Home Recording Label, idea

Realistically, performances probably drive sales. If you can't/won't perform live, I'd think it'd be very difficult to otherwise effectively publicize your music in a way that will cause people to want to buy it. If you perform, and people like what they hear, they may buy it if you let them know how to. I doubt that many people surf the web looking for sites where they can click on links to songs by artists they've never heard of, just in case they might like their material.

You might be surprised! there are several indie music sites for who that is the entire raison d'etre emusic is kind of going that way
One idea is that anyone who's signed on to the label will advertise it at gigs,
on their website (or myspace etc.), word of mouth etc.

I think HR should give us some advertising too ;)

Yes, the collective fanbase should expand the individual fanbases.. Each of our work on our own fans will cumulate..
Yes, the collective fanbase should expand the individual fanbases.. Each of our work on our own fans will cumulate..

With that, if a fan comes to the site looking for the band they already know,
you could have a "You might also like..." section. I don't normally go looking for
random new bands, but if I see a "sounds like" or "you might like" section, i'm
more inclined to check em out...

Although it'd have to be one that works. Not a case of listening to Slipknot and
being recommended Britney Spears.
I may sound superficial, or untrue to the Spirit of HR, but I think a label called anything like "Home Recording" doesn't exactly attract anyone other people who are home recording artists themselves. So a name and slick-ass logo are absolutely mandatory.

When this thing has a pretty face it might seriously work.
I may sound superficial, or untrue to the Spirit of HR, but I think a label called anything like "Home Recording" doesn't exactly attract anyone other people who are home recording artists themselves. So a name and slick-ass logo are absolutely mandatory.

When this thing has a pretty face it might seriously work.

Maybe not label it "Home Recording", but something that suggests the nature of the label, and how it differs from others.

I like the name "philbagg>everything"

But that's just my thing :D

I completely agree with what you're saying. People will just assume lower quality because it's not studio work.
Agreed on the name thing. I had already registered two domains with the name "Right Coast" in it. That might be too punk, but I had a different purpose in mind when i got them.

Sleek, professional, and definitely on the scene for today.. music lovers hate seeing a band with no graphic style.. it cheeses up their perception of the music.

Thoughts? I have RightCoastScene.com and RightCoastTalent.com (The talent being the back-door for artists and admins).

I understand I'm referring the the east coast USA, and not everybody lives there or even the USA, but it's a good start for a name.. yes?
Agreed on the name thing. I had already registered two domains with the name "Right Coast" in it. That might be too punk, but I had a different purpose in mind when i got them.

Sleek, professional, and definitely on the scene for today.. music lovers hate seeing a band with no graphic style.. it cheeses up their perception of the music.

Thoughts? I have RightCoastScene.com and RightCoastTalent.com (The talent being the back-door for artists and admins).

I understand I'm referring the the east coast USA, and not everybody lives there or even the USA, but it's a good start for a name.. yes?

RightCoastScene sounds like a holiday brochure.
RightCoastTalent sounds like an porn scouting company

Sorry to be blunt but that's what first came to mind.
i was initially thinking of the same thing, at set up Home Noise Records. Still looking for bands etc, but got a few in the pipeline. Thinki maylean towards the usual indie label set up though and not specifically home produced albums, but if you want to get in touch follow my link in my signature!


RightCoastScene sounds like a holiday brochure.
RightCoastTalent sounds like an porn scouting company

Sorry to be blunt but that's what first came to mind.

Left and right coast always had a punk vibe to me. I wouldn't see the term "Right" instead of east on a holiday brochure. The term talent does seem to imply acting..

I'm open to ideas here...
i was initially thinking of the same thing, at set up Home Noise Records. Still looking for bands etc, but got a few in the pipeline. Thinki maylean towards the usual indie label set up though and not specifically home produced albums, but if you want to get in touch follow my link in my signature!



HNR, out of curiousity, what kind of distribution deals do you get your artists? What kind of exposure do you get? Is it mostly word-of-mouth?
to be perfectly honest this is only a project i set up a year ago, and have been actively pursuing for a couple of months. My aim is to help bands get gigs and records produced, be it through me or recommendations/links to other people in the business and i have been scouting online as well as through recommendtions from friends for artists. Im based in the UK though, perhaps we could have some kind of link? feel free to email me if you want to discuss anything more in depth at homenoiserecords{at}live.co.uk, if easier for me to access.


When you guys get very serious with this idea, contact me via email - president@mindsetentertainmentinc.net

I can see something like this working, but implimenting services for this internet record label may be hard without the right assistance. I can contribute to the cause with many of the business aspects. Radio air-play (Radio One & Crystal Clear), promotions, Universal Music Group distribution & more.
I would join-in and be an artist on the label if invited to do so. I'd also spread the word.

An idea:

Have it be the twitter-type format.....where each of your "artists" has a sub-page on the site, and the sub-page has a comments section for an on-going conversation between the artist and any fans he/she may acquire. (plus an obvious stream of a few sample tracks of the artist).
I think the idea of having a record label, is the release records LOL

The cost of releasing 1 CD, say your own music, and then paying for it to be manufactured is not something everyone is available to do.

Then you have to worry about getting stuck with a bunch of CDs no one wants to buy. Maybe you can find a distributor to get the CD in stores, but it may just sit on the shelves and you'll never see the money you wasted.

A promotional website and a record label are 2 seriously different things.
I think the idea of having a record label, is the release records LOL

The cost of releasing 1 CD, say your own music, and then paying for it to be manufactured is not something everyone is available to do.

Then you have to worry about getting stuck with a bunch of CDs no one wants to buy. Maybe you can find a distributor to get the CD in stores, but it may just sit on the shelves and you'll never see the money you wasted.

A promotional website and a record label are 2 seriously different things.

Nobody said it had to operate like that.
I sometimes run my studio like a label...in the sense that I allow musicians with decent material record free and get it in writing that I get a percent of the proceeds.