Home Recording Label, idea

What kind of half-assed live show do you figure a one-man-band home recordist is gonna put on, and who the fuck would pay to see that? :D
I bought 2 CD albums on Monday directly from the label.
I still buy 'em I just don't go to shops anymore so I use ebay & direct stuff.
Mr HR would need to hire & maintain some session blokes to play live.
Just last week I was offered a gig based on someone seeing a vid I'd done but I had to demure as none of my collaborators live within 100 miles, & most not within 1000 miles, of me. As I'm the guitar & bass player who can't sing a note I could hardly do a solo performance & playing bass along to tape of other performers would look a little odd.
I'd be interested to hear it. You're a really good musician and engineer but
punk ain't really my thing.

Lol. It aint really theirs either. :D

I'm slowly but surely steering them towards the light of faster riffs and higher energy. I've always been in punk bands though. They're fun, and I love the music, but this band is a nice change of pace. I can play a 2 hour set with these guys and not feel like I just got in a fight with my drumkit. We draw a good crowd though, so I don't wanna change it up too much. I think we've got a decent blend of slower heavy stuff, and some shit that sort of rips. It's just rock and roll. And by recording my own stuff for myself, I can keep myself fresh and energized. They like my stuff, but don't show much interest in trying to play it, which is perfectly fine with me.

I'll PM you some stuff.
pm on it's way.

Yeah I need to fine tune my gay singer/songwriter coffee shop acoustic skills. :D

If I find a way to use complex instruments, computers, and looping pedals to sound like a full band, am I still a gay singer/songwriter when I play the coffee shop? :confused:
So back on topic, I've begun to write a "radio" application in flash that will allow admins on the site to pick a rotation from the database of music. This will allow admins to push certain music at certain times...

I'm still working out a design for the site, but at least currently the database backend is starting to look good. At the very least it will be a cool site..

but now it's time to get serious, what's the attack strategy? What's the angle? Where will the exposure come from? How will we get the network effect? What will be the draw?
Realistically, performances probably drive sales. If you can't/won't perform live, I'd think it'd be very difficult to otherwise effectively publicize your music in a way that will cause people to want to buy it. If you perform, and people like what they hear, they may buy it if you let them know how to. I doubt that many people surf the web looking for sites where they can click on links to songs by artists they've never heard of, just in case they might like their material.