How Do You Store Your Cables?

Just a guess, but I'll bet at least one of those sets of headphones is on the the skull. :cool:

HA you got it a set of small Sony cans then the rest are all hanging.
6 pointer so I can get a lot of cans on this rack.
And a guy that has seen it said he has an other rack to give to me. This place is going to look like Ted Nuggents place in no time.


yeah about that .... :D ....

I don't personally care much about it but you're absolutely gonna have some people strongly suggest that over/under is how you're supposed to do it. The wrist/elbow thing puts a twist in the cable that, over time, contributes to tangles.

Personally, I don't do either. I hold them in one hand and coil the cable spinning it as I coil it to eliminate twists.

When I was a kid, some wanky 'sound engineering' student showed me the 'proper' way to coil cables. It was probably the only thing he'd really learned but I'm sure it's right. As I coil, I spin them slightly like you said and it keeps them straight. I've been doing it like that for about 20 years.

Dr. V
Well, that's kinda cool .............. except for the dude in the last video. I think he should tie it around his pencil neck ............. real tight. :rolleyes:

You never knot a cable, under any circumstances.
Being that I never perform outside of my home studio, I don't have any cables longer than about twenty feet, so winding has never been an issue.

I roll them up ( not wrist to elbow!), tape or velcro tie them and put them in a milk crate in the inbuilt cupboard i keep all my Mics, Stands and junk in. ;)