let me see your studio!

good idea to post pix?

  • this thread suxxxx

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  • not interested in peeking into other's bedrooms

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  • is that an Ozbourne poster on the wall?? Yikes!

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  • man -- when did you clean up the last time?

    Votes: 185 14.5%
  • I am so jeleous! Can I move into your house??

    Votes: 963 75.5%

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Hey - I recently got a new bass and and old hammond M102 organ with a separate tone cabinet. Trying to squeeze everything into such a long, narrow room (19'L x 9.5'W x 8.5'H) where most of the length is already taken up by storage, a wood stove, a massive bookshelf and a futon, is kind of tough. I like how I have it now though. I bought wall hangers and got the guitars off the floor at least.

Sorry the pics are so grainy. I was fooled into thinking they were clear when viewed on my phone.


I had to work hard to cram everything in there. I don't have room to move the mixing set up away from the back wall, and the room is so narrow that the backs of my big speakers are pointing right at the corners. That's probably going to mess with the bass response, but I thought I'd heard it was better to face the short wall in a rectangular room?

photo den.JPG

I'm never going to be able to fit a drum kit in here if I ever get another one!

den 1.JPG

And finally...some lights.

den 2.JPG
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Yeah, you've got the mixing area pointing the right way, just need to trap those corners. Wood stove and all those guitars hanging out? Hope you've got some serious humidification devices going.
Yeah, you've got the mixing area pointing the right way, just need to trap those corners. Wood stove and all those guitars hanging out? Hope you've got some serious humidification devices going.

Not sure there's enough room behind the speakers for traps of the thickness and width that everyone talks about.

I do have a large dish on top of the stove that I keep filled with water whenever it's running (which is only some of the really cold weekends during the winter). It evaporates into the room. Not sure if it helps. I never had issues when they were on stands.
Here is the thing tho, once you hear what they do for the sound in your space, you will make room. :)

:) We'll see. I remain unconvinced. I'll have to see how it goes over a few tracking/mixing sessions 1st and go from there I think.

You replaced the 688 with a 2488?

Actually, it's a Roland VS-2400 - I love it! I don't think the 2488 allows you to hook up a monitor and mouse? The 688 isn't gone or anything. Looking towards the other end of the room below, you can see it's there (just not hooked up to anything right now :o). It looks cool anyway.

688 still there.JPG
Actually, it's a Roland VS-2400 - I love it! I don't think the 2488 allows you to hook up a monitor and mouse?

The 2488 does hook up to monitor, keyboard and mouse mate. I have one of those in front of me. As a standalone recorder and as a control surface for Reaper. It's mint!

Looking good in there HM. :thumbs up:
It's not really a matter of opinion. It's fact. You can't argue with physics. Having said that, you make good recordings with what you have. :cool:

Thanks for saying that, but yeah, I'm not arguing with physics :).

I trust that the laws of physics dictate that the sound in my room would change in ways that might be somewhat predictable if traps were added in those corners, but that doesn't mean that it would necessarily be worthwhile. There are too many other factors, and ultimately, it is almost entirely subjective.

The 2488 does hook up to monitor, keyboard and mouse mate.

No way! All this time...was that added to later models? I remember doing some research before buying the Roland, and didn't see tascam mention that in their literature. I even remember some owners complaining about the little LCD screen and I could've sworn they said they had no options there? Ah well, I'm happy with what I bought, but had I known that about the 2488, I might've bought one of those instead. At least you have USB connection options. I have to burn discs to get stuff online.
Thanks for saying that, but yeah, I'm not arguing with physics :).

I trust that the laws of physics dictate that the sound in my room would change in ways that might be somewhat predictable if traps were added in those corners, but that doesn't mean that it would necessarily be worthwhile. There are too many other factors, and ultimately, it is almost entirely subjective.
Yes but........:D

You can't accurately know what those other factors might be unless your room is telling your ears the truth. Right now, your room is lying to you. But we can go back and forth forever nit-picking semantics, and I'm sure we both don't want to do that. Anyway, the way I look at it this way. Treating your room can never hurt. It will either help or make no difference, but how can it hurt.
I would go out of my way to say that it will absolutely make a bigger difference than any other upgrade. My control room is 27 X 13'. Room treatment made a gigantic difference for me in regards to mixing and vocal tracking. Things were just super easy after treating the room.

Everyone who hasn't treated a room realizes what is improved after doing it. Always the same reaction; 'Holy shit, why didn't I do this sooner'. If you wish to avoid physics, then see ya when you come around to reality. :)
I would go out of my way to say that it will absolutely make a bigger difference than any other upgrade.
Me too. But I didn't want to come off like I'm preaching to Heat or trying to ram something down his throat. But I have to say that I agree with you now that you mention it.
Me too. But I didn't want to come off like I'm preaching to Heat or trying to ram something down his throat. But I have to say that I agree with you now that you mention it.

I am not either, but it is totally true. Never has anyone treated their room correctly and not said 'wow'. EVER.
I would go out of my way to say that it will absolutely make a bigger difference than any other upgrade. My control room is 27 X 13'. Room treatment made a gigantic difference for me in regards to mixing and vocal tracking. Things were just super easy after treating the room.

I trust that it made as big a difference for you as you say, and that's great. It can't apply equally to everyone in every room/situation though, right? That seems like over generalizing. I've heard plenty of shit mixes from well treated rooms and some great ones from untreated ones.

Personally, in the absence of an absolutely piss poor room (mine doesn't sound that bad really), I would invest in instruments, amps and microphones first. Maybe that's just because I don't have a huge amount of those things yet.

If you wish to avoid physics, then see ya when you come around to reality. :)

I do, and I can assure you life is no less real as a result :p :).
I am not trying to push anything on you man. Yes, great things can come out of a untreated room. Not even going to argue. You will know when you actually perform the desired treatments for your room. I am just giving my opinion based on fact of how acoustics work.

No need to fix what ain't broke. But what if it wasn't a fix, and you suddenly realize there was something broken? Won't know til you try. Or care.