Going Mobile Project

Alright..... I remembered what I did.. I used this cable IMG_0358.webp
I have a signal generator on my iPhone. I plugged the 1/4 inch end all the way in to a channel 1 balanced input on the mixer and had this type of output.
It's muffled in my headphones too.

When I only plug the 1/4 inch plug partway, I get this,and the signal in my headphones is clear.

I did this on both balanced inputs on channel's 1and 2 with the same result.....

This morning, I plugged an xlr mic connector into channel 1, and my guitar (ts) cable into channel 2 with no issues.

I'm sure it's me and I must not understand what I'm reading, but aren't TRS cables for balanced channels??
Alright..... I remembered what I did.. I used this cableView attachment 98148
I have a signal generator on my iPhone. I plugged the 1/4 inch end all the way in to a channel 1 balanced input on the mixer and had this type of output.
View attachment 98146
It's muffled in my headphones too.

When I only plug the 1/4 inch plug partway, I get this,and the signal in my headphones is clear.
View attachment 98147

I did this on both balanced inputs on channel's 1and 2 with the same result.....

This morning, I plugged an xlr mic connector into channel 1, and my guitar (ts) cable into channel 2 with no issues.

I'm sure it's me and I must not understand what I'm reading, but aren't TRS cables for balanced channels??

They are for balanced channels, but if you're not sending a balanced signal, then I don't think they're necessary and/or won't work properly. They're also for sending stereo signals (as in an insert function).
Another thing is this. What's coming from your headphone output on your phone isn't a balanced output. It's a stereo output.
Yes. If you send a stereo output into something expecting a balanced signal, it will subtract the L and R channels and you'll end up with either nothing at all or some weird comb-filtered mess if they didn't cancel out perfectly.
aaaahhhhh ok...... Thanks..... Does that mean that if I can pan the signal generator output all the way left, or all the way right, it would work? Or should I give up on that idea???

The reason I ask, is this signal generator really helps me check things while I'm hooking stuff up without annoying my wife. I try to get everything hooked up right, then do the level checks.
When tracking:
1. Run the track outs of the 234 (tracks 1-4) into the 5/6 and 7/8 inputs on the mixer for playback. This will give you basic monitoring control while tracking
2. Plug your instrument or mic into channel 1, 2, 3, or 4.
3. For recording on tracks 1 and 2: Run from Aux send 1 and 2 to the track 1 and 2 inputs on the 234, respectively.
4. For recording on tracks 3 and 4: Repatch and run from Aux send 1 and 2 to the track 3 and 4 inputs on the 234, respectively.

I really appreciate all the input on this.... and.... I have a question.... I was studying the manual, and ran across this picture.

(......now realize that all my experience so far has been with portastudios...)

For recording the tracks, could I hook the stereo outputs (4) to each of the tracking tape inputs and just pan hard left and hard right? I realize that I could record at most two channels at a time, but, in my mind, it would free up both aux outputs for effects or other things. Then the only repatching I'd have to do is for the mixdown.

What do you think?
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I really appreciate all the input on this.... and.... I have a question.... I was studying the manual, and ran across this picture.
View attachment 98155

(......now realize that all my experience so far has been with portastudios...)

For recording the tracks, could I hook the stereo outputs (4) to each of the tracking tape inputs and just pan hard left and hard right? I realize that I could record at most two channels at a time, but, in my mind, it would free up both aux outputs for effects or other things. Then the only repatching I'd have to do is for the mixdown.

What do you think?

The problem with that is I think you may get a feedback loop. Follow me:

1. You plug in a mic to CH 1 of your mixer to record your vocal/guitar.
2. That signal goes out of the stereo output to the track 1 input on the 234.
3. The 234 track 1 output goes back into the mixer at ... CH 5 let's say (of the CH 5/6 stereo input)
4. That signal in CH 5 then goes out of the mixer's stereo input and back into the 234.

And round and round it goes.

Unless I'm misunderstanding you, whenever you arm track 1 on the 234 for recording, you're going to get that loop.
This diagram is not showing a multi-track setup, like you'll be using. It's showing a PA system.

Like I said, this mixer wasn't really designed to be a multi-track recording mixer. In fact, you can see in the introduction where it says "designed for live recording, public address, audio visual suites..." These are all applications in which you're often only sending one main stereo signal out of the mixer (the main mix). Recording mixers usually have sub busses or direct outs (often both), which allow you to send many more signals out simultaneously.

Of course, it's not that you can't do what you're wanting with this mixer. You can, but you just have to be a little creative with it.
Thanks FB..... That's what I wanted to know....

My problem is two fold here.... make it functional and make it portable (portable meaning it has to move 4 feet every time we move). The less dangling cables, the better. That's why I wanted to use the stereo outs.

I knew what I was getting into with this thing. "Ghost" said basically the same thing you did years back. The advantages to this are (I'm hoping) I don't need a patch bay, and all the inputs and outputs are easy to get to. The disadvantages are what you said....
Thanks FB..... That's what I wanted to know....

My problem is two fold here.... make it functional and make it portable (portable meaning it has to move 4 feet every time we move). The less dangling cables, the better. That's why I wanted to use the stereo outs.

I knew what I was getting into with this thing. "Ghost" said basically the same thing you did years back. The advantages to this are (I'm hoping) I don't need a patch bay, and all the inputs and outputs are easy to get to. The disadvantages are what you said....

Oh, wait a minute! I forgot ... you can use the inserts on CH 1-4 of the mixer as direct outs. You just only use the "send" cable of an insert cable. (I think you can probably achieve the same thing by using a normal TS cable and either plugging it half way in or all the way --- I can't remember if the tip or the sleeve is send.)

So ... you could run from the inserts of CHs 1-4 on the mixer to your track 1-4 inputs on the 234. This way, the only repatching you would have to do would be deciding which channel of the mixer you want to plug your mic/instrument into.

The inserts would feed the 234's inputs, and the 234's outputs would come back to CHs 5-8 on the mixer.

You won't have a feedback loop because the instrument/mic signal going into CH 1 of the mixer (let's say) would go out of the insert jack (and won't come back) and therefore won't reach the main mix.

So the sample signal path for track 1, for example, would be:

Mic/instrument --> CH 1 mixer ---> out the insert ---> Track 1 on the 234 ---> out Track 1 output ---> CH 5 mixer

You can leave your auxes hooked up to your effects this way. :)
ahhhhh.... I get it!! Will it matter that the inserts come after the Eq??? or can I just take care of that during mixing?
ahhhhh.... I get it!! Will it matter that the inserts come after the Eq??? or can I just take care of that during mixing?

If the inserts are after the EQ, then that just means you can EQ to tape if you want. But then you can also EQ on mixdown as well.
Good News!!!! (part 1). The new pinch roller showed up and I installed it. I was worried about those homemade jumpers on the transport board so I held my breath when I pushed play and this happened


I recorded to each channel and played it back..... all four channels recorded fine.... I am going to do some wire wrangling to make sure nothing gets into the motors and button er up..


Yup. You're on the road to ruin now. :D

Well done.

Btw, on the mixer, use the inserts. Plug halfway into the jack and run to your deck, and they act as direct outs.

Edit: Saw that it was mentioned already..

Once uou get your signal path all up and dialed in you can get a patchbay. With normalling, you can have certain things always hooked up, and can break into the circuit in a second to re-route the flow.
Yup. You're on the road to ruin now.

You're telling me!!! Which brings me to good news (part 2)

My compressor showed up in the mail today....


This thing was getting a little heavy, so I thought I'd better make some handles


This was a chop job, but I only had a 1 inch spade bit and a 5 inch rechargeable circular saw... It's not pretty, but it's functional.