Got rejection letter this morning!

sure...if you're good they'll sign just about anyone. They'd probably sign you at 15 before they'd sign me at 32. Once you hit 30 they start thinking you're over the hill. Of course it depends on what type of music you play. The only thing is, at 15, you might not have the chops to play live yet, or even write decent comercial tunes...but then again, look at Mozart. I think he was writing full scale opera's by like 8.

stick to it if you think you're good (and even more so if other people think you're good), and make things happen for yourself. no ones going to do it for you.

good luck.
johneeeveee said:
i don't know why you would make this up either, but there is simply no way that sony reponded to an unsolicited demo. they simply don't accept them and they go in the garbage. i know this for a fact. i called bullshit because i would hate to see others waste their money on postage and cdr's in such a fashion.

Joneeevee listen. There is no way Sony would respond to an unsolicited demo? They have responded to me within the week. Albeit they said 'no thanks' but they sent a rejection letter back to me never the less. You either assume im lying because a)You have had no reply from a major like sony and refuse to believe anyone else could? Hard luck. Maybe you should write something better. Or is it b) Your an industry insider? Maybe you work for Sony? You better get to A&R and discipline them for not doing their jobs properly. What are you doing on this board anyway??

Your sceptical - fair enough. But you just coming out and calling me an outrite liar? Jeez. Thats a pretty big 2 cents worth. I dont want to get into some debate about it but if anyone wants to see - check this link to Sonys site - they provide you with an address and everything and they DO respond -

Anywayz guys thanks for all the advice and drummerdude - think il take my CD onto work and rip some MP3's from there cause I have Itunes on my PC! By the way, i tried emailing aload of independant publishers and so far have 2 good replies with names and addresses. One company even aksed me for an SAE so they could provide feedback. Now to get my latest tune finished (See 'Dont you just hate it when...' thread in recording techniques)

Cheers all
... i didn't realize you were speaking of the publishing dept at sony uk. i thought you were talking about soliciting your music to sony here in the us. my bad, and i apologize for my mistake. i just didn't want young artists (or any age for that matter) to waste their time sending music to a huge label like sony here in the us, or get the idea that it is a feasible way to try and get signed. big labels like sony throw away any unsolicited material without opening it or send it back unopened so that they can never be accused of copyright infringement. that's just a fact. i didn't think you were outright lying, but thought maybe you were an overzealous artist you was maybe making a bigger deal out of getting your material sent back to you with a form letter than it actually was.
i am not a an industry insider. i am an artist who has been in this business for about 30 years and has dealt with major labels. i have many friend in the business who do work at big labels, and one of my best friends is head of a&r at columbia. i speak at seminars on the music industry and at indie music panel discussions, and just do my best to dispell any myths when i come across them. i was trying to be helpful, but i should have done it in a more affable way. sorry for my crankiness, and best of luck.
peace - jv