Drum Editing

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Let's get the thread back to tom rolls or whatever is going on. Miro is trying to help, so give him the space to do so.


Just trying to prevent another member from self-combustion....seeing how we lost Paschalis a couple of days ago. :D
Metalj, did you see the movie "Whiplash"?
"The next Charlie Parker would never be discouraged." Best part of the film.

Just keep on trucking if you don't agree with "Cliffy". It's the internet. Hit the "x" button and forget about it.

I think that Miroslav has identified your problem anyhow. You're set!

LOL I'll have to check that out. Good advice, I wasted a ton of time on this. Thanks for the message.
You've already muddled the thread, and it's not YOUR thread. This is a public forum. If you didn't want THE thread to go off the rails, you shouldn't have come in with guns blazing and then resort to your infantile "oh poor me. Mommy they're all picking on me" routine.

I guess what I'm really trying to say is, go fuck yourself. :)

Ok guys. Let's take a chill and eat a brownie...

Obviously there is an issue with the guy and he needs to chill out and take some time to listen as opposed to argue IMO. That is just my personal opinion and not a stab (as metalj decided to take it on himself to ask that I be fired from my donated time as a moderator). He obviously has no idea how much I care about the forum and it's contributing members.

Oh, by the way Mr.metalj, I just recently out of the goodness of my heart bought a member here SSD4 Platinum to help him out. Never met the guy but he seemed like a good kid. You really went off on the wrong member here just because you didn't like my opinion on what you recommended...

The guy is new to the forum and likely is very young. I will keep my personal opinion about what little I know of him as I would then be the dick.
Let's get the thread back to tom rolls or whatever is going on. Miro is trying to help, so give him the space to do so.


I agree as well.

Let's just get back on topic.

I have nothing else to say other than the fact that I work with SS Trigger everyday and could likely help him.

I don't feel the desire to do so anymore...
Obviously there is an issue with the guy and he needs to chill out and take some time to listen as opposed to argue IMO.
You're right, but I think it's too late for that. He already decided to lift his hind leg and leave his "scent".

Oh, by the way Mr.metalj, I just recently out of the goodness of my heart bought a member here SSD4 Platinum to help him out. Never met the guy but he seemed like a good kid. You really went off on the wrong member here just because you didn't like my opinion on what you recommended...
You've done a lot more than that. You've helped people out here on the forums with great advice and also with giving away equipment to people you've never met. But you certainly don't need to defend yourself, Jimmy. Leave the "defending" to the whiners with guilt on their brain, trying talk their way out of the hole they dug for themselves. Like this piece of work.
OK, no more...................unless of course...................

---------- Update ----------

(I'm digging the brownie idea, though......) :D
I agree as well.

Let's just get back on topic.

I have nothing else to say other than the fact that I work with SS Trigger everyday and could likely help him.

I don't feel the desire to do so anymore...

Jimmy, WOW I'm blown away Jimmy. You work with it every day and you could have helped me right from the start ? then why didn't you ? Why did you first choose to blast me on a recording method that I had no control over? This is my last post on this, please follow Chillis instruction and please keep it to the drum rolls. Thanks.
Jimmy, WOW I'm blown away Jimmy. You work with it every day and you could have helped me right from the start ? then why didn't you ?

Just so you understand...it takes time and work to make it work even with Trigger.
I'm sure Jimmy has his own daily stuff to deal with...it's not like he could have helped by just typing out a post about Trigger....get it?
Jimmy, WOW I'm blown away Jimmy. You work with it every day and you could have helped me right from the start ? then why didn't you ? Why did you first choose to blast me on a recording method that I had no control over? This is my last post on this, please follow Chillis instruction and please keep it to the drum rolls. Thanks.

Well, because of your other post recommending the technique on another members thread, then starting another asking how to do it.

You see I am only here trying to help out members by keeping things at least somewhat credible. I was not slamming you, just the premise.

Not to mention I am friggen busy as hell these last few weeks and don't always have the time to answer in detail.

You should look into SS Trigger 'suppression'. Basically you can send another drum track to an instance of Trigger and it will negate hits from other drums that are bleeding into the track you are trying to get trigger hits from.

That can be a life saver if say the snare or hh or whatever is messing with your triggering.

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