Hamas Attack

Religions are clubs we choose to join to help us deal with the Divine Mystery ..How did all this come to be? What happens to the "me" inside me when I die? Do I get to see the loved ones that have passed before me again after I die?
Hey don't worry you were born into the right club, we're the chosen ones don't sweat it. Here read this book this one special guy wrote who actually got to talk with God. God told him everything and how we are supposed to live. Trust me it's true, just follow the rules and you're golden....
Agree... that religion gives people an out. An excuse to not have to think hard about all kinds of stuff that they probably ought to. You don't have to take responsibility for your own spirituality and/or place in the scheme of things. It's all been figured out for you.
brassplyer said:
Embracing "God" is the cause of the problem in the first place.
I don't think embracing "God" as an individual understands him / it whatever God is to them is a bad thing. It's when one or more people try to impose that idea stream onto others, judge others, kill others because they aren't on the same team, the same train of thought.


That's where embracing a particular religion staunchly, imposing that religion on others to save them because you care about them and don't want them to burn in hell for eternity becomes a problem. Team religions. NO! My way is the only way, you're headed down the wrong path...You really need to listen to me......and from that we have this war going on right now where 1,000's of people who really don't care all that much either way are getting squished like bugs........religions good and bad I define these terms quite clear no doubt somehow.
There's no escaping that this is a core component of major religions.

Religion is maintaining a "belief" because of tradition and authority. Except there's no universal consensus as to what the nature of that belief should be as evidenced by the number of denominations. If it's pointed out that the Westboro Baptist mouthbreathers justify their behavior and beliefs with the Bible, others say they don't believe the right way. Many say the same thing about Catholicism which *was* Christianity for a very long time. People with vastly different convictions are convinced they have insight as to the *true* Christianity. Some might think the core values are "Peace, love and happiness" but to do so they have to ignore much of the Bible. Or the Quran.

The original reason I rejected religion as a kid is that what I was hearing didn't jive with reality - the whole thing seemed like an irrational scam to me even before I knew the wider historical picture, that once upon a time it had much more sinister implications than one's neighbors going to mass or synagogue. I've never found a reason to modify the core conclusion I reached as a kid even as my awareness has expanded.

I keep mentioning the Index Librorum Prohibitorum because it encapsulates the fundamental problem with religion. It was a blatant example of the malevolent attempt at mind-control. Literally a list of banned books - thought you weren't allowed to be aware of...or else. No institution that's of value could have such a policy. The Index was last published in 1948 - three years after those book-burning Nazis had been vanquished. A book that *wasn't* on the list was Mein Kampf. Oh yeah the Catholic hierarchy was well aware of it.

It wasn't until 1966, with satellites in orbit, a program to go to the moon underway using knowledge the church had actively tried to suppress that they declared it no longer official church "law" but still asserted it had "moral weight" in that they wanted people to reject thought that challenges their faith. The shriveled spirit of the Inquistion lives on.

Jews are something of an unusual case - many aren't religious but still view themselves as belonging to the tribe. There's no getting around that Israel is a religious state, their claim on Israel has a religious basis. The animosity between Jews and Muslims has a religious basis.
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Apparently you're not aware that Hitler was extremely popular among the majority of Germans - time for you to brush up on the history you slept through. Eventually it became apparent to some among his high command that he wasn't playing with a full deck and was leading them into disaster, they made a half-assed attempt to take him out and botched it. There was a movie made about it - Valkyrie - with Tom Cruise shoehorned into the role as the only German with an American accent while all the other Germans had English accents.

The dynamics of Gaza are nothing like Nazi Germany and the population of the Gaza strip is much more homogenous than Germany was.

50 IQ points deducted for your use of "dude".

Right. Brown people are nothing like Aryan people. My bad... sorry I didn't see it through your lens of the world. Putin is "popular" too, bud. ;)
Crazy people
Fighting n dying and killing all over the world
Why do they do it?
Are they insane?
No no they do it your name"

85% of them never stood a chance. They were indoctrinated in their cultures religion and nationalism since the day of their birth.
I think most of them are okay, they just go crazy when their leaders whip them up to a frenzy with rhetoric..I don't believe half of the
worlds leaders, political or religious, care about religion, only power.
I don't know how about 15% of us don't fall into that trap?
brassplyer said:
Apparently you're not aware that Hitler was extremely popular among the majority of Germans - time for you to brush up on the history you slept through. Eventually it became apparent to some among his high command that he wasn't playing with a full deck and was leading them into disaster, they made a half-assed attempt to take him out and botched it. There was a movie made about it - Valkyrie - with Tom Cruise shoehorned into the role as the only German with an American accent while all the other Germans had English accents.

The dynamics of Gaza are nothing like Nazi Germany and the population of the Gaza strip is much more homogenous than Germany was.

50 IQ points deducted for your use of "dude".
Right. Brown people are nothing like Aryan people. My bad... sorry I didn't see it through your lens of the world. Putin is "popular" too, bud. ;)
Amazing that you're completely comfortable making commentary with no connection to reality.
Amazing that you're completely comfortable making commentary with no connection to reality.

You're the one without connection to reality bud. You say that Dictators are "popular". You do realize what a fucking Dictator is, right? "Hitler was EXTREMELY popular!" <-that's your fucking words, not mine. You're claiming that people in Gaza are "behind" their "terrorist government", way more than Germany was behind their "EXTREMELY popular" Dictator. Wake up and smell the coffee. It's Friday, pal. Enjoy your fucking weekend.
brassplyer said:
Amazing that you're completely comfortable making commentary with no connection to reality.
You're the one without connection to reality bud. You say that Dictators are "popular". You do realize what a fucking Dictator is, right? "Hitler was EXTREMELY popular!" <-that's your fucking words, not mine. You're claiming that people in Gaza are "behind" their "terrorist government", way more than Germany was behind their "EXTREMELY popular" Dictator. Wake up and smell the coffee. It's Friday, pal.
The question I asked:

Have you ever heard of an effort by Palestinians to get rid of Hamas/Hezbollah? Anything to indicate they don't support them, any pleas for help to get rid of them?
You couldn't provide a citation for anything like that so instead babbled about Hitler, trying to obfuscate the fact that no, you can't cite any indication that Palestinians object to those who commit acts of terrorism in their name.

Upon pointing out that there's no similarity between the dynamics of Germany 1918 - 1945 and the Israeli conflict you once again went to your well of intellectual emptiness and obfuscation making noise about racism. It has nothing to do with brown people and Aryans, it has to do with that the dynamics of the situations are dissimilar. An intelligent person who had the vaguest idea of what they were talking about would either outline how the scenarios are similar or admit they aren't but of course you don't fall into that category.

So no, you can't offer any citation that there's any lack of support among so-called Palestinians and terror groups. As usual all you can do is make pointless noise.
I know that you have the brain capacity of a trumpet... so perhaps I can explain it better... but probably not in words you'll understand. You asked if you heard of people in Gaza openly opposing the terrorist "government" to somehow try and PROVE that all the people in Gaza OBVIOUSLY support them... because if you were holding a gun to my wife and children's heads and asked me to tell people how much I really liked you... that I would somehow say anything other than the "truth". Hamas OBVIOUSLY has no issue with using their own "people" (used the term loosely as when I say that I just mean using random Palestinian people, not Hamas or their own children) as bullet fodder, so anyone living in Gaza that you somehow want to OPPOSE them would just be giving them an open invitation to come into their home and behead their wives and children. You sir (assuming you are a sir and based on your open hateful words and support of all things terrible, this is the likely scenario), are an idiot. Claiming Hitler was "popular" is like claiming Putin is "popular". You know what happens to people living under these Dictators who oppose them, right? You don't seem to know, or don't seem to understand.

Edit: Actually, I think you do know, and you do understand... you just don't CARE. You want to have something you think is "proof" to prove your ignorant point of view, so you just refuse to accept this as the answer. You're willfully ignorant.
I know that you have the brain capacity of a trumpet... so perhaps I can explain it better... but probably not in words you'll understand. You asked if you heard of people in Gaza openly opposing the terrorist "government" to somehow try and PROVE that all the people in Gaza OBVIOUSLY support them... because if you were holding a gun to my wife and children's heads and asked me to tell people how much I really liked you... that I would somehow say anything other than the "truth". Hamas OBVIOUSLY has no issue with using their own "people" (used the term loosely as when I say that I just mean using random Palestinian people, not Hamas or their own children) as bullet fodder, so anyone living in Gaza that you somehow want to OPPOSE them would just be giving them an open invitation to come into their home and behead their wives and children. You sir (assuming you are a sir and based on your open hateful words and support of all things terrible, this is the likely scenario), are an idiot. Claiming Hitler was "popular" is like claiming Putin is "popular". You know what happens to people living under these Dictators who oppose them, right? You don't seem to know, or don't seem to understand.

Edit: Actually, I think you do know, and you do understand... you just don't CARE. You want to have something you think is "proof" to prove your ignorant point of view, so you just refuse to accept this as the answer. You're willfully ignorant.
I put forth a question - which inspired a multi-post stream of hysterical crapspew from you that manages to avoid actually answering the core of my original question.

So in your view Muslims the world over who aren't cohabitating with Hamas openly celebrating terrorist attacks on Israel and conspicuously *not* denouncing Hamas somehow doesn't seem indicative of widespread support of the attacks and it's just those actually *in* Gaza you're convinced don't support Hamas....despite you not being able to provide even a shred of evidence to this effect. You just *know* they don't....uh, because, um, Hitler - yeah that's it!

Continuing to post unsupported drivel doesn't validate your previous drivel.

Pretty sure we're talking about "Hamas Attack" in this thread... which has to do with Gaza/Israel... not "Muslims the world over". Weirdo. Talk about crapspew.

Edit: But here you go weirdo. It's not a stupid random person's YouTube video, but: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/10/20/powerful-saudi-prince-breaks-ranks-condemn-hamas/
You come up with exactly *one* guy who per the very title of the article and other text of the article - "breaks ranks", "a rare rebuke" - is a minority of one among Muslims. There's no denying that Muslim animosity toward Israel extends far beyond the particular plot of ground in question.

More of your pointless, directionless flailing.
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