I'll play your music...

freshears said:
Hey I already had the boots on ready to go kick some ass...don't cry "wolf" to many times eh?;) :D

I know man...sorry. I was just trying to put some humor into this thread before it inevitably gets blown out of proportion, like most things that people disagree on around here. I mean, I figure you can either have some fun with the thread or just ignore it if it's offensive. JMHO.

Now everyone send Dobro a PM and order one of his CD's. I got mine about a month ago and it's really good. When Groucho gets his CD done, hopefully he'll let us know. Dave, good luck with the station. Most of us know a radio show may be their "big break," but probably not. But you should, if you find the time between superstar interviews, check out some of the fine projects being done here. If you love good real music.
homerecording.com Time for a change ?

Maestro Dobro,

I think, as an administrator, you should brainstorm with the other administrators, and the owner of the BBS, and think up a new primary topic for the homepage of the BBS, where radio and internet, and yes, even record executives ... the slimy dogs ... can solicit this type of threading ...
OK - I'll take the risk - I'm the newbie that really, really enjoys this forum - and you can't know how much respect I have for your musicianship and prowess in the sudio -- but y'all are missing something here. And if ya get pissed off and tell me to fuck off, oh well - been there done that - I still play music - I still have friends.

I just ran the numbers on three pages of posts. Here are the results:
198 Posts
Average reply per post = 7.79
Average views per post = 104.8

Here are the stats for this post:
As of 6:30 p..m Central European Time there were 43 replies and 576 views of this post. Six times more than average on replies (sure wish I had 23 replies to my tunes) and more than four times the views. Why? Because it's controversial.

Kobie what's-his-fuckin-name and that dumbass governor from California are "controversial" too, but I don't see us yakking about him.

If you don't like Dave's post:
b. Bitch to the moderator

If you like Dave's post:

Dave won here, guys. We all know who the hell he is and who is radio station is. If you'd have blown him off there would be 476 views and ZERO replies.

Sorry if I've pissed you off - I really didn't mean to - but I've been in and out of these damned forums for years and I leave quickly because they all seem to LOSE THEIR FOCUS.

I'm going back in my studio.

p.s. - please don't bump this damned thing anymore - let it die - if y'all wanna flame my ass - send a PM.

p.s. II - I still love y'all!!

p.s. III - and if you've got a CD available - please let me know. I'll buy one!! You music is far better than those assholes on the radio who are named after an insignificant piece of candy or small change.
But here's a question I'd like answered: both Crawdad and myself have in the past politely inquired if it's okay to advertise our albums in this forum, and people have politely let us know that we shouldn't do that. So Crawdad and I have declined to advertise our stuff here. So how come this new guy gets to advertise what he's flogging here? (LOL - or are you one of the ones who think it's okay if I advertise my stuff here?)

From what I understand he wasn't advertising anything. He requested permission to use our music on his show and requested submissions from anyone who was interested.

It sounded like fun to me so I checked it out. I'm calling in to the show tomorrow at 1:50 pm est ( i calculated the time in the wrong direction earlier) and he said he's going to play the smartbox song.

I'll listen to the show and post afterwards as to whether I thought it was a vieled commercial for headphones and SP mics or whether it was a nice gesture of acknowledgement to the clinic.
SLuiCe said:
(I promise I'll figure out a way to transmit my humor over the internet without causing confusion or war. There's got to be a way...)

If you find it, please let me know....I still don't know it either. :)

Btw, this Dave-guy was right Tom.......your music IS crap. Especially your bass parts suck like my grandma.... ;) ;) LOL :D
MC Gitarz said:
If you don't like Dave's post:
b. Bitch to the moderator

If you like Dave's post:

Dave won here, guys. We all know who the hell he is and who is radio station is. If you'd have blown him off there would be 476 views and ZERO replies.

MC, when it comes to trolls, I absolutely agree with you. I think this was a situation that merited a little discussion between members as to how to deal with similar ones in the future.

That said, it seems clear we're probably not going to all agree on this one. I'm still a little amazed at how many people seem eager to buy into Dave's hype, but (as usual) we'll all do as we wish and no real harm done either way.

I'll drop this one now, since I think my opinion is pretty clear. But let me offer a thought:

Dave is not *offering* anything here - he is *requesting* something, and it is *he* who stands to gain by any exchange that occurs as a result of his post. He needs content to fill up his show and he is spamming message boards in an attempt to drum up content from homerecorders who (presumably) will fall over themselves in an attempt to be heard by other than each other.

Just ask yourself: had you heard of Dave's show prior to this? Does anyone you know listen to the show? Does anyone listen to it period? Do you really think appearing on that show will do anything but assist dave in satisfying his boss for another week?

I honestly don't mean to be condescending, and if you are into what Dave's about, that's cool (I probably still dig your music:)). I just thought I'd throw that out there.

Okay, back to the tunes.

Dave is not *offering* anything here - he is *requesting* something, and it is *he* who stands to gain by any exchange that occurs as a result of his post. He needs content to fill up his show and he is spamming message boards in an attempt to drum up content from homerecorders who (presumably) will fall over themselves in an attempt to be heard by other than each other.

Just ask yourself: had you heard of Dave's show prior to this? Does anyone you know listen to the show? Does anyone listen to it period? Do you really think appearing on that show will do anything but assist dave in satisfying his boss for another week?

I disagree. It's a win win situation when a station wants to broadcast an artist, the station gets content/listeners and the artist gets exposure. Both gain and nobody loses. At the highest echelon of this business radio-play is the biggest boon to artist sales and yet a station has no shortage of artists wanting airtime.

Even if the show has a total of 5 listeners, that's 5 more people your music is getting exposed to than before and all it cost was a little bit of courtesy and less effort than making this post. If that is too small potatoes for you, so sorry.. pls don't squash me with your big shoes.

There are bajillions of recordings out there and all of them want to be heard. Program directors at your dingiest college radio stations in the basement of the student center get more material than they could ever play. I've hired marketing firms to break my last two albums and i know firsthand the heartbreak of having to plead with zit faced dj's just for a single spin.

Eventually you'll learn when someone takes an interest in your music you don't spit on them.
The Basic Con

In order for ANY con to work, there has to be GREED on the part of the person being conned.

The greed here is the wish of musicians to be heard.

If it sounds to good to be true it IS................................

Having said that, I emailed him a URL as soon as I read the post:D :confused: :mad: :( :o :o :o :o
I do understand your point of view there, Khompy. I guess it could be described as the "optimistic" way of looking at posts like Dave's. I myself am somewhat less dazzled by such "opportunities" (which I think are drastically overestimated in terms of value by struggling musician types) but by all means, go for it.

I guess I'm not implying that people like Dave have absolutely *nothing* to offer homerecorders. I'm saying that what they have to offer is not nearly enough to warrent us allowing them to spam our MP3 clinic whenever they choose.

Eventually you'll learn when someone takes an interest in your music you don't spit on them.

Oh, I'll *always* spit on radio people.:) Their day is done, and so should be the days of musicians kissing their smarmy asses.

That's all.

"I think, as an administrator, you should brainstorm with the other administrators, and the owner of the BBS, and think up a new primary topic for the homepage of the BBS, where radio and internet, and yes, even record executives ... the slimy dogs ... can solicit this type of threading ..."

Studioviols - that's an idea worth considering, fiddler. And it might stand a chance of working if the owner of this BBS actually involved himself in its day-to-day operation. But Dragon don't come round here no more. And according to Slackmaster, he doesn't answer emails about the place much either. He just keeps the server running. Good. I like that. But all the other stuff is up to us. Which is why threads like this happen when somebody comes round advertising something.
A little bit of spam is no big deal...might even be useful. A little bit more, no big deal...we can just ignore it.

But then one day before you know it...

If you are still reading Dave, thank you for leaving quietly. If you come back, please critique peoples' mixes. If we think you (or anyone else) have interesting things to say we will click your www button to learn more about you. Please do not promote your stuff no matter how much we may benefit from it.
Pedullist said:
This Dave guy was right Tom... Especially your bass parts suck like my grandma.... ;) ;) LOL :D

Hmmm...I must meet your grandma... Please arrange this for me. ;)
I had the same tastless thought sluice. I just couldn't bring my self to respond......I REALLY had to restrain my self on that one. :D

But........I guess I'm not as close to my grandma as some people. ;)

If he took it to the "Marketing your music" forum it would have been more appropriate.

But it would still be spam.

It's hard for me to find a place where I would be comfortable with it, but I wouldn't like anyone else to miss any chances either.:confused:

What the heck............that Swindell guy has been pushing his Starmaker snake oil in the marketing forum for quite some time !

Ya' know........if he has really heard of this site......and if he really thinks there might be some good music here......and if he really thinks that some of the music here would be worthy of airplay.......then he could easily and quickly find out who the creative stars are here.
He'd simply have to put up a thread asking who everyone thought were the top dogs and then listen to their music to see if it has a place on his show. If so......he could PM them......voila!....no spam.
Now he might say he doesn't have time for that but it wouldn't take more than a few evenings to accomplish and if I had a radio show......I would certainly be willing to put forth that miniscule amount of effort to aquire things that would be unique and exclusive. So it's not like the spamming was the only way he could have accomplished it. Plus.....he wouldn't have to turn anyone down.
I don't know, it took me a while to figure this place out. You need a bit of tech savvy, and music knowledge, and BBS experience, and time, I think it's a lot of time, actually. So instead of learning to navigate, he just dropped a line. It's not like he posted dupes to a lot of threads....

Is there internet radio anymore? Or was there a battle over copyrights or something? I can't remember what I heard about it, I'll go look it up now, but if major releases can't be played on internet only radio, then maybe we're what's left?

Well i listened to the show. They talked about Harvey's headphones for the first 30 seconds and then the next 10 minutes Harvey and Dave discussed production techniques and tips. Very pertinent stuff to what we are trying to improve on in here.

No Darth Vader evil empire stuff happening, overall it was harmless and fun.

I taped our segment so now there is a clip finally associated with this thread
Smartbox on 'In the Mix'

He says he's looking for more home grown music on his show so I hope you don't mind, I forwarded him some other of our websites.
Good for you Komp

That was something hearing you talk about here on the radio.
And I'm always happy for any hard working musician that gets some exposure.
KUDOS Bro, don't ferget all the little people on the way up now.
SLuiCe said:
Hmmm...I must meet your grandma... Please arrange this for me. ;)

:rolleyes: hrmm, she passed away two years ago. She was a wonderful human being.

I'm the king of tasteless and sick humour, I'm afraid...(if it makes you happy: I learned it from my brilliant wife) :)