic perspective.
As a math user in my profession, love the title of this thread in case I didn’t mention it yet ❤️
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I like math because it tends to separate viable intellect from evolved incompetence...

Besides, it takes a discerning mind to tolerate the limits of apes.

We are breeding too much. Too much population for the biological macro systems of the planet to support in equilibrium. We just need fewer people. Breed species to achieve dominance and continuation of species. We are well beyond that now.
I have to strongly disagree. I have worked in agriculture for a few years and can assure you that the planet can support more people. The problem is that the majority of agricultural systems are unsustainable through use of chemicals fertilizers and pesticides, as well as continuous cropping.
Fossil fuel supplies and geologic resources such as limestone and specific minerals are limited. Energy is a drug and can only sustain a finite amount of modern population that become increasingly more dependent on them.

If you put any credibility into the Kardeshev scale we are estimated to be somewhere in the 70th percentile of dominating and controlling our planet’s energy, so it’s a race of consumption versus control on whether we will make it across that threshold, basically envirotech vs depletion. It’s like a winner take all in a poker game and the winning hand is yet to be dealt.

But humans are taxing the earth so maybe start with reducing that burden.
1Acre = 4840 square yards
Total acreage of USA = 2.27 Billion
Current world population 7.8 Billion (individual men, women, children)
2.27/7.8 = 0.291 acres or 1613 sq yards (4839 sq ft)
Average area of a "*F A M I L Y*" dwelling in USA = 2000 sq ft.

1 sq mile = 640 acres
Land mass of planet Earth = 57,506,000 sq miles
Land mass of USA = 3,546,875 sq miles (6% of total land)
Planet Earth is 70% water
The total surface area of Earth is about 197 million square miles
The USA = 1.8% of the total surface area of planet Earth

The atmosphere of planet Earth is 300 miles thick

The current global debt is 307 Trillion. Most people can't wrap their heads around such a ridiculous figure...
If you could spend 1 dollar per second, that's 86,400 dollars per day, it would take you 9,734,906 years to spend 307 Trillion. It would take you 1,046,423 years to spend 33 Trillion.

If the entire population of the Earth can comfortably occupy only 1.8% of the planet... then where are all the planet's resources going? If 5% of the population owns 100% of the planet's resources... then how does "supply and demand" factor into our current debt?

Figures lie... Liars figure.

The only reason "global capitalists" want you to believe that overpopulation is wasting global resources is because... it boosts their profits, they can inflate their costs.
Meanwhile, they're the ones "trashing" the Earth and "TAXING" the population with the responsibility of cleaning it up. They set the stage for how everyone should live with multibillion dollar advertising and pretty plastic packaging, then blame the consumer for all the trash and poor air quality in our filthy cities... which they own.

As the "consumer"... you're being held responsible for living precisely the way corporate government engineered modern life to be lived. Then, you're penalized with the taxes they deem necessary to fix their profit motivated engineering. Ironically, they justify this business standard by calling it "freedom".

It occurs to me that mankind has reached a strange time in its "evolution"... when the concept of "money" has outgrown the worth of the planet we occupy.

Greed is the root of all evil.
If the entire population of the Earth can comfortably occupy only 1.8% of the planet... then where are all the planet's resources going?

Nobody truly knows the sum of resources on or in this planet. Furthermore, nobody truly understands the ecological system that recycles and replenishes the planet's resources.

All we know for certain is that the rich and powerful will always need more money and power...
And they will lie to maintain their authority.

Energy isn't the "drug" you should be worried about...

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If the entire population of the Earth can comfortably occupy only 1.8% of the planet... then where are all the planet's resources going?

Nobody truly knows the sum of resources on or in this planet. Furthermore, nobody truly understands the ecological system that recycles and replenishes the planet's resources.

All we know for certain is that the rich and powerful will always need more money and power...
And they will lie to maintain their authority.

Energy isn't the "drug" you should be
Greed for what?
Next “Cooking With Seeker” thread Ima do a beans and biscuits concoction and see what happens. I’ve dived off of ramen and Sphagetti- O’s and lemur butter and Tomato soup, microwaved potato sandwiches, but beans and biscuits sounds like a new venture for exploration. I may do something similar to what I did on cooking tonight but some of my retro broke band days meals. I kind of miss some of them so maybe it’ll be fun
Beans & Biscuits

"Thank ya, Roy. I got a song here that I'd like to do that's been awfly kind to me and the boys, it's bought us quite a few beans and biscuits. This is the best song we've ever had, financially. A tune called Cold Cold Heart."

What's the point of "mail in" ballots that are counted, but not verified... then destroyed?

What good is "MATH" if it can't be checked?
And sent out with no verification that the address is current or that the person is even still living in the state and eligible to vote in that state or if they're even still living.

The point as far as Dems are concerned is to facilitate election fraud.

The number of Biden voters who care whether the election was stolen is about the same as the number of Obama voters who cared whether he was eligible.