I'll play your music...

Dave Baker

New member
On World Talk Radio. I host a show called In The Mix - all about home recording and music production. The show airs Thursdays 11A - 12N Pacific time live and is also available via archives. It's been a lot of fun, plus I've had some of the biggest names in the business on...plus I play home-grown music submitted by listeners. You can email me a link to your stuff at dbaker@worldtalkradio.com (or just email me the mp3 if you don't have your stuff posted on the net). Thanks! (shameless promotion over now)
Hey Dave,

I just sent you off an email, you'll find tons of great stuff in here. I think it's a great idea what you want to do. Thanks for supporting the community.
ewww mucho excitement

Hey Dave, you can cause a lot of inspiration here by offering this kind of exposure, it's a great opporutunity for all of us here in the Clinic and you too.

Please post this message every other week, or at the very least each month, because lots of musicians, and new musicians come and go, and come and go.

You wouldn't want to miss that 'one hit wonder' would you ?

Contact the primary administrators here for a link deal from the homepage on this issue.

ecommerce ... gotta love it huh ?
Is there a link to the archives to have a listen or see who's being played?

Maybe an update from time to time from you to see who from this community has gotten exposure and is getting a record deal? :D

Lots of talent on these boards. Hope you like email. :D

Many apologies for the distress my invitation on this board has caused dachay2tnr. I will not troube this board with any more posts.
No trouble at all Dave. If you are serious about giving some exposure to the music on this board, i'm sure most members would appreciate it so please don't let dachay scare you off.

Maybe a suggestion would be there is a forum called "Marketing and Promoting your music", perhaps posts of this nature could be placed there or in the dragon cave.

But still.. if a radio station comes into the clinic and wants to throw on clinic music I say hey welcome the exposure. What is the big deal if this thread is in the clinic? Besides if you follow the link to worldtalk you actually have a recording to listen to.

I listened to the station for a few minutes and it sounds genuine to me and the "about us" had Dave listed as VP of Operations. This seemed on the level to me.
Khompewtur said:
No trouble at all Dave. If you are serious about giving some exposure to the music on this board, i'm sure most members would appreciate it so please don't let dachay scare you off.

Huh? Um.. this is definitely spam. Just because it's well-intentioned spam for a good cause (assuming it is) doesn't mean it's not spam. I was a little puzzled at the warm response to this guy. When someone's very first post is hyping some personal project, I'd say this is not to be encouraged.

And you folks who blindly send out your e-mail addresses to people you don't know... well, you deserve what you get. Just a friendly warning... THIS is why you get 100 viagra e-mails a day.

groucho said:
Huh? Um.. this is definitely spam. Just because it's well-intentioned spam for a good cause (assuming it is) doesn't mean it's not spam. I was a little puzzled at the warm response to this guy. When someone's very first post is hyping some personal project, I'd say this is not to be encouraged.

And you folks who blindly send out your e-mail addresses to people you don't know... well, you deserve what you get. Just a friendly warning... THIS is why you get 100 viagra e-mails a day.


Since you can't tell the good guys from the bad guys on the internet, you have to assume they are ALL bad guys. I'll give Dave the benefit of the doubt and assume his intentions were honorable and upright. Regardless, it is still spam and it doesn't belong here. Sorry.

BTW, how many of you have registered songs with the US copyright office and gotten offers to publish your material (for just a small fee). I'm sure they had your best interests at heart as well.
I'm a pretty wary person myself but i checked out the link and listened to the station and it sounded legit, with advertising 20 different djs, etc.

Here's the response i got from Dave. Guess we'll find out soon enough.

"The program airs live Thursday (8/7/2003) 11A - 12N Pacific Time (8-9AM e.s.t) at
www.worldtalkradio.com. Please send me some background info on the song (Moira)
far as how it was produced, what your recording setup is and how you
that nice, heavy guitar sound. I'll be playing your song toward the end
the show, after I interview Harvey Gerst (producer, engineer
extraordinaire). Thanks again... good stuff!

Dave Baker, V.P. Operations
World Talk Radio"
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I think it's SPAM for sure. but i think it is a good thing to expose music to others so i am not going to say it needs to go. If it were for something not pertaining to music then i would say it is worthless get rid of it. But to each his own. And if he steels our song or something like that we can stick a broom handle with nails up his ass and pour lemon juice in the wound. Huh, what do you think Khompewtor, heh, you in for that if he steels our song. Just fucking around. I think it is legit and cool. this guy seems like a cool guy. I think sometimes people on these boards can be a little too uptight. But whatever.
I'm thinking it can't hurt. Most people around here know who Harvey is, so i think that might also be of some interest.

As for worries related to being exploited... puhleeze

I've copyrighted music for at least 10 years and belong to ASCAP. Trust me if your music is played 1,000 times you're still not getting a royalty check. You have to show up in the "neilson's" for radio like on a regular regular basis and the royalty for a spin on a 50,000w station is i think $.02. So even if you did register enough to have survey pick up your plays your check is like $32.84. Shit at this point I'd be happy to get exploited at least someone would be listening.

Here's what I got back....

I'll keep this short and spare you some hardship. Why did you even bother sending me that crap? I mean......

ugh. Forget it."

Back to the drawing board....

Re: Bummer

SLuiCe said:
Here's what I got back....

I'll keep this short and spare you some hardship. Why did you even bother sending me that crap? I mean......

ugh. Forget it."

Back to the drawing board....


Okay, now we know that not only is he spamming message boards (I've seen him elsewhere in the last couple days), he's DEAF.

I tried listening to one of the archived shows but it was just some idiot rambling on about making cocktails - I got bored waiting for something audio-related and tuned out.

I think the main point is that there are other places on HRC to hawk your wares. That's the thing with wares: some are good, some are bad, depending on your taste. But we don't really want everyone posting *here* every time they've got some service to sell or promote, do we?

Re: Bummer

SLuiCe said:
Here's what I got back....

I'll keep this short and spare you some hardship. Why did you even bother sending me that crap? I mean......

ugh. Forget it."

Back to the drawing board....

Come on.....he didn't really say that about your music did he? If he did, he's a moron.

what the fuck is that???

it's certainly not professional.....
it's not accurate either......

You must have sent him a link to my web-site :D

You are a good writer and performer Tom...that's just bullshit...

of course we all know...
ya can't please all the people all of the time...
but if you try........ sometimes...they get what they need :D

Mabey he looked at your member and got jealous!:D

You had to be kidding,right Tom?
I can't possibly fathom anybody ever saying somthing like that about your stuff.