Got rejection letter this morning!

Benreturns said:
Hey all thanks for the feedback! Very encouraging. I was thinking about burning a big bag of CD's and going down to London for the day and hitting all the addresses I can fit into daylight hours... Or calling them up and asking for feedback. You guys really think that the fact they sent a letter means it wasnt rejecteed outright? Or you think SawkenDotCom has it right with the bang in the player, give it 30 secs and then print out a formal rejection letter and add to the pile... I kinda cant decide which is more likley. Guess I dont know the industry at all yet.

Did you enclose an S.A.S.E.? If you did, there's no way to tell. If they had to find an envelope and pay postage to return it, that means that they liked it enough to pay for a stamp, which for a lot of companies is something. Depends on the company, though, I suppose....
Benreturns said:
...Or you think SawkenDotCom has it right with the bang in the player, give it 30 secs and then print out a formal rejection letter and add to the pile... I kinda cant decide which is more likley. Guess I dont know the industry at all yet....

Look at it from a logical standpoint... if they did that "30 secs then print out a formal rejection letter" then just how much would they fork out in postage every year? Not an economicl way to handle any business. I'm more inclined to think of it like when you send in your resume and they call (or write) to say "Look you don't fit our needs, but we're going to keep your resume on file."

- Tanlith -
With the requested material thing, surely you also need a name to go along with it? Otherwise everyone would simply write 'requested material' on the envelope knowing it would at least get listened to?

You haven'y included the full text of the letter in your post, unless they actualy said 'we have listened to your material, but it's not what we want currently' then i wouldn't read to much into it, they may not have even listened to it at all, in fact unless they say otherwise I'd say its odds on that noone listened to it at all.

Like someone said i think you need to try to get a contact name of someone there, and address the demo to that person .

Indies are easier to deal with, it's much easier to get the name of an individual, you can even get that by email.
glynb said:
With the requested material thing, surely you also need a name to go along with it? Otherwise everyone would simply write 'requested material' on the envelope knowing it would at least get listened to?

You haven'y included the full text of the letter in your post, unless they actualy said 'we have listened to your material, but it's not what we want currently' then i wouldn't read to much into it, they may not have even listened to it at all, in fact unless they say otherwise I'd say its odds on that noone listened to it at all.

Like someone said i think you need to try to get a contact name of someone there, and address the demo to that person .

Indies are easier to deal with, it's much easier to get the name of an individual, you can even get that by email.

Hey... reminds me of something I do when I'm in the market for new clients (in my IT career). ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS remember the names of the receptionists and assistants. And if they were at all instrumental in getting you contact with someone inside then send them flowers and a thankyou card. On more than one occasion I atribute that little trick to getting me further contacts and interviews... I'd even say it's probably why I got some of the contracts I've had.

- Tanlith -
Yeah i learnt that, to have a bigger chance of getting a deal when sending promo material off is to:

1: Ring them up first, get a name, and put 'requester material' on.
2: Try and get a track that youve done thats instantly 'in there' with a nice tune straight away. These guys get hundreds of Cds a day, so they only have time to listen to about 15-30 seconds of it before they throw it in the bin.
3: Dont fancy up your envelope with glitter and sequins, these get put to the bottom of the pile. Reason? They think the person who sent it is trying to 'polish a turd', which everyone knows, you cant do :D.
4: Make your set out professional. Send out a Cd (obviously..) a small biography if you can, pictures of you, experience, etc. Make it look professional and bright. This gives the guy/gal at the other end something to read whilst your Cd is playing. If its interesting, your cd will keep on playin' :)

Thats about it really, i have a mate who does it for a job, and thats what he told me. Main thing is, determination! keep on sending your stuff out and youll get your break soon enough!

Good luck!!

I'd definately send copies out to Indie labels. There are a lot of good, well known indies out there, with a cult-like following. You don't have to be on a major label to make living. The more you get heard and the more people like you, then the more labels will want you to be signed with them. I'd even go so far as to say forget major labels.
Hey if you live in the LA Area and are currently playing live somewhere, you might consider dropping an e-mail to Craig Ferguson at The CBS Website The other night he had an indie band on and then he made a big deal about how he insisted that he be allowed to have unsigned talent appear on the show if he chooses.

Drop him an e-mail letting him know where/when you're playing and if you're lucky he'll drop by (That's how he "found" the band that was on the other night... he was "out and about", heard them then offered them a spot on a show) Oh and the band that was on sucked in my opinion, but he's not narrowing the genre down - I've seen punk; rock; alternative and he even had Charlie Danials on one night....

- Tanlith -
Hey guys...

Im about to send off some more demos... ive read all the posts and i think i will try calling first and getting some names and also try some smaller indie labels. Maybe im at a disadvantage not actually being a performer therfore I have no live gigs or following. I just write songs and record them and bang them out to labels in hope they might like one and call up Beyonce to do it for her next single :P (!). I guess i just need that one breakthrough.

For info, Ive sent 2 demos out to Sony and also to other big players such as EMI (each demo has 2 songs). The first time was about 8 months ago and i got an emailed reply saying 'thanks for the demo, we have listened with interest but do not think the matierial is suitable at this time. Good luck' and the 2nd demo (when i started this thread) was a letter back (including my CD - so they wont be keeping it on file!) saying 'thanks but no thanks'. neither time did i e=include a self addressed envelope.

At least Sony replied. EMI/BMG/Warner Chappel/Universal have responded to either demo yet!

Thanks for your support guys!
Out of intrest could we hear some of this stuff?

If you wanted honest opinions on the tracks then i'm sure many people here will give them to you. I don've belive in telling people their songs are good if they're not, now thats not to say i won't encourage them but i'm realistic and if the songs aren't good enough then i feel that you'd want to know that.

For all my bands i always like to know what people think of them outside friends and family. I have a few mates who are in bands and we swap tracks and give info on them, not crappy advice 'well done mate, much better, you so should be signed' but critisizms and ways we can improve the songs and if its a crap song and he reconsi should drop it i do (i always keep old tracks stored away for when i get writers block though).

Anyway post some of your songs here, even if nobody else does, i will tell you my opinion on them :D Looking forward to hearing them mate.
Ok yeah, why not?

Firstly - no excuses but its not guitar band kinda music, its chart stuff. Something you might see on MTV. In my head im writing for everyone from Gwen Stefani to Mario. But a song is a song hey? I like melody and harmony with a modern beat. Im the biggest Lennon/McCartney nut out, but Im writing to sell stuff in todays market which might be dumbing down, but I want a career. I get the feeling this forum is very guitar orientated thats all so no offence. I used to write that stuff, but bands write their own songs and im not a performer... Im a jobbing tunesmith?? lol.

That aside, any feedback is good feedback!

Secondly, I have all my songs on CD - how do I upload them on here? Is there a special website or do they go on this board somehow? Can i extract them straight from CD? (sorry, not done this before)

Thanks again
There are a few ways, you'll need your files to be in .mp3 format to upload to pretty much any site. If you have the tracks on your computer then (i'm assuming your using windows) right click on the track and click properties. At the top it will tell you what type of file it is. Hopefully it will say 'MPEG Layer 3 Audio'.

If not then go here - - and download itunes. Or you can use any media player you want. Then change the settings so you'll import in .mp3 format.

In itunes you go edit/preferances/importing/ then import using: (and change the drop down bar to mp3 encoder.

Then insert the cd in the drive and wait for it to load in itunes. import the cd.

I'm surprised that as a songwriter you don't have a website already where people can get more information about you, if you really want to go somewhere then you need a website, you can then link to your audiofiles online so people can listen to your music, they can't download it (unless you want them to) so you can still make money on CD sales.

Once in mp3 format you can either use , , just to name a few. The instuctions are very simple on the site. If you need any help then just PM me :D
Benreturns said:
Firstly - no excuses but its not guitar band kinda music, its chart stuff. I get the feeling this forum is very guitar orientated thats all so no offence.

Dont worry about that man, just because alot of people may not like the style, doesnt mean we cant say whether its a decent song or not. ive listened to a lot of tracks where ive not liked the style, but its a decent track. Post something up in the mp3 clinic and youll get honest opinions about the track. if you do get any pointers, use the criticism wisely.

Good luck! looking forward to hearing your stuff.
hey ben. couple of pointers. somebody mentioned this earlier, but don't just send a cd, send a press pack (cd, short... SHORT bio, press shot, newspaper clippings/ zine articles about you if there are any).

second, it always helps to work with a manager. i had a friend's band that was going nowhere. they got a new drummer, who brought a management team with him (since he was already represented by the management team, the management team just went ahead and represented the whole band). they recorded a 4 song demo in the basement of one of the producer/managers, the manager did all the leg work; and within 4 weeks they were flown to new york to meet with epic execs; wined, dined and signed. epic then bought them a house in chicago where they wrote material, then flew them to atlanta to record the full length. it should drop in july or august.

they skipped the whole indie label process.

needless to say, connections are everything. management has connections... at least moreso than most of us.
yeh, be careful though....... NEVER put anything about other peoples reviews about you. People don't like to be told what other people think or what they should think, they'll make up their own minds.

eg. never say "we always get a great reaction from the crowd, they love us"

That person will put the cd down as a matter of principle, regardless of if your any good. I know a few people who have small indie record labels (through my parents) they gave me a list of things to include and what not to include.

I'll dig it out, but the general idea about the press pack not just a cd is right on the spot.
very good point dd. i think it is good to show that you do have some media buzz around you though. but yes, they certainly don't want to be told what to think... it's much too cliche.

how many band bios have we read that use, (use your best 'rated r movie trailor' voice here) "out of the ashes of a burnt out rock scene full of premadonnas and over-produced bands, putting profits before music, ________________ rises above to create music with heart and passion BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS BS. surely to be the next big thing, they're setting themselves up for world domination..." all that crap, and then you hear the music to find another pop-rock teenie bopper band.
exactly, i've just recived over 100 promos from my godmum. It's sodding hilarious reading the biogs that they have. They've just stuck on a sticker (these are form big labels now, emi, sony etc) but its amazing how much shit they write.
Thanks all,

I will try uploading to MP3's one night this week. Thinking about it - a website would be a good tool to have in my bag! I'll look into that.

By the way - in a frustration yesterday I went and sent emails to aload of companies in the UK and so far have 2 replies. One is for a highly reccommended indie label who have told me who to address my stuff to and one was from EMI!!! Dave Pemberton (vice President A & R I think - Ive read about him and heard his name on the TV a coupla times) actually sent me a mail back saying thanks for the interest but they cant take unsolicited material at present. Nice of someone as big as that to take the time out for a struggling songwriter I thought!

Just been trying to turn these files into MP3's. Properties does state its a windows media file but its classed as a .cda. I drag it onto desktop and change it to mp3 in properties plus and its about 44 bytes or something and doesnt play. I also tried exporting directly from the CD but the website ( says its not a valid MP3... hmmm are there any other file converting programs apart from itunes? My PC is custom made with a lousy 1gig HD and I cant afford the disk space... if there is no other option I'll have to take the CD's into work and do it all from there!
I'm a bit confused here with some of the responses. You said you have no interest in performing. You are looking for a songwriting deal. If that's the case why bother sending anything to a record label. What you want is either a publishing deal or even more I think what you want is to sell your songs to artists that are already signed. I've had a couple of people in my studio and all they do is send songs to the managers of big acts. I would make a guess that 50% of all music on the airwaves todays is performed by artists that don't write their own songs. The record companies don't give them songs to perform. That's a job for the artist management. You too need managment because nobody will touch a song by an unreperesented writer. Don't get me wrong, I think it's great a label even bothered to take the time to send you a rejection letter. Keep at it. I give you a lot of credit.