HomeRecording Label Looking for a few good unsigned indie / electronic artists

I'm not asking the bands to advertise eachother. I'm putting bands together on compilations so when bands' fans grab the compilation, they get exposed to other similar artists - and not just any artists, but the ones we hand pick, so we're not just shoveling crap down people's throats. Furthermore, we are doing street and foot advertising In and around Boston. Beyond that we're proving a lot of services to bands that they might not already have available, including a dedicated site and downloads store.

I can imagine if you're not interested in exposing your music to potentially new fans, why you wouldn't care. That being said, I'm rather surprised at the hostility I'm being met with. I've got a few artists really dedicated to making this work, and we'll be fine without you Greg. But perhaps you could be more constructive and less critical.

I'm not being hostile. I'm being constructive by pointing out what I see as flaws in your idea. There's a lot of idealism in grass-roots music promotion but very little realism.

1) I don't see why anyone would trust the judgement of anonymous people on the net. For example - the guy earlier that you rejected without even hearing his music.

2) Your "advertising" in the Boston area is good for people in the Boston area. Does nothing for the rest of us.

3) Dedicated sites are a dime-a-dozen. Facebook, myspace, soundcloud, reverbnation, soundclick, bandcamp, CDBaby, etc.

4) Download stores are just as plentiful as personal pages.

My basic point is that you have to offer something more. Something that really puts you over-the-top of all the stuff that's already out there for a nobody musician or band.
Hmmmph, interesting, but I dont think having your songs on those sites creates links. I think you can get more listeners by building a network of links???

Most retail sites have a "related artist" list or "sounds like" list or "fans also like" list or some shit like that.
I'm not being hostile. I'm being constructive by pointing out what I see as flaws in your idea. There's a lot of idealism in grass-roots music promotion but very little realism.

1) I don't see why anyone would trust the judgement of anonymous people on the net. For example - the guy earlier that you rejected without even hearing his music.

I listened to his myspace, they weren't full quality. I couldn't gauge the quality of the recordings. I asked for full quality samples, he refused. His loss.

2) Your "advertising" in the Boston area is good for people in the Boston area. Does nothing for the rest of us.

I guess if you don't want fans nation-wide, you're thinking pretty small. I personally don't live in the same place as most of my favorite bands.

3) Dedicated sites are a dime-a-dozen. Facebook, myspace, soundcloud, reverbnation, soundclick, bandcamp, CDBaby, etc.

Not one of those is a dedicated site. Those are social networking sites with lots of bands. Every band should have a central main website, along with those satellites.

4) Download stores are just as plentiful as personal pages.

You're free to shop around for competitors but I'm not selling download stores, it's just a part of the package to streamline everything. You'd be surprised how many artists play gigs and haven't really figured out how to set up an MP3 shop. We're not just selling mp3s, we're also shipping the discs.

My basic point is that you have to offer something more. Something that really puts you over-the-top of all the stuff that's already out there for a nobody musician or band.

What I have offered is a lot more, I won't reiterate it, it's in my first post. You're negative, and so I'm going to stop responding to you. I was offering little more than a helping hand to artists who don't mind a little extra press. It's not like I was asking much in return. Besides, by your calculations of my absolute failure, if I took a percentage.. even 1% of zero is zero- so this would literally cost nothing.

But really I'm not trying to impress you Greg, I took a look at your music site, and it's not really something we'd sign on to anyway.

Feel free to let others join the thread though. I'm going to dismiss you as a troll from this point foward.
But really I'm not trying to impress you Greg, I took a look at your music site, and it's not really something we'd sign on to anyway.
But you would if I wasn't shooting holes into your idea, right? Maybe if I was "friendly"? Right. :laughings: :laughings:

Feel free to let others join the thread though. I'm going to dismiss you as a troll from this point foward.
I'm not stopping anyone from joining the thread, spammer. :rolleyes:

We were just talking.

If anyone is interested in this guy's idea, make sure to type friendly or he will reject you, which probably won't hurt a bit. :laughings:
To clear the air, and my name, I rejected the fellow because I plan on having a working relationship with the artists I work with. I would never join forces with somebody I can't get along with- I think that's a very normal course of action. And your music just wasn't the style I was shopping for, and furthermore, you are rude to people who are fresh on the board. Frankly, I've been here since 2008 and the idea had been discussed with great reception in the past:


I'm just bringing it to fruition. I'm just one artist looking to band together with other artists to get some press, and offering every service I have at my disposal as a gift. You certainly are rude.
Vague - not enough specifics - your website has none either. Bands aren't going to give it away forever. Let's hear some details as to how you are going to market the bands and distribute their CD's MP3's and merchandise. Have you made any sales yet? What is your business plan ?
It's really not that vague. I'll copy what's on my site and this thread...

We will push tracks to major PR firms that are looking to license for commercial films/advertisements/etc. (FULL DISCLOSURE: I do have contacts, but no, I haven't gotten anything licensed yet. Maybe they're waiting for YOUR tracks!)
- These I will stay vague on. Needless to say, it's a lot like getting on taxi, but these guys cut out the cost of taxi for me. Personal contacts from my days in school.

Compilations and Advertising- We are in talks with a lot of smaller shops in the Boston (USA) area to distribute compilations/download cards. We may expand in the future, depending on how well this goes. We've been distributing download cards to shops and by hand in the area, it's been working well. Our goal is to promote all of our artists.

The description says it all. Comic book shops, coffee houses, record stores, you name it. I literally have a small team (of 3 and occasionally 5 people) across Boston who go door to door and talk with business owners (to place compilation discs, and also free download cards). I've got a rep who's heading up parts of maryland, and I'm looking for a street team in NYC. I have a few contacts who either book for or run bars in the greater boston area. This doesn't help people who aren't in the area, except I get to show up with compilation albums for the specific genre and get the word out to guests.

Again, this isn't exclusive, it's just a marketing push that will have a better effect with the weight of some decent artists behind it. A lot of the marketing will remain the band's duty. This will just simply help.
I remember Fred's original post about this. (I actually signed up for his forums, but stopped visiting when no one but spammers was posting.)

Creating compilations with like-minded, similar-sounding is helpful. As Greg said, though, most of what you're offering can be done by onesself on the Internet. Distributing the compilations around Boston is great for bands that ever go to Boston. However, unless you're a regional band in the area or a national band, it's not going to net you much. If you do visit Boston, you'd probably rather have a street team to handle that kind of thing.
And to be tautological, your industry contacts will, unfortunately, never amount to anything unless they amount to something for one or more of your bands. "I haven't gotten anything licensed yet" is not a selling point.

That being said, I've been too lazy and disorganized to get my stuff on all the distribution sites, and getting onto a compilation could be cool. If you're interested, you can preview my stuff at regdarandthefighters.com.
Hey Steve! Like I'm sure I've mentioned.. I don't expect magic- but advertising is always a cumulative effort. And you're right, this isn't something you couldn't do yourself.. but that's just it.. we're doing it ourselves! That was the point!

And, again, I haven't gotten anything licensed may not be a selling point, but I'm just being up front and honest with everybody. We're just a bunch of indie home recorders trying to get a little attention. And frankly, it's not about "giving away" music, it's about getting a bigger fanbase so when you release something, you've got people who would buy it!

p.s. I will check out your stuff when i get home! thanks!
I'm waiting for the day when he says "Our costs are so high we need you to pay for our services now" ..... be that compilation album, cards etc.... RandR Radio did this....
For a group of people on a board dedicated specifically to the topic "how to promote your music," there certainly are some people here who resist actually doing so with every fiber of their being.

I know for sure, I've gotten the phone call "hey this is xyz from hollywood, we want to promote you.. just give us your credit card number.."

but I'm being pretty damn transparent especially about the fact that i'm not interested in taking anybody's money.
For a group of people on a board dedicated specifically to the topic "how to promote your music," there certainly are some people here who resist actually doing so with every fiber of their being.

I know for sure, I've gotten the phone call "hey this is xyz from hollywood, we want to promote you.. just give us your credit card number.."

but I'm being pretty damn transparent especially about the fact that i'm not interested in taking anybody's money.

hey if people want to be critical or ask more questions thats up to them

if people want to slate the idea completely thats up to them too, this is a public forum

you put your idea forward and folks are discussing it, you seem far too defensive in this thread from what Ive read...chill a bit