I'll play your music...

Alright already! If you want to listen, great. If you don't, whatever. Send music, fine. Don't, that's fine too. I already asked the owners of this site to delete this thread and it doesn't bother them, so live with it.

Trolls, gnomes, royalty - all are welcome. Thursday morning 10AM PDT, Steely Dan Producer Gary Katz will be on live. Do you want to call in? Great. 888 514 2100. Don't want to call? Fine. Do you want to hide under a pillow, away from spam, the Internet, reality, sunspots, etc. - go for it.
Ha, funny. Well, it's good to see you have returned. Welcome back.

I'll start by saying that it sounds like a good idea and it was cool hearing the first installment.

Thanks for the update.