I think we should leave

Hmmm death metal rap really isn't all that bad of an idea....beats the hell out of the bubble gum shit they call music now.
Rap-metal has been around since the beginning, peep PE's work with Anthrax or some of Black Jack Johnson's stuff.
*Turn it up!! BRING THE NOISE!!* wow - that takes me back. was that from the 1991 release? (no, i'm not that good remembering, i just looked it up real quick)
Jibran- glad to see you staying..its no reason for anyone to leave..i know it was brought up why we had our own board on here..if im not misstackiing..it was everyone on the site that wanted up to have our own..to stop boggin down all the other boards with hip-hop/rap questions..

i have come to realize many, many years ago...that everyone will hate some genre in their life ..when its different from all the hard work that they do to make a living at what they love. I can prettly much listen to anything except Metal..does it means i will talk it down ..no..i just want comment on it..

folks dont realize or dont want to realize rap/urban music or whatever you feel you need to call it isnt goin away..the Big 3 makes more money off of rap/hip-hop/urban music sells then any other genre in music..yes other genre have their fans for life and make killer money on tours and can sell an album for a lifetime..(something urban music dont have)
but it all boils down to whats makin the money..

yes we all know rocker and other genre spend years on their craft cause most of the play instruments..and hate to see some young unknown kid make it before they do..so what its music..you dont have to like it..but someone, somewhere throught that kid had talent enough to sell records...yes we have our acts that you be like..how the hell did they get a deal..but thats life i guess..you gotta make the most of it..and take what changes you can..

and to me..anyone that is a indie artist is way better the any major artist..and im sure you are happy playin in the crappy bars and clubs..as long as the rent gets paid..

even tho..it was started to be mean and cause fuss this has turn out to be a respectable thread...

love life
love music
keep your dream alive
and support you fellow home recorder..

thats deep.. LOL
jibran said:
We are obviously not welcome on this BBS.

I love the community we have here but we are not respected at all on the boards. For example, check that "tangerine" guy's post history. These people hate hip hop and they use us as a catchphrase for all that is unintelligent.

So, for my part, I'll give Illmuzik invitations for those of y'all that want them or, we can create our own forum.

What do y'all think?

seeya dude!
BTW, for whoever asked why rock, country, etc. don't have their own forums, it's probably because the Mic forum got sick of rappers asking what the best mic for rap is and set up a hip-hop forum so those people would go there. Didn't work, though.
ez_willis said:
I think that's why the decision was made to officially close the Hip-Hop Forum officially next Saturday at midnight, permanently.

Awwww! I made someone sad. :( :(

It's okay that you didn't sign that neg rep you left, buckaroo, maybe you'll grow a pair after puberty.
zacanger said:
Way to randomly neg rep me, whoever you are.

I got one, too. It was trumpspade.

Put her on your ignore list then check your rep. If the red goes away it was trumpdump, too.
ez_willis said:
I got one, too. It was trumpspade.

Put her on your ignore list then check your rep. If the red goes away it was trumpdump, too.

Ahh. Oh, yep, it was trumpspade. Thanks!
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Don't matter to me chumps............
You guys want to control everything and it kills you that it is waaaay beyond you! Hiphop is here to stay! If you don't like it, stay out!!!!!!

F'ckn Haters...................

Trumpspade said:
Don't matter to me chumps............
You guys want to control everything and it kills you that it is waaaay beyond you! Hiphop is here to stay! If you don't like it, stay out!!!!!!

F'ckn Haters...................


I never said anything about hating hip-hop. I just hate when people post in the Mic forum asking what the best mic is for rap. It's idiotic.
Trumpspade said:
Don't matter to me chumps............
You guys want to control everything and it kills you that it is waaaay beyond you! Hiphop is here to stay! If you don't like it, stay out!!!!!!

F'ckn Haters...................


Dummy, I made a joke about closing the Hip Hop Forum. I don't hate Hip-Hop, Rap, or any variation of it. I HATE Country music, but it's pretty easy to avoid. I stay out of Country bars and live on the West Coast.

Why am I explaining myself to some bitch that don't even have the balls to state his opinion with a signature? :confused:

And what's all that red shit by your name? :confused:
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BeatsBuY said:
Beautiful. Everyone is FAM!

Works for me... I'm here to learn.

I come from such a different musical background that I'm probably far better off lurking around here listening to tunz than running my mouth like a fool about what I think the genre is or isn't or why I like it or don't. It's a listen first and talk later kind of thing.... :cool:
ez_willis said:
And what's all that red shit by your name? :confused:

What is that white shit by your mouth? :confused:

Never mind!

I could care less about that neg rep shit It doesn't make me fool! :D

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