HRC: CAUTION! Totally naked!


So you don't own a metronome either huh? :cool:

I try not to let those subs get too crowded, but sometimes they'll bunch up down there while your not looking.:D

Glad you dig it.:)


Between the omnis as overs, and the sorry state of my room treatment (just some foam, a couple curtains & the gear) my room shines through big time. Care to guess the dimensions?:D

Looking forward to hearing your submission.:)


You know it's a funny thing. When I bought this Behringer 802 mixer I didn't know it had a built-in compressor. I just can't figure out where the controls for it are though.......



That bass will be taken care of after I'm done with these replies. Glad you like the drums. I do too, but the room sound is a bit much I think.



I've been experimenting with some sidechain compression to even out the drums, and make 'em a bit more punchy. It's tricky though without affecting the cymbals too much, and tends to bring out the room even more.

Glad you like it.:)


LOL! Hey now......:D

Back when we were clubbin' on a regular basis there wasn't a drummer around here who could touch this guy.

Here's a funny story on that note:

We were a 4-piece, and looking for another drummer so that Tommy (the drummer) could switch to 2nd guitar & keys. A guy came down to one of our gigs to check us out, and after the set he walks up to Tommmy and says: "Your pretty good, man. What kind of double pedal do you use?" Tommy looks at him and says matter-of-factly: "Ain't no double pedal. It's just an old Camco."

The guy left without saying a word.:D

Thanks for the listen.:)

Doug H:

Thanks, man. Glad you like it.:)

Re-tracked the bass. Ran from the direct out this time instead of the preamp, and played with a pick instead of my fingers.

I'm still not completely satisfied, but I think it does sound a bit better.

Sounds much better. There is a general lack of sparkle or high end. What are you recording on? Would you mind a quick signal flow overview? This is an interesting experiment for sure.

I dig the song as well. I can't wait to hear the difference between naked and fully dressed...he.
Thanks jake!

Signal flowchart, eh? Not much to tell really.

Front end for mics is a Behringer MX 802A. I also have a Peavey Unity series board, but it has no phantom. Too bad because I think the Peavey actually has more headroom.:eek:

No fancy multi-channel interfaces or expensive software. Just the stock RCA inputs on my PowerMac 8600, and ProToolsFree.

I do still have my trusty TASCAM 414 though...


For bass I just run from the MKIII head straight to the RCA's on the Mac. Everything else gets miced. I don't do any MIDI stuff.
Actually I think it's the inputs on the Mac. It's top end only goes to 18K. That's OK though because my ears only go to 15.:D

I haven't used the Peavey to record since I got the Behringer.

Maybe someday I'll be able to afford a really good mixer like a Mackie.:rolleyes:
man those drums sound awesome...

live as hell.
bass is a little boomy in parts but for the most it sounds good.
i didnt read the other replies so maybe this is redundant...that is a killer guitar part....ok i didnt even really read your thread title ..what are you playing on here?...and WHERE THE HELL ARE THE SOARING VOCALS?!?!?! thats groovy as hell...right after the slow stop part when the drums kick in ....GREAT !..


Thats kickin! It is reminiscent of that band of yours which was a very good recipe for smokin jams.
Very cool riffs! You've got some good ideas there.

Things seem pretty clean, recording wise. Performance is good enough for a scratch track, as it's obviously fairly technical stuff. But it definitely could use some tightening up. You probably already know that.

I missed the original bass track, but this one sounds ok. Maybe could use a little less low mids since the guitar seems to want that range all to itself. I only mention it because if it's possible (and you actually want to) to take care of it in tracking I would. But that's totally a preference thing. I'm a guitarist too, so I have my own little ideas about what a guitar should sound like, and I don't want to try to sell those ideas to anyone else. :) It's sounds good as is.

Good stuff M. Brane! Love to hear a full version of it!

Could be any number of things. Cheap mixer, cheaper software, the room, my ears :eek:

Thanks for the help, dude.:)


Glad you like it. This is a work in progress (very little progress actually :D so it's good to know I at least have a good start. No words yet so no vocal.:(

The gear list is back in the thread somwhere.;)


Yeah, that's another good thing about Tommy's ideas. They all have the same basic flavor, but enough twists to keep 'em interesting. He's been working on some classical stuff lately, and the disc he gave me the other day sounds cool. Very versatile dude.:cool:

For those of you who don't have a clue as to what Toki is referring to, go here to check it out.


Thanks for the listen.:)

The original track is on my singles page at the bottom. I left it up for comparison if anyone is so inclined.;)

The guitar part will probably end up getting replaced if I can't edit it into submission :D Yeah it's a bit thick, but it responds well to minor EQ'ing. There will definately be at least one more guitar on there as well.
For those of you who don't have a clue as to what Toki is referring to, go here to check it out
Dont mind if I do:cool: , hey are you the lead singer? he rocks! Are ya'll still together..or taking a break or something? Answer me dammit!:D . Listened to all nine of'em man, you guys are awesome..drummer KILLS. Everybody else too. Ok, back to whatever you were doing..dont mind me.

Thanks!:) I agree it's still a bit flabby, but a little comp should take care of that. Don't have a good outboard comp (or a good plug-in for that matter:eek: so it was just bass->amp->Mac.


I hear ya! LOL!:D

That band disintegrated back in '99 due to dive bar burnout & "creative differences". No, I didn't sing lead in that band (on the original stuff- I sang lead on quite a few covers though) but sang lots of backing vocals. Everybody sang in that band. It was a lot of fun for the first couple years.
M.Brane said:
go here to check it out.

Glad I did ! Fine pop/rock tunes well recorded & mixed ( esp the first 3 of them. )

Sucks that Big Wood 'went up in smoke' as most of us can empathise with, as this unfortunate occurance often transpires when some fine musicians get so close.........hmmmm.. really bites!

Man 'brane', you are one tastey player! That drummer doesn't suck at all either!!!:D

Not that it means shit, but you get the first flat-9 award....." first NWR page listened to from top to bottom! Thoroughly enjoyable!


Thanks again!:)


Glad you liked it! I mixed that back when I thought I knew what I was doing.:rolleyes:

I should put a disclaimer on it for people with subs!:p

Yeah Christian (the drummer we eventually hired as the 5th member) is a pretty good drummer himself although very different style than Tommy. He also now owns the local music store he managed back when that band was together so I've got a good gear connection.:cool:
Okay, I'm actually inspired by the musicianship. I'm sure I'm repeating, but so what...the guitarist is a monster..."rhythm..."...yeah, kinda' like Vernon Reid plays rhythm.

As for the tracking, I have no earthly idea, lol. You have elements that I don't/can't/will never mic drums, and you don't have elements that I usually mic (vocals, acoustic guits), so I'm in total mix ignorance here. If it were finished, I'd agree that it's missing some top end...and the drums sound more "roomy" (as if that's any help) than the overprocessed drum loops I have to use...but I have mixed some kits from tracks that drummers were cool enough to send me, and those drum tracks definitely sound like good source material.

Dude, I can't even try anymore, lol...I'm pretty blown away by the performance...and that bass...not in 6 million years, with two good hands, could I play that, lol.

Keep going, man...need words? I have plenty of those...they suck, but they're in abundance around my casa.
this is a good jam.....i actually like the way the guitars timing fall into place.....definitely a different style, yet tasty.....

the drawback is the lack of highs in the mix, makes it very dull...just EQ'ing some highs (from 1k on up) did wonders for it......

I listened to version 2. Cool groove. The guitar sounds cool. The bass tone is great but it's a little untamed with the dynamics. The drums sounds a bit muffled. I imagine with a decent EQ and some compression you could fix it up nicely.