Dr. Zaragemca is a FRAUD!!

One more time somebody removed the post, where I said that my complaint is documented in the Federal Court in Houston,(Civil-Right). and the case was filed in 1998.(Melinda Harmon),is the federal Judge..Dr. Zaragemca
The only liar over here is you, and the only froud is your birthdate...I came here in 1997 and after the sabotage the criminals acts perpetrated against me and the whichcraft stuff,I file the case in 1998...For so many people to spend the money and time to do it.. It is the prove that I'm the GURU, in my field,(Afrocuban Percussion), the best recognition to my Ph.D. in the subject...Dr. Zaragemca
What the good doctor meant to say was...

The only liar over here is ME, and the only froud is ME...anal acts penetrated ME and the whichcraft stuff, (like sex with a donkey) I fled the donkey in 1998...But For ME to spend the time to spout this bullshit.. It is the prove that I'm the GURU, in MY field,(Donkey Sex), I have a Ph.D. in the subject...Dr. Zaragemca
The only liar over here is you, and the only froud is your birthdate...I came here in 1997 and after the sabotage the criminals acts perpetrated against me and the whichcraft stuff,I file the case in 1998...For so many people to spend the money and time to do it.. It is the prove that I'm the GURU, in my field,(Afrocuban Percussion), the best recognition to my Ph.D. in the subject...Dr. Zaragemca

I've said it before and I'll say it again.

I don't care how much you know, how good you are (you may be incredible for all I care) or how much you studied.

You do NOT HAVE a Ph.D. unless it was given to you by an accredited school!

This is an issue you do not seem to comprehend!

You cannot simply be an expert in a field and award yourself a Ph.D. because of what you know! It doesn't work that way! A Ph.D. is a formal declaration from an institute saying that you have completed a curriculum and have earned the credits required to issue you a degree!

Why does that seem to be beyond your comprehension?

You are NOT a Doctor unless you have certified credentials!!!!!!


You friggin' MORON!!!!
Mrs. Z, do you even know my birthday??

And what, if anything, does that have to do with the fact that YOU DO NOT HAVE A DEGREE?????

My God!!! You are the biggest IDIOT to ever post on this board!!!!

Keep digging your own grave! I am LOVING this!!!!!
The only liar over here is you, and the only froud is your birthdate...I came here in 1997 and after the sabotage the criminals acts perpetrated against me and the whichcraft stuff,I file the case in 1998...For so many people to spend the money and time to do it.. It is the prove that I'm the GURU, in my field,(Afrocuban Percussion), the best recognition to my Ph.D. in the subject...Dr. Zaragemca

Dude... What the hell are you talking about? Who said anything about sabotage and criminal acts and witchcraft? Did I miss something here, or are you on drugs? Jordan? Is that you!?

P.S. Wtf is "Afrocuban Percussion"? That little conga beating shit in your youtube video where you play one pattern over and over, getting faster and faster, and then use mis-spelled ten syllable words to describe it? You have a Ph.D in....that?!