I think we should leave

I'm not much into hip-hop or rap (though Mos Def is way cool in my book) so I try not to fuck around in this forum, and even then the last time I did I tried to be funny without being offensive. There's intolerance anywhere you go in this world, so I try not to fuel the fire. You should see some of the stupid shit that goes on in the Cave!

BeatsBuY makes some very good points, and I'm glad an actual discussion is happening in this thread instead of another stupid flame war.

If someone is REALLY annoying to you, just put 'em on your "ignore list." When they post you won't be able to see what they wrote, and it makes it much easier to go about making music.

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I figure it reflects a kind of musical culture clash. And when musical cultures do that, the result can do a lot of good - if there's a little humor involved. Tangerine is a good guy. I'm not always a complete jerk either, but some of the mic forum threads have tempted me to do a spoof thread. Not a good idea; Like QQ said, it can go immediately some place we don't intend it to go.

The word "respect" is used pointedly, and with good reason, in this thread. Respect runs two ways. It is earned, or it is not earned. If my only exposure to the people in this genre is through a limited subject forum (like the mic forum) where people get exasperated because of the lack of respect shown them by newbies who look for the easy answer, and then go postal when they're given decent advice that requires them actually to spend some effort, well, its pretty easy to slide there myself. Not where I want to be.

I think the solution is to get to know each other - because we don't. For my part, I'm going to spend more time here, lurk, listen and learn. For your part, how about getting over to Jamfest 7 this summer? Midstate Connecticut, outside Hartford. It's a place where the flat screen stops and the friendships take over.

- Tree
Treeline said:
I figure it reflects a kind of musical culture clash. And when musical cultures do that, the result can do a lot of good - if there's a little humor involved. Tangerine is a good guy. I'm not always a complete jerk either, but some of the mic forum threads have tempted me to do a spoof thread. Not a good idea; Like QQ said, it can go immediately some place we don't intend it to go.

The word "respect" is used pointedly, and with good reason, in this thread. Respect runs two ways. It is earned, or it is not earned. If my only exposure to the people in this genre is through a limited subject forum (like the mic forum) where people get exasperated because of the lack of respect shown them by newbies who look for the easy answer, and then go postal when they're given decent advice that requires them actually to spend some effort, well, its pretty easy to slide there myself. Not where I want to be.

I think the solution is to get to know each other - because we don't. For my part, I'm going to spend more time here, lurk, listen and learn. For your part, how about getting over to Jamfest 7 this summer? Midstate Connecticut, outside Hartford. It's a place where the flat screen stops and the friendships take over.

- Tree
Excellent post, Tree.

Yes! Let's get together at JamFest 7 and have a good time! I'm sure we can arrange a Hip-Hop/RapFest slot similar to the MetalFest slot that occurs during JamFest. That would be cool.

And if anyone wants to get old school, I'd be glad to learn some Trouble Funk songs. Drop the Bomb! :cool:
This is good.

Since I enginer, I do all genres from hip hop, rock, jazz, world, to dance, classicial and soul. I like learning about every genre and how things flow. Every genre has was it is mixed, recorded and expressed. And like hip hop, every genre has it's own slang (why of expressing) and you have to learn it.

I started engineering at a studio and we are doing a classical album. I had to relearn how to mix a track beause it is so different. But, that's why I enginner. It's about meeting new people. Finding new music.

When you learn how people react and the ways things go, you are good. And I also feel that if I stay in one genre, I'm in a box. Bring what you learn to all music. At the end, music has no language. What I mean by that is it makes you feel a certain way. You can express yourself and blow steam or pure great parts of life into a track.

So at the end, I think if you just be real and say how yo feel and not go between the lines, you get to the point. That's why it's good this topic was brought up.

**I have folks come up to me and say how can I get pro recordings with a $199 mic. I'll say: Pro mics can run a lot of money. $500 an up. But, I know a mic that is good quality for about $200 beacuse I used it. It won't get you the highest pro quailty, but close.**

So I'll be real and say that for that cost it aint gonna happen. But, then I'll give another option for them...

So, this entire forum has just made another step and grew. :cool:
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jibran said:
We are obviously not welcome on this BBS.

I love the community we have here but we are not respected at all on the boards. For example, check that "tangerine" guy's post history. These people hate hip hop and they use us as a catchphrase for all that is unintelligent.

So, for my part, I'll give Illmuzik invitations for those of y'all that want them or, we can create our own forum.

What do y'all think?

Yo' son, you ain't gotta' step-off nowhere! You (and ever-1 else for that matter) has the same right to enjoy, share, teach, learn and opine on whatever genre of music U flow to.
Do NOT allow a few comments posted by an individual whose attempt at humor came off as total ignorance leading you to believe that you're not wanted or respected here making you feel you need to leave.
If that's what you're gonna' do, your game is straight-weak!
Music...in every form>>> from ancient rhythmic chants, to avant-garde jazz; Dorsey swing to punk-rock; from Country/Western-BlueGrass to straight Blues and everything between and beyond has been cracked on by haters who knew no better. It didn't stop them so don't let it stop you!
Ignore ignorance while teaching those who need to be taught, but never run away when confronted with ignorance. Knowledge & understanding is ignorance's wors t enemies!

Peace 2-fingers
BTW & in all fairness, tangerine did announce his intentions in the Cave about
coming to this particular forum and 'Effin with it's participants. Though his
thread and posts on "hand-waggin" (wtf is that?) revealed his utter hatred, animosity, contempt, racist, predjudicial, Israel-bashing, homophobic, extreme Canadian/Australian/Italian murderous hysteria & his perversion to the serial raping of female kangaroos , tang is an overall good guy!

Jus' kiddin'
I'm drunk!
tangerine is cool!

G'nite mateyS
Q.MustafaMr Salaam
Actually the poor treatment is because people are jealous. :eek:
Hip hop gets it's own forum,yet the other genres do not. :confused:

Why isn't there a metal forum? :confused:
A country forum? :confused: :confused:
A polka forum? :confused: :confused: :confused:

Maybe there should be some collabs between the opposing sides,I think the world is ready for death metal rap! :cool:

:D :D :D
We Aint!

Go-In No Where

We Aint

Goin No Where

We Can't Be Stopped Now

Cause It's HR For Life!! LOL :D

Sorry guys had a badboy flashback. :D (Puffy don't need no more money!)
The only people that should leave are the people that "don't need info" or don't wanna share info the people that like to talk shit on the internet are everywhere and you just gotta deal wit em cuz when they were in school they got robbed and beat down all the time and now they are tuff guys
acidrock said:
Actually the poor treatment is because people are jealous. :eek:
Hip hop gets it's own forum,yet the other genres do not. :confused:

Why isn't there a metal forum? :confused:
A country forum? :confused: :confused:
A polka forum? :confused: :confused: :confused:

Maybe there should be some collabs between the opposing sides,I think the world is ready for death metal rap! :cool:

:D :D :D

Ask Dragon!!!!

That is a good Idea though, why won't you start your own website and be sure to include those genres.
If you search google or ask jeeves, I bet you will find forums for any genre out there. Collabo's would be nice, but too many other genres have a problem with Hiphop, so ummmmmmmmmm I don't know!
Thanks for the support fam!

I guess I will stay here after all. Y'all have supported me from the beginning so I won't make a move unless we all do. The HR.net hip hop community is a family and we'll keep it that way, God willing.

I just posted a thread in the Mic forum with the hopes that it becomes a sticky. It will, hopefully, alleviate a lot of the tension that those stupid rappers create.
I'm going to try to get to the bottom of this issue.....

In my opinion, there is a reason why the rock guys will have issues with the rap guys. It doesn't have to do with culture, race, geography, education, etc. etc. etc....

It's got to do with a feeling that the rock guys have something invested in creating music that the rap genera performers aren't generally perceived to have.

Now, I'm not going to back up this view. I'm just going to post the perceptions.

Rock/Country/Pop guys generally have many years into perfecting their playing of one musical instrument. Many can play multiple instruments, and some have invested a life time of work into honing their skills by playing gigs in crappy night clubs and wedding halls for very little pay. They have a feeling that they have 'paid' the dues required to create music....

The Rock guys look at the rap guys, and they truly see a musical form that can be created without a whole lot of natural talent. A copy of fruity loops, some samples from the Internet, a microphone and a pre amp, some rhyming lyrics scribbled on a paper, and you're a 'rap guy'.

Now, like I said - I'm not going to back up this assertion, because I don't know that it's true - I'm not now writing, nor have I ever written/produced rap music. I suspect that to create GOOD rap music, talents are needed that are commiserate with the talents a rock guy would need to create good rock music.

However, I do contend that this is the VIEW. Rock musicians generally see rap as a throwaway. I've heard this myself too many times not to believe that it is the general view.

What do you think about that?
I think that you, along with the other "rock guys" should watch this video and become enlightened as to the work that true hip hop artists put in.
I will say that I am not a fan of rap music for the most part but to each his own. A lot of rappers wouldn't like the stuff I play and it's all good as far as I'm concerned. ;)
tamoore said:
I'm going to try to get to the bottom of this issue.....

In my opinion, there is a reason why the rock guys will have issues with the rap guys. It doesn't have to do with culture, race, geography, education, etc. etc. etc....

It's got to do with a feeling that the rock guys have something invested in creating music that the rap genera performers aren't generally perceived to have.

Now, I'm not going to back up this view. I'm just going to post the perceptions.

Rock/Country/Pop guys generally have many years into perfecting their playing of one musical instrument. Many can play multiple instruments, and some have invested a life time of work into honing their skills by playing gigs in crappy night clubs and wedding halls for very little pay. They have a feeling that they have 'paid' the dues required to create music....

The Rock guys look at the rap guys, and they truly see a musical form that can be created without a whole lot of natural talent. A copy of fruity loops, some samples from the Internet, a microphone and a pre amp, some rhyming lyrics scribbled on a paper, and you're a 'rap guy'.

Now, like I said - I'm not going to back up this assertion, because I don't know that it's true - I'm not now writing, nor have I ever written/produced rap music. I suspect that to create GOOD rap music, talents are needed that are commiserate with the talents a rock guy would need to create good rock music.

However, I do contend that this is the VIEW. Rock musicians generally see rap as a throwaway. I've heard this myself too many times not to believe that it is the general view.

What do you think about that?

I think your statements about the musical view of rap are true regarding alot of new artists that are coming out just to make money. Now, when you look at more established beatmakers, that is very far from the truth. I love the roots and they play live instruments. I'm not a mainstream artist in any way, but i play several different instruments and have invested ALOT of time into learning those instruments. I listen to all types of music just to get a feel for it and understand it. I could groove with any genre of music because i understand the way different types of music should sound and feel. Because of that, i don't like to shoot down genres just because they aren't my favorite. As long as it's good music with good lyrics, i'm for it.
OK here is what should be said and i dont have the time to read all this shit and blah blah blahness....

Look musicians alike, rappers, rockers, emo, coutry w/e should work together not against...and like someone said search that shit before you ask q's because it is irritating...

heres an idea that can solve all our problems...

google it !
acidrock said:
Actually the poor treatment is because people are jealous. :eek:
Hip hop gets it's own forum,yet the other genres do not. :confused:

Why isn't there a metal forum? :confused:
A country forum? :confused: :confused:
A polka forum? :confused: :confused: :confused:

Maybe there should be some collabs between the opposing sides,I think the world is ready for death metal rap! :cool:

:D :D :D

there is one here www.ultimatemetal.com
other than it being an annoying question, it's always about being cheap, think about it....if you have $200 why is it that your budget is $200? you dont have to spend $200 just cause thats what you have, why not save that $200 and add to it to get a better quality mic. i am a black man an im saying this because i have experience with rock bands and hip hop and r&b musicians, what a lot of rappers seem to think is that when you see other rappers on mtv or bet,in the studio hanging out making tracks when ever they feel like it. but thats not how it works. money is changin hands behind the scenes...big money at that, money that dont belong to the rappers.