Drum Editing

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OK now we are getting some place. Thank you for giving me some ideas and feedback related to my problem THAT I CANNOT FIX OR DO ANYTHING ABOUT with the current songs LOL.

Just so Im clear, So you feel this is a result of a cheap mic? And the cheap mic could not be gated or trimmed better to get better seperation ? Thanks.

I feel that you are in over your head, "mr producer". I sure hope you aren't charging anyone to run in here and beg for help, "mr producer".
I feel that you are in over your head, "mr producer". I sure hope you aren't charging anyone to run in here and beg for help, "mr producer".

Such a dramma queen you are. Still taking up others threads with your toxic personality. Why is this allowed on this website ? Now I'm being taunted ?

All I did was ask for help and with an issue and opinions on how I can fix it going forward. I thank you for the ideas you provided.

You have no class sir and either do I for responding in the manner I have.
You have no class sir and either do I for responding in the manner I have.

Jimmy pointed out something very true about you, and you've exposed yourself all over the place. You ask for help, then debate it, argue it, sarcastically dismiss it, and give out really bad advice. People like you are like a cancer to the recording world. You do more harm than good.
Jimmy pointed out something very true about you, and you've exposed yourself all over the place. You ask for help, then debate it, argue it, sarcastically dismiss it, and give out really bad advice. People like you are like a cancer to the recording world. You do more harm than good.

Dramma Dramma Dramma Gregor the Terror LOL. You really thrive on this don't you ?

Do you have any other ideas on how I can fix my drum issue knowing the method and that the current tracks will not be re-recorded ? If not I'd appreciate you bowing out now. Thanks.
I disagree, he came out questioning my integrity and my ability from another thread that was only trying to help another brother, and highjacked my thread with trying to start a completely different argument that has nothing to do with trying to help me with a specific problem I am having.

That type of behavior should not come from a "Moderator". If he wants to argue triggering verse real drums then let him start his own thread and he can spew his god like opinions on anyone that wants to associate with him and get into it about the integrity of recording drums… It has no bearing on my thread what so ever what his opinion is on how he prefers to record drums.

I have higher expectations from the leaders on this site, and I expect them to be better than that. Why not just help and not bitch ? Why not just approach every questions with "how can I help, do I have any ideas to help this person?" verses "I'm going to exalt myself and establish how smart I am and try to run you down before helping you" Happens WAY too much on this site.

Experienced guy ? yeah? If you say so… I've listened to a few of his "demo's" on his website ;)

If you really want help and advice, I'd recommend reading and acknowledging the posts from Miroslav and myself.
Try to confirm whether our advice is good or not by zooming back out on those waveforms and making certain they are actually clipped.

Of course, you could just quote everything don't like and keep arguing. ;)
We'll see how many days you get out of that.

Seriously that's a warning. Try to play nice. :)
Could this guy be an alias? Seems like he had a chip on his shoulder before even posting. Shitty attitude, anger issues. I think a warning's too nice.

I love the typical butthurt "I listened to his demos" smart-ass remark, the internet's last bastion for the intellectually challenged. So predictable.
Dramma Dramma Dramma Gregor the Terror LOL. You really thrive on this don't you ?

Do you have any other ideas on how I can fix my drum issue knowing the method and that the current tracks will not be re-recorded ? If not I'd appreciate you bowing out now. Thanks.

If drama is what's required to stop the cancer of bad, lazy, ignorant information being spread in here, then yeah, I'll be all about drama. I could help you with your tracks, but at this point, nah, you can F-off.
Could this guy be an alias? Seems like he had a chip on his shoulder before even posting. Shitty attitude, anger issues. I think a warning's too nice.

I love the typical butthurt "I listened to his demos" smart-ass remark, the internet's last bastion for the intellectually challenged. So predictable.

Right? I don't like what you're saying, so your music sucks! You can't play! Your mixes suck! It's butthurt 101.
One of Barry's incarnations? Same whiny "Why's everyone picking on me" attitude. Same "I think I'll ask a question and then argue and cry at every response I get". If nothing else, at least it's almost entertaining....for a few minutes.
If you really want help and advice, I'd recommend reading and acknowledging the posts from Miroslav and myself.
Try to confirm whether our advice is good or not by zooming back out on those waveforms and making certain they are actually clipped.

Of course, you could just quote everything don't like and keep arguing. ;)
We'll see how many days you get out of that.

Seriously that's a warning. Try to play nice. :)

For sure will do that regarding the zoom in ideas. I will try all the ideas and thanks. Have you noticed I have thanked anyone who has offered me an idea that pertains to my situation ?

A warning ? OK…………………...
Take note of what Miroslav said. There are usually two different types of zoom.

One makes the track bigger or smaller; The other makes the waveform bigger or smaller within the track view.
You want to use the latter to allow you to see the extremities of the wave form.
Take note of what Miroslav said. There are usually two different types of zoom.

One makes the track bigger or smaller; The other makes the waveform bigger or smaller within the track view.
You want to use the latter to allow you to see the extremities of the wave form.

For sure !! I will see if this works sometime tonight if I can find it LOL do you remember what page its on ? LOL That is suppose to be funny.
Right? I don't like what you're saying, so your music sucks! You can't play! Your mixes suck! It's butthurt 101.

I never said your mixes suck. and I for sure never said you cant play, I heard some great musicianship on your recordings. I just said you need to work on it more. I feel you need some more bottom end on your recordings. A bit thin for my taste, but hey JMO. You may benefit from at least triggering the kick so it punches a little more and cuts the mix a bit more. Might be worth a shot on some songs, not all of them, but just the ones I listened to.
I never said your mixes suck. and I for sure never said you cant play, I heard some great musicianship on your recordings. I just said you need to work on it more. I feel you need some more bottom end on your recordings. A bit thin for my taste, but hey JMO. You may benefit from at least triggering the kick so it punches a little more and cuts the mix a bit more. Might be worth a shot on some songs, not all of them, but just the ones I listened to.

I didn't ask for your opinion, and you are not qualified to critique, so your opinion will be discarded along with the opinions of others that do not matter to me.
I didn't ask for your opinion, and you are not qualified to critique, so your opinion will be discarded along with the opinions of others that do not matter to me.

Just like I didn't ask for any of your opinions about the global state of the recording industry and ideologies on the integrity on how to record drums and every other instrument? on my thread on how to fix a sound region of a drum track? To think all this when you could have just helped and continue helping as much as you could instead of preaching. Please think twice before doing it to me or others again.

I'm quite certain you have all kinds of useful things and experience to help others, stick to that. Helping not Preaching, stick to the subject at hand and resist the urge to go off on a rant or tangent that does not help the OP and the specific problem no matter how much the other persons process hurts your soul. It might just be someone that is doing all they know how to. Regardless of their ability, they still need help and that is why i am trying to help the person that my post is about. No matter how much they are doing it wrong they just wont get it yet, they just need help to help them move forward. In time they may understand it better, but for now they just need help getting drums to trigger and no matter how much you hate that, it wont change anything. They are still going to do it. So you can choose to help or probably best you just move on to another post or go to a thread that is discussing stuff like that.
metalj said:
instead of preaching.
Pretty fucking ironic coming from someone who has had nothing but verbal diarrhea in every one of his last 10 posts.

resist the urge to go off on a rant or tangent
:laughings: :laughings:

Oh the irony!!!!!!! Are you deliberately putting your foot in your mouth to make some kind of self-depracting joke? Because if you're not, and you don't see the irony in your words, you seriously need mental help.

You've been doing nothing but preaching, whining, and going off on tangents in every thread you're involved in. This is pure comedy. Thanx for the laugh.

Me thinks thou protesteth too mucheth. :D :D :D
Just like I didn't ask for any of your opinions about the global state of the recording industry and ideologies on the integrity on how to record drums and every other instrument? on my thread on how to fix a sound region of a drum track? To think all this when you could have just helped and continue helping as much as you could instead of preaching. Please think twice before doing it to me or others again.

I'm quite certain you have all kinds of useful things and experience to help others, stick to that. Helping not Preaching, stick to the subject at hand and resist the urge to go off on a rant or tangent that does not help the OP and the specific problem no matter how much the other persons process hurts your soul. It might just be someone that is doing all they know how to. Regardless of their ability, they still need help and that is why i am trying to help the person that my post is about. No matter how much they are doing it wrong they just wont get it yet, they just need help to help them move forward. In time they may understand it better, but for now they just need help getting drums to trigger and no matter how much you hate that, it wont change anything. They are still going to do it. So you can choose to help or probably best you just move on to another post or go to a thread that is discussing stuff like that.

Did you cry a little as you typed that? Were there violins playing? That's kind of what it seems like. That was a real tear-jerker.

Listen, I helped you. I try to help lots of others. You just don't understand things. One thing I'm not going to do is write things in crayon for the exceptionally lost. This is not the newbies section. I don't have to hold your fucking hand while you pee in a public bathroom for the first time.

What's with the rash of dumbasses lately in here showing up out of nowhere, preaching and dictating how things should be?
I think what we can all learn today is just smile and nod when we disagree with something we read online and just not respond to it.
Internet people aren't worth getting mad about. Hell, I don't even know if any of you are real.

Metalj, you've got to hang around for a bit and absorb a certain board's culture before going off on rants.
Just like any other social gathering spot, there are unwritten rules and tendencies that you should feel out before jumping straight in. Or would you fight a coworker on your first day at the job despite them being a xx year veteran?

Hold on to your butt and just listen for a while. I promise, you'll learn something.
OK...so I took the MP3 clip of the Tom roll and opened up in an Audacity (all I have on my net computer)...and this is what the file looks like:


The OP's images compared to what I have, suggest that he is zoomed into the wave and not the track.

It's not clipped hard, though maybe a pinch at the very tops....but I think if you listen to that clip, the problem is in the delay that is being used with the Toms....there is something there, it's not a straight drums/mic recording (listen to the tail).
I think that delay effect is blurring the transients and making it hard to identify them.
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