Dr. Zaragemca is a FRAUD!!

The real value of the thread has been the various responses (vs. the original rant about the esteemed Dr. Z). I have gotten a couple of laughs!

I personally think too much time is spent dwelling on Dr. Z's lack of valid credentials. I do understand why some people take offense at his self important approach, his opinions which range from overly obvious to surprisingly vauge, and his transparent attempts to present himself as a degreed musician.......but perhaps by continuing to research, Google or debate - we simply add to his legacy rather than letting him fade into obscurity. No doubt any informed percussionist can read his posts and see he has little to offer - and I suspect many simply choose not to even read his posts.

While I have no idea if the guy is a decent player or not - I do to some extent agree whith a point be has made.........if, indeed he came from an ancestry of native percussionists (originally from Africa via Cuba, etc. etc.) - and if he indeed did learn from players who are considered "masters" within their community - then he may be considered a master. I have worked with and met a few players who are "recognized" as "Master Percussionists" - but who are not "formally schooled". These players were very good - and a lack of a degree does not change that.

However, the few "Master Percussionists" I've met rarely refer to themselves as "Masters" and instead leave that to others.....instead preferring to let their talent speak for itself.

So.......he may be recognized as a "Master Percussionist" (if not a doctor) in some local cultural groups (I doubt it.....but maybe). Certainly his English grammer is weak (which clearly compromises his ability to effectively communicate).....however, if English is not his native tounge, perhaps we can cut him some slack. In any case.......why give him more than his alloted 10 minutes of "fame"????

I do get a guilty pleasure from reading the clever Dr. Z bashing, and it does appear he brings much on himself with his futile attempts at self promotion.....but it sure seems he gets waaaaaay more attention than he should be getting.

3 questions you should ask yourself:

1. How would I feel if I went to the doctor's office and later found out he was a fake or received counseling from someone passing themselves off as a shrink?

6. Would you ever trust someone who claimed to have credentials and then you found out they didn't, even if they had talent?

9. Would you rather take lessons from someone who told you all his students called him a "Master Percussionist" or would you rather take lessons from a guy because all the people he knew were telling people "This guy is AWESOME!" and he never, ever said a word about it?

23. How could anyone believe that someone has a formal education with grammar and spelling that bad?
I'm confused

3 questions you should ask yourself:

1. How would I feel if I went to the doctor's office and later found out he was a fake or received counseling from someone passing themselves off as a shrink?

6. Would you ever trust someone who claimed to have credentials and then you found out they didn't, even if they had talent?

9. Would you rather take lessons from someone who told you all his students called him a "Master Percussionist" or would you rather take lessons from a guy because all the people he knew were telling people "This guy is AWESOME!" and he never, ever said a word about it?

23. How could anyone believe that someone has a formal education with grammar and spelling that bad?

You said three questions, and then you listed them as:

That's four questions, and the order is ?
It's okay, you never said you were a doctor. :-D
23. How could anyone believe that someone has a formal education with grammar and spelling that bad?

Um, I know lots of people that don't speak english at all that are formally educated with PhD's, etc... I mean, really now, what kind of statement is that?
You said three questions, and then you listed them as:

That's four questions, and the order is ?
It's okay, you never said you were a doctor. :-D

I never claimed to be ANYTHING!:D

C'mon! Get the humor!! You can tell it was on purpose!:mad::D
Um, I know lots of people that don't speak english at all that are formally educated with PhD's, etc... I mean, really now, what kind of statement is that?

Yeah, but we're talking about the Zaragemka! He is master of the percutive! Not to mention HE HAS NO Ph.D., by his own admission!:cool:

The Doctor is OUT!!!:eek:
Have pity on me......

I never claimed to be ANYTHING!:D

C'mon! Get the humor!! You can tell it was on purpose!:mad::D

I am easily confused. I used to be intelligent and well educated, but years of self abuse with alcohol before recovery has left my brain easily confused. I even made an appointment with "the Doctor" for a full examination of my percussive reflexes. His nurse seemed nice, but his office was full of rattles, black light posters and the smell of burning leaves. I'm afraid I left before seeing the doctor.............. now I guess I'll never know what happened.

I'm crestfallen.

Wait......smegma can't be a fraud...he posted on the interweebs. All is true on teh interweebs.

All hail the Zerasmegma......
3 questions you should ask yourself:

1. How would I feel if I went to the doctor's office and later found out he was a fake or received counseling from someone passing themselves off as a shrink?

6. Would you ever trust someone who claimed to have credentials and then you found out they didn't, even if they had talent?

9. Would you rather take lessons from someone who told you all his students called him a "Master Percussionist" or would you rather take lessons from a guy because all the people he knew were telling people "This guy is AWESOME!" and he never, ever said a word about it?

23. How could anyone believe that someone has a formal education with grammar and spelling that bad?

In response to your questions (in no specific sequencial order:D)

14. I can't really make myself compare a medical professional with the relatively mindless career of a drummer/percusionist - but if I did seek medical help from someone who falsified credentials.....I would feel very pissed (and my lawyer would feel very busy)

62. I would not trust someone caught in a confirmed lie.....regardless of talent, although I may choose to gig with them (as long as I was not the band leader)

87. I would only choose to study under someone who I felt could improve my skills.......regardless of what title had been bestowed upon them. In fact I did study under a Cuban percussionist who was reportedly a "master" - he was only about 25, so I had my doubts how he could be a "master" - but he did have mad chops.....Like any other musician, I can quickly assess if someone has talent or are blowing smoke

95. I can only speak from personal experiance. I have studied under the Cuban, who did not have very good command of English.....and simply talking to him (or I suspect reading any written communication) could have caused some people to confuse that with a lack of education (and he was a bright guy). I also did several studio sessions where a Kenyan was playing percussion - and I had a chance to hang with him (he claimed he was a "master" in his native land). He also claimed to have a college education (although not in an American school). His English grammer was terrible.....but he was a highly skilled, highly creative player and he was clearly intelligent and educated.......but his grammer could make a casual observer think otherwise.

In some cultures, a "master" is someone who teaches. I have studied various martial arts for most of my life and have studied under several "masters" - I had no way of knowing if the black belts and/or sahes they wore were legit, but I could quickly determine if they could kick my ass:eek:

I'm not trying to defend Dr. Z - but I am suggesting that a casual, observation can fail to reveal what lies beneath. The only way to tell if someone is a "master" at a craft.....is to watch them work. I have not seen Dr. Z work........so although he comes across as a fool in most of his posts.......I can't accurately or fairly make a judgement.
To PhilGood,the only froud here is birthdate, there are really froud and conspiracies out there which have never been properly investgated,I already prove that you like to analize things for which you have not knowledge and emmbarrased you for traying to get in the field which is not of you expertise...If you could do the same in my field them yoy could talk about it other than that, you are 'Basura' talker.. I can prove my level of knowledge anytime. Dr. Zaragemca
OK - I am now firmly in the zaragemba is a waste of sperm camp

I just read his post here and in the thread he started about some percussion demonstration (he basically posted that he had a gig........big f...ing deal).

Now he seems to be claiming that there is some conspiracy to steal his PhD credential - he even references the FBI. I guess the FBI does not want Cuban "master percussionists" to infiltrate the USA (or perhaps just this web site).

I truly regret that I typed a single word to defend this guy.....I regret even more that I wasted a precious second of my time even trying to give Dr. Z the benefit of doubt.

Zaragema......you are not only a waste of internet space.......you're a freaking nut job!!!!!!!!!:(:(:(
I would like Dr Shmegna to compose a froud for my birthdate. It should be led by a Fisher Price drum, a maraca from a Jamaican street vendor, and a plastic Easter egg filled with rice.

It shall be the greatest birthdate froud ever.
I already prove that you like to analize things for which you have not knowledge and emmbarrased you for traying to get in the field which is not of you expertise...If you could do the same in my field them yoy could talk about it other than that, you are 'Basura' talker.. I can prove my level of knowledge anytime. Dr. Zaragemca

I could be from Kansas and know everything in the world about corn and prove it. That still wouldn't give me a Ph.D.

I could be from Switzerland and know everything there is to know about chocolate and prove it. That still wouldn't give me a Ph.D.

I could know enough to make me a practicing physician and prove it, but until I get my bachelors degree, my masters degree, and then doctorate, I still would not be a doctor.

I don't care if you are a freekin' omniscient, all powerful NINJA on the congas and can prove you know Pi to 1000 places...you are not a doctor! YOU DON'T HAVE A Ph.D.
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Well, he's a really hoopy frood... err... froud... err....

*scratches head* Wait, what was this thread about again?
To PhilGood,the only froud here is birthdate, there are really froud and conspiracies out there which have never been properly investgated,I already prove that you like to analize things for which you have not knowledge and emmbarrased you for traying to get in the field which is not of you expertise...If you could do the same in my field them yoy could talk about it other than that, you are 'Basura' talker.. I can prove my level of knowledge anytime. Dr. Zaragemca

Z -

Phil is actually a very very solid kit drummer. I've seen him play, and sat in with him.

How about you post a video or some audio of your mad skillz.

Just you, no ensemble.

My guess is that Phil eats you alive at the drums.