Home Recording Label, idea

Hey folks- We had a lot of discussion on this thread a while back regarding this idea. If anybody is actually still interested in helping, please do join the effort. Let's get this thing rolling...

I took a look at the site... discussion looks dead! Is this even happening still? :confused:
Sounds awesome. I'd love to help. The vomithatsteve compilation suggestion sounds sweet.
Sidenote- When I write/record/whatever I always get so pumped about posting it on here... I realize I've only been a member for a few months [and have only posted work once since Ive spent the better part of this year acquiring equipment and learning how to use it, i cant wait to post more though :P] but I know that this place is full of honest and knowledgeable people who arent close personal friends of mine that will just tell me "It'sGreat" they'll tell me their honest opinion and they listen to it because they want to not because im their freind. and i can listen to tons of new stuff on here as well.
Im not really sure what the statement has to do with this thread I just thought I should let you know :confused:

What kind of half-assed live show do you figure a one-man-band home recordist is gonna put on, and who the fuck would pay to see that? :D

Not to mention, my old gear would last for about one show before it gave up the ghost. I had to buy two FZ-1s to put together a complete working unit. They were both in one piece when they shipped - one was even in an Anvil Forge II case - and the post office found a way to demolish them. I now have the rebuilt one on a heavy duty stand, and it ain't leaving the studio. :laughings:
Extremely interested in the concept. I'm new to the site but I think that this idea is gold and that it would help a lot of us actually get their music out there. I mean, I know we can put it on Itunes but when nobody knows who you are they're not exactly enthralled with the concept of going online and paying music for an artist that they've never even heard of.