HRC: CAUTION! Totally naked!

it's missing some highs that would otherwise make this an awsome sounding track....

Nice performance nonetheless.


Thanks for the compliments.:)

Sometimes I think it would be easier to just use loops. Then I think about editing, and how anal I am about feel & groove in music. That's when I get out the mics again. I've heard some great stuff here done with loops, but I'd rather sweat mic placement and room acoustics.

Hmmmmm. Maybe I should use loops. LOL!:D

Keep going, man...need words? I have plenty of those...they suck, but they're in abundance around my casa.

If your serious ( it's hard to tell sometimes) PM me bro. Sucky words is better than no words, which is what I got.:D


Thanks for the listen. Good to see another person who's into the groove on this. I know the guitar part has timing issues, but I like 'em! It's gonna be hard to cut it up.:eek:


I guess considering my gear & room I should be happy with the quality, but I'm not. Never am!

Thanks for the listen!:)


Thanks! Yeah, that seems to be the general consensus around here.

I think I'm going to unplug all my tweeters when I mix from now on..........

M.Brane said:
I think I'm going to unplug all my tweeters when I mix from now on..........
Man, that made me laugh...then, it made me wonder how big a hassle it would be to unplug my subs, lol. By God, I WILL have some low end in my mixes, if it KILLS people.

Yeah, I wasn't kidding about the lyrics...lemme' try to dig something up that might have a prayer of fitting into some kind of a meter for this, lol.

Oh, leave the latest version of that track on your page if you can, especially if you make any changes to the mix, so I can grab it whenever I find something, and I'll just throw out a vocal track...I'm fairly organized in most aspects of my life, but the music/artsy side of me is totally flakey...I have ZERO organization when it comes to archiving this stuff...that's why I pretty much record everything on the spot when it's written, lol...again, as soon as I dig something up, I'll send you the idea.
What a great low end to this. Plenty of "umph." Cool groove. Good playing too.

A tempo issue or two, but I don't think that was the intent of this recording anyway. The guitar was a little "midrange heavy" as was mentioned. But it sounds to me like it would be easily tamed. Sounds like the bass clipped at 3:14.

Oh and one more thing... way too much autotune on this.


You have a sub? Do not, I repeat do not listen to that other stuff I posted the link to above.

You have been warned!:D

Don't sweat the lyric thing, bro. I know you've got some good stuff, but this has been in the can for a while. I'm in no hurry.;)

That's one nice thing about being an amatuer: no deadlines.:p

I think I'm going to leave all the versions of this tune up for comparison, and gradually tweak it with help from the clinic. I think it will prove to be a good exercise in what to tweak & how.:cool:


Thanks! It's possible the bass clipped. I was running pretty close to critical mass on the mix bus. Don't have any of that fancy "analysis" software though, just the PT meters which are pretty lame, and my ears which are well-worn.;)

Still couldn't get the tuning dialed in. I think I need some new/better bass strings. Ernie Ball's bass strings suck too.:p

Need to put some Roto's on this thing......
Brane....your shiznizzle rock's!!!!! Love your style. awesome tracking IMO. I wish i could get dry track's like this to work with!
Is that the pearl brass free floating snare?? I think that's what you said it was? Love that snare sound!!!!!! got's tah get me one dem tang's one day!!!!:D Can't wait to hear the mix progression!

Thank's, brane!



Thanks, dude! Your too kind.:)

Yeah, that's the Pearl snare. It fucking rocks. Even with old heads on it still has that kankin' ring. Tommy's drumming doesn't hurt either. He can hit the rim on every hit if he wants. He was a pro jazz drummer at 9 years old!:eek:

Probably won't get much done on the tune this weekend. It's my turn to be dad.;)
M.Brane said:
Probably won't get much done on the tune this weekend. It's my turn to be dad.;) [/B]

GTF outta here!!!! Enjoy every minute of it and Never, NEVER say to your wife..." C'mon hon, It can't hurt that much!!:D
I've enclosed your favorite phunphoto!


  • branebaby.jpg
    11.3 KB · Views: 25
Re: LOL!

M.Brane said:
Have you been drinking again?:D
Yeah, I only get to be dad every other weekend.:rolleyes:
Wish it was every day. :(

No, I only drink every other weekend.:rolleyes:
Wish it was every day.:D

Seriously, from reading your above post, I assumed you were gonna pull a 'G-man' and be going to the hospital this weekend.:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

God do I feel like a fool!!!LMAO


(check your email for a good laugh)
Re: Re: LOL!

flat-9 said:
No, I only drink every other weekend.:rolleyes:
Wish it was every day.:D

Seriously, from reading your above post, I assumed you were gonna pull a 'G-man' and be going to the hospital this weekend.:o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

God do I feel like a fool!!!LMAO


(check your email for a good laugh)

You should get a good laugh from my reply as well!

Timing issues...Drums sound pretty damn good.Needs highs tho.I know they were fresh takes but you shoulda maybe done another bass take and cleaned up the guitar flubs.This has good potential.Nice energy.Hate the guitar sound,bass sound and the drums lack crispness...Cool song,deserves a fair shot.

Thanks for the listen! Appreciate the honest assesment ;)

I need to do some investigating to find out what's up with the lack of highs. I suspect it's the mixer. I have a friend with a older Mackie 1202VLZ I could borrow to see if it makes a difference.

If not then I guess you're all just more deaf on top than me!:p:D:D:D

I know the guitar & bass are stepping on each other big time. I don't have a decent outboard compressor so I tend to track more than what I need then tame it in the mix. The only outboard compressor I have is the one in my Roland GP16, and even on the lowest setting it's way too severe for most things. Besides, I don't even like the sound of that thing in bypass mode!:rolleyes:

Timing issues will be fixed one way or another. This one will be getting the full treatment here. I just need to come up with some lyrics and a vocal line before I get too into the whole timing thing.;)
from the depths of page 4 comes,

another useless critique.. :D

good tune Brane! I like the riffs and everbody sounds like they're good at what they do.. I think this is good for a scratch track but it can definitely be tighter.. There is definitely a lack of high end too.. sounds like a dry live recording which I guess is what it is.. Turn this into something that sounds like your other stuff and it will crank harder.. definitely cool..

Thanks dude!

I've actually done some tweaking to the mix, tightening up the bass & drums with some comp & EQ. It's looking like I'll be re-tracking the guitar since I'm not happy with how the editing is going. Just can't get it to groove right that way. There's that tuning issue too.;)

I'll probably start a new thread when I upload it so nobody has to wade through this one.

Thanks again for the bumpage!:)
Man,some great guitar playing!
I dig the vibe,nice changes.

Drums sounded really good,that dude can cook!

Sounds great for dry!


That's the drummer playing that guitar part. It was intended as a scratch track, and it looks like it'll end up getting scratched due to timing/tuning. I try to save those tracks if I can, but by the time I get another guitar or two in here with some vocals this one'll be too problematic.

Glad you like it! More to come. Thanks for the listen.:)