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I've never had a bee sting hurt for more than a few hours. I tried slapping a hot, wet tea bag on one and it seemed to help a little. Next time I get one that hurts, I'm gonna try hydrocortisone cream. It's good for persistent itches - takes about 20-30 minutes for full effect. Last year I was attacked by a kamikaze paper wasp. The little fella shot straight at and hit my left pinkie as I walked by, fully sinking his stinger into my finger - I whipped my hand up and down several times before he was flung loose. . . the stinger went with him. The strange thing was there was no pain at all. He sunk his stinger but did not pump the venom. When I looked at my finger there was no visible trace of the attack.
I've never had a bee sting hurt for more than a few hours. I tried slapping a hot, wet tea bag on one and it seemed to help a little. Next time I get one that hurts, I'm gonna try hydrocortisone cream. It's good for persistent itches - takes about 20-30 minutes for full effect. Last year I was attacked by a kamikaze paper wasp. The little fella shot straight at and hit my left pinkie as I walked by, fully sinking his stinger into my finger - I whipped my hand up and down several times before he was flung loose. . . the stinger went with him. The strange thing was there was no pain at all. He sunk his stinger but did not pump the venom. When I looked at my finger there was no visible trace of the attack.
This is not an itch or a sting. It is sore to the touch as if I bruised the muscle underneath.wasp.jpg
Thanks a lot. Now I've got RAID bug spray all over my monitor and keyboard!!!!

You BASTARD! ( I HATE being around wasps, bees and hornets.)