Guitar Center doing a beginner home recording workshop

I registered for the 14th - looks like it is sponsored by Apple.

Glad you are enjoying it! I am the instructor at my store (not your store), so I can tell you that it is definitely sponsored by Apple. I don't think they'll be mad at me for saying that, since it's fairly obvious (you do have to sign up on Apple's web site). They definitely want us to let people know that we sell Macs, but I haven't been told to pitch anything specific to anyone. I am a PC user, so I mostly just tell people Macs are easier to set up, but PCs work fine if configured properly. So far, I think people just like being able to come in and ask me questions. I was worried that it would be a lot of "paducers" trying to learn how to make beats, but it seemed to mostly be people with a genuine interest in getting their song ideas in the computer.

And, just so Greg knows, no, I am not a full-time recording engineer, but I do have a college education in recording, so I have a pretty good idea what I'm talking about. That's mostly useful for when people ask questions, as the actual class is scripted.

Also, it is chain-wide, so all your local GCs will have the class.
I've only been to this GC once - I have 3 music stores within like 3 miles of my house, a Ken Stanton, Atlanta Music Brokers, and a Music and Arts - so I usually go to these stores to look at stuff, but they are pretty small stores compared to the GC - it's a little longer drive (about 25 minutes) so I don't go as often. Plus I usually know what I need and buy it on ebay or CL - but I like to check out equipment and play with stuff, play diff guitars and stuff - so I buy local when ever I can - many of the stores will price match the internet if it's a regular website like Musicians Friend or something (obviously they do not price match ebay...)

Anyway - it's a good excuse to drive all teh way there - I am shopping for a new amp - finally going to switch to tubes from SS - so I want o try a bunch of them :D
So the workshop was this morning at 10AM, I would tell you how it went but I slept till 3...
I went to it Saturday. Covered Garage Band. Pretty decent workshop. I'd go again.

I am going to try again this Saturday they are doing EFFECTS - woohoo

Maybe I will see you there Steve - I will be the guy with the red and white striped leisure suite.